tolong, a faster implementation of reshape long, is now available on ssc.
Type ssc install tolong and afterwards help tolong for details.
The syntax is sightly different from reshape long as tolong supports three kinds of stubnames
# matches numeric j
@ matches string j
* matches both string and numeric j
tolong x is equivalent to reshape long x
tolong x# is equivalent to reshape long x@
tolong x* is equivalent to reshape long x@, string
tolong x@ has no reshape long equivalent
tolong also supports renaming on-the-fly as in
tolong height = h* weight = w*
tolong compares favorably in terms of speed against the user-written
fastreshape, sreshape, and greshape. The timings below were run in Stata/MP4.
As above but the data contains 20 numeric variables and 5 string variables that
are constant within id.
Lastly, an extreme case with only 10 observations
Type ssc install tolong and afterwards help tolong for details.
The syntax is sightly different from reshape long as tolong supports three kinds of stubnames
# matches numeric j
@ matches string j
* matches both string and numeric j
tolong x is equivalent to reshape long x
tolong x# is equivalent to reshape long x@
tolong x* is equivalent to reshape long x@, string
tolong x@ has no reshape long equivalent
tolong also supports renaming on-the-fly as in
tolong height = h* weight = w*
tolong compares favorably in terms of speed against the user-written
fastreshape, sreshape, and greshape. The timings below were run in Stata/MP4.
1,000,000 observations (1) reshaping numeric a1-a9 b1-b9 c1-c9 d1-d9 (2) reshaping numeric a1-a9 b1-b9 c1-c9 d1-d9 and string e1-e9 f1-f9 (3) reshaping numeric a1-a9 b1-b9 c1-c7 d1-d2 (4) reshaping numeric a1-a9 b1-b9 c1-c7 d1-d2 and string e1-e6 f1-f3 command (1) (2) (3) (4) ---------------------------------------------- reshape long 18.91 26.51 15.71 21.45 fastreshape 9.58 11.07 + + sreshape 10.45 12.50 9.64 11.29 greshape 1.50 2.54 1.57 3.80 tolong 1.59 5.34 1.61 2.41 ---------------------------------------------- + fastreshape does not support unbalanced j
are constant within id.
command (1) (2) (3) (4) ---------------------------------------------- reshape long 37.51 51.85 38.22 46.20 fastreshape 19.15 21.18 + + sreshape 14.80 17.52 13.97 16.62 greshape 7.17 7.50 7.13 7.53 tolong 2.35 6.27 2.66 5.08 ---------------------------------------------- + fastreshape does not support unbalanced j
(1) reshaping numeric x1-x10000 (2) reshaping numeric x1-x100000 command (1) (2) -------------------------------- reshape long 77.12 + fastreshape 29.72 2916.03 sreshape * * greshape 7.04 ^ tolong 0.03 0.54 -------------------------------- + "variable _j takes on too many values" error * "invalid numlist has too many elements" error ^ "characteristic contents too long" error