This might be something simple, but I cannot wrap my head around it. I am trying to compare coefficients from two regressions that use subsamples after reg3 by storing them but I cannot figure out how to refer to the coefficients in the code to call them back and compare. Here is a simplified example. Note: in the actual problem, I am using panel data, so I cannot do an interaction as my dummy variable is endogenous.
I want to compare stored mpg coefficient in eq1 and mpg coefficient in equation eq2 by using "test". Something like test [eq1_mean]mpg=[eq2_mean]mpg
suest reports that it does not work with reg3.
sysuse auto bootstrap, reps(100):reg3 ( price mpg) ( weight length) estimates store eq1 bootstrap, reps(100):reg3 ( price mpg) ( weight length) if foreign==1 estimates store eq1
suest reports that it does not work with reg3.