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  • Fitstat in STATA 16


    I've just started using STATA, apologies for my very basic question.

    I'm trying to obtain Odds Ratios and measures of fit after running an ordered logistic regression using ologit in STATA 16. However, I don't seem to be able to install the spost13_ado package. It's neither found when typing search spost13_ado nor can I install it using the direct . net from command (or as recommended by stata: . net from, even though I'm connected to the internet and can find the file when searching for it by hand.

    The internet seems to suggest that the package worked in STATA 15, does it have anything to do with me using STATA 16? I've also checked for all updates as recommended and still wasn't successful.

    I'd really appreciate any help.

    Many thanks,
    Last edited by Franziska Stoeckel; 27 Sep 2020, 07:58. Reason: Spost

  • #2
    First of all, let me say that several things I tried led inconsistently to problems. But one key thing is that
    is no longer appropriate and
    is required.

    With that said, here are several approaches that worked for me, using Stata 16.1 for Mac.

    First, the direct approach.
    . net query
    ado     /Users/lisowskiw/Library/Application Support/Stata/ado/plus/
    other   (current directory)
    . net install spost13_ado, from(
    checking spost13_ado consistency and verifying not already installed...
    installing into /Users/lisowskiw/Library/Application Support/Stata/ado/plus/...
    installation complete.
    This more verbose approach worked as well.
    . net query
    ado     /Users/lisowskiw/Library/Application Support/Stata/ado/plus/
    other   (current directory)
    . net from
    SPost:     Interpreting regression models. Scott Long & Jeremy Freese
    Workflow:  Workflow of data analysis. Scott Long
    Teaching:  Teaching files. Scott Long
    Research:  Research examples & commands. Scott Long
    PACKAGES you could -net describe-:
        workingdir        : Commands for changing working directories and managing projects.
        doit              : Utilities for working from the Command window.
        cdanomord         : CDA regression models for nominal & ordinal outcomes.
        groupsbrm         : Comparing groups in binary regression model
        workflow          : Workflow utilities
        rrus              : Reproducible Results Using Stata 2016-06.
        rrusadvanced      : Reproducible Results Using Stata - advanced
        rrusautomate      : Reproducible Results Using Stata - automation
        matmath           : matrix routines
        matmath1          : version 1 -- matrix routines
        pathview          : Pathview programs.
        scottlong         : Scott Long unsupported programs.
        spost9_ado        : SPost 9 commands for Stata 9+.
        spost9_do         : SPost 9 sample do and dta files.
        spostado          : Stata 8 ado files for SPost.
        spostrm7          : Stata 7 examples for Long's Regression Models for CLDVs.
        spostst8          : Stata 8 examples for Reg Models for CDVs using Stata.
        spost13_ado       : SPost 13 commands for Stata 11+.
        spost9_legacy     : SPost 9 commands that work with SPost 13.
        spost13_do        : SPost 13 sample do and dta files for Stata 13+.
        spost13_do12      : SPost 13 sample do and dta files for Stata 11+.
        spost13_sage      : under development - SPost 13 examples for Long's Regression Models for
        wf-help           : Workflow | guidelines for an effective workflow.
        wf09-part1        : Workflow | part 1 of 2 for Stata 9.
        wf09-part2        : Workflow | part 2 of 2 for Stata 9.
        wf10-part1        : Workflow | part 1 of 2 for Stata 10.
        wf10-part2        : Workflow | part 2 of 2 for Stata 10.
        eusmex2016        : Generalized marginal effects at EUSMEX 2016 Meetings.
    . net install spost13_ado
    checking spost13_ado consistency and verifying not already installed...
    installing into /Users/lisowskiw/Library/Application Support/Stata/ado/plus/...
    installation complete.

    And finally, the GUI approach.
    . net query
    ado     /Users/lisowskiw/Library/Application Support/Stata/ado/plus/
    other   (current directory)
    . net from
    SPost:     Interpreting regression models. Scott Long & Jeremy Freese
    Workflow:  Workflow of data analysis. Scott Long
    Teaching:  Teaching files. Scott Long
    Research:  Research examples & commands. Scott Long
    PACKAGES you could -net describe-:
        workingdir        : Commands for changing working directories and managing projects.
        doit              : Utilities for working from the Command window.
        cdanomord         : CDA regression models for nominal & ordinal outcomes.
        groupsbrm         : Comparing groups in binary regression model
        workflow          : Workflow utilities
        rrus              : Reproducible Results Using Stata 2016-06.
        rrusadvanced      : Reproducible Results Using Stata - advanced
        rrusautomate      : Reproducible Results Using Stata - automation
        matmath           : matrix routines
        matmath1          : version 1 -- matrix routines
        pathview          : Pathview programs.
        scottlong         : Scott Long unsupported programs.
        spost9_ado        : SPost 9 commands for Stata 9+.
        spost9_do         : SPost 9 sample do and dta files.
        spostado          : Stata 8 ado files for SPost.
        spostrm7          : Stata 7 examples for Long's Regression Models for CLDVs.
        spostst8          : Stata 8 examples for Reg Models for CDVs using Stata.
        spost13_ado       : SPost 13 commands for Stata 11+.
        spost9_legacy     : SPost 9 commands that work with SPost 13.
        spost13_do        : SPost 13 sample do and dta files for Stata 13+.
        spost13_do12      : SPost 13 sample do and dta files for Stata 11+.
        spost13_sage      : under development - SPost 13 examples for Long's Regression Models for
        wf-help           : Workflow | guidelines for an effective workflow.
        wf09-part1        : Workflow | part 1 of 2 for Stata 9.
        wf09-part2        : Workflow | part 2 of 2 for Stata 9.
        wf10-part1        : Workflow | part 1 of 2 for Stata 10.
        wf10-part2        : Workflow | part 2 of 2 for Stata 10.
        eusmex2016        : Generalized marginal effects at EUSMEX 2016 Meetings.
    after which I clicked on "spost13_ado" in the list above, which ran the command
    net describe spost13_ado
    and displayed its output in the Viewer window, where I clicked on the "click here to install", which ran the command
    net install spost13_ado.pkg
    which displayed its output in the Viewer window.
    package installation
    package name:  spost13_ado.pkg
    checking spost13_ado consistency and verifying not already installed...
    installing into /Users/lisowskiw/Library/Application Support/Stata/ado/plus/...
    installation complete.
    (click here to return to the previous screen)
    Last edited by William Lisowski; 27 Sep 2020, 09:25.


    • #3
      Let me add: the major impediment to installing spost13_ado this morning is that
      search spost13_ado
      returns the following in the Viewer window.
      search for spost13_ado                                                                (manual:  [R] search)
      Search of official help files, FAQs, Examples, and Stata Journals
      Search of web resources from Stata and other users
      no matches
      (click here to return to the previous screen)
      (end of search)
      It is possible that this is a transient problem - the web site Scott Long maintains at Indiana may have been down or unreachable when Stata did its daily visit to sites it knows about to build the index used by the search command.

      On the other hand, it is possible that there is a configuration error on the web site, or perhaps an error in the configuration of Stata's daily program.


      • #4
        As of today, the problem described in post #3 has been resolved, so the simplest way of installing spost13_ado again works.
        search spost13_ado
        now returns the following in the Viewer window.
        search for spost13_ado                                            (manual:  [R] search)
        Search of official help files, FAQs, Examples, and Stata Journals
        Search of web resources from Stata and other users
        2 packages found (Stata Journal and STB listed first)
        spost13_ado from
            Distribution-date: 19Jul2020 / spost13_ado | SPost13 commands from Long
            and Freese (2014) / Regression Models for Categorical Outcomes using
            Stata, 3rd Edition. / Support / Scott
            Long ([email protected]) & Jeremy Freese ([email protected])
        spost9_legacy from
            Distribution-date: 18Feb2014 / spost9_legacy | SPost9 commands not
            included in spost13_ado. / From Long and Freese, 2014, Regression Models
            for Categorical Outcomes / using Stata, 3rd Edition. / Support
   / Scott Long ([email protected]) &
        (click here to return to the previous screen)
        (end of search)
        Clicking on spost13_ado then proceeds as in the GUI approach described in post #2.


        • #5
          Is it compatible with mi estimate? tried fitstat after ologit involving mi data, but it gave me "fitstat does not work with the last model estimated"


          • #6
            no, it is not

            if you really need -fitstat- or some part of it that is not available anyplace else, you can use -mi xeq- and compute -fitstat- after each and then combine yourself; see
            help mi xeq

