Hello, I want to reshape a dataset with many stubs. I tried to put the stubs in a local following link below. When I run it Stata tells me the variable doesn't exist, even though a variable with this name exists and it works if I put in the stubs manually. I am sure it's a quite obvious error, but I can't figure out my mistake.
Here is a minimum working example:
Here is a minimum working example:
clear input ID SD_C1_01_2017 SD_C1_02_2017 SD_C1_01_2018 SD_C1_02_2018 1 50 85 30 40 2 30 0 0 40 3 10 20 0 0 end * Put all the needed future in a local macro unab stublist: SD_C1* * Cut out the year (e.g. _2007) at the end to obtain the actual stubs foreach v of local stublist { local stubs `"`stubs' `= substr("`v'",1,length("`v'")-4)'"' } * Reshape automatically (does not work) reshape long `stubs' , i(ID) j(Year) * Reshape manually (works) reshape long SD_C1_01_ SD_C1_02_ , i(ID) j(Year)