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  • How to do a correlation coefficients forest plot with Random-Effects Approach?

    Dear Statalist

    I really need your help to correct and run code. I'm currently working on meta-analysis (correlation coefficients) using a random-effects approach. I would have to Fisher's z-transform r.
    *I am using stata 16/SE 16.

    My operation code was as follow :

    import excel file//
    ssc install admetan
    generate z = atanh(r)
    generate sez = sqrt(1/(n - 3))
    metan z sez, label(namevar = author, yearvar = year)
    admetan z sez
    generate _USE = 1
    generate lb = tanh(_LCI)
    generate ub = tanh(_UCI)
    generate _LABELS = author + " (" + string(year, "%02.0f") + ")"
    label var n "Sample size"
    local new = _N + 1
    set obs `new'
    replace _LABELS = "{bf:Overall}" if _n == _N
    replace r = tanh(r(eff)) if _LABELS == "{bf:Overall}"
    replace lb = tanh(r(eff) - (1.96 * r(se_eff))) if _LABELS == "{bf:Overall}"
    replace ub = tanh(r(eff) + (1.96 * r(se_eff))) if _LABELS == "{bf:Overall}"
    replace _USE = 5 if _LABELS == "{bf:Overall}"
    format %-9.0g n
    forestplot r lb ub, nonull effect("Correlation") rcol(n) leftjustify nowt

    Then, I got a nice forest plot, however, the forest plot used fixed-effect inverse-variance model NOT random-effects modal.

    My questions are,
    • Is there perhaps any other Stata command for meta-analyses that would do Random-effect modal for Fisher’s transformed correlation coefficient?
    • Can I have a correlation forest plot for Subgroup Analysis?

    I really appreciated your help and thanks in advance.

    Best wishes,


  • #2
    Maybe this post (and the discussion in general) may help: . However, with StataNow, one can perform a correlation meta-analysis thorugh the "meta esize" command.

