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  • "already preserved" error


    I have been running a piece of code through various universe of assets and I am getting the "already preserved" error only in that 1 dataset. Here are the 2 datasets I am considering here:

    This is "Current_orders_M1.dta"
    * Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
    input float M str31 Name str6 Code float(date crisis) double P float(F1_P rank_long rank_short) str4 order
    1 "KOHL'S"                     "325849" 667 1    19.04 .   1 487 "BUY" 
    1 "RALPH LAUREN CL.A"          "894145" 667 1     71.3 .   2 486 "BUY" 
    1 "NORWEGIAN CRUISE LINE HDG." "77444J" 667 1    13.64 .   3 485 "BUY" 
    1 "CARNIVAL"                   "755695" 667 1    13.88 .   4 484 "BUY" 
    1 "MARATHON OIL"               "544682" 667 1     5.49 .   5 483 "BUY" 
    1 "COTY CL.A"                  "87310L" 667 1     3.71 .   6 482 "BUY" 
    1 "ROYAL CARIBBEAN CRUISES"    "322549" 667 1    48.71 .   7 481 "BUY" 
    1 "NATIONAL OILWELL VARCO"     "884383" 667 1    11.51 .   8 480 "BUY" 
    1 "H&R BLOCK"                  "905596" 667 1     14.5 .   9 479 "BUY" 
    1 "DELTA AIR LINES"            "50469N" 667 1    24.97 .  10 478 "BUY" 
    1 "DEXCOM"                     "30241D" 667 1   435.54 . 478  10 "SELL"
    1 "LAM RESEARCH"               "946387" 667 1 377.1599 . 479   9 "SELL"
    1 "GLOBAL PAYMENTS"            "13471D" 667 1   178.02 . 480   8 "SELL"
    1 "NVIDIA"                     "694405" 667 1 424.5901 . 481   7 "SELL"
    1 "CENTENE"                    "14863U" 667 1    65.25 . 482   6 "SELL"
    1 "PAYPAL HOLDINGS"            "9801CK" 667 1   196.07 . 483   5 "SELL"
    1 "BRISTOL MYERS SQUIBB"       "905080" 667 1    58.66 . 484   4 "SELL"
    1 "T-MOBILE US"                "50394K" 667 1   107.38 . 485   3 "SELL"
    1 "APPLE"                      "992816" 667 1   425.04 . 486   2 "SELL"
    1 "NEWMONT"                    "912160" 667 1     69.2 . 487   1 "SELL"
    format %tm date
    and the second:
    * Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
    input float M str31 Name str6 Code float(date crisis) double P float(F1_P rank_long rank_short) str4 order
    2 "H&R BLOCK"              "905596" 667 1     14.5 .   1 487 "BUY" 
    2 "NORTONLIFELOCK"         "541900" 667 1    21.45 .   2 486 "BUY" 
    2 "RALPH LAUREN CL.A"      "894145" 667 1     71.3 .   3 485 "BUY" 
    2 "MARATHON OIL"           "544682" 667 1     5.49 .   4 484 "BUY" 
    2 "CABOT OIL & GAS 'A'"    "542823" 667 1     18.7 .   5 483 "BUY" 
    2 "CARNIVAL"               "755695" 667 1    13.88 .   6 482 "BUY" 
    2 "LIVE NATION ENTM."      "32521X" 667 1    46.81 .   7 481 "BUY" 
    2 "FORD MOTOR"             "902230" 667 1     6.61 .   8 480 "BUY" 
    2 "ROLLINS"                "905652" 667 1     52.4 .   9 479 "BUY" 
    2 "FLIR SYSTEMS"           "329097" 667 1    41.66 .  10 478 "BUY" 
    2 "MARRIOTT INTL.'A'"      "677631" 667 1   83.825 . 478  10 "SELL"
    2 "FEDEX"                  "951849" 667 1    168.4 . 479   9 "SELL"
    2 "BROADCOM"               "54332K" 667 1   316.75 . 480   8 "SELL"
    2 "APACHE"                 "921983" 667 1    15.35 . 481   7 "SELL"
    2 "BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY 'B'" "874227" 667 1   195.78 . 482   6 "SELL"
    2 "VIACOMCBS B"            "32480Q" 667 1    26.07 . 483   5 "SELL"
    2 "LAM RESEARCH"           "946387" 667 1 377.1599 . 484   4 "SELL"
    2 "ABBVIE"                 "87851X" 667 1    94.91 . 485   3 "SELL"
    2 "PHILIP MORRIS INTL."    "51605D" 667 1    76.81 . 486   2 "SELL"
    2 "COLGATE-PALM."          "906148" 667 1     77.2 . 487   1 "SELL"
    format %tm date
    The piece of code I am running is a bit long, sorry about that:
    forvalues t = 1 (1) 2 {
        if ("$universe" == "LS&PCOMP" & (`t'==1 | `t'==2)) | ( "$universe" == "LNASCOMP" & (`t'==3 | `t'==4)) | ( "$universe" == "LS&P600I" & (`t'==5 | `t'==6)) | ("$universe" == "LDJCMP65" & (`t'==7 | `t'==8)) {
            use Current_orders_M`t'.dta, clear
            di `t'
            *local t=1
            *use Current_orders_M1.dta, clear
            *** Need to incorporate the actual price here ***
            egen P_max = max(P), by(order)
            * Minimum qty to buy of each stock to have a $ equally weighted portf
            gen qty_min = P_max/P
            gen dol_val_min=qty_min*P
            egen dol_sum_min = sum(dol_val), by(order)
            * Actual number of stocks to BUY/SELL depending on the $ amount invested:
            gen portf_val=$Portfolio_total_value
            gen portf_val_half=portf_val/2
            gen qty_sc =  (portf_val/2)/dol_sum_min
            gen qty_actual= qty_min*qty_sc
            ** Adjust weight actual portfolio
            gen qty_actual_rd=floor(qty_min*qty_sc) if qty_min>15
            replace qty_actual_rd=round(qty_min*qty_sc) if (qty_min>3 & qty_actual_rd==.)
            replace qty_actual_rd=ceil(qty_min*qty_sc) if (qty_actual_rd==.)
            replace qty_actual_rd=1 if qty_actual_rd==0
            gen dol_actual_rd = qty_actual_rd*P
            * Check that the long and short leg add up approximativelly to portf_val
            egen sum_dol_actual_rd = sum(dol_actual_rd), by(order)
            * Qty with mg:
            gen mg= $margin_buy if order=="BUY"
            replace mg=$margin_sell if order=="SELL"
            browse Name order P dol_sum_min portf_val_half
            gen mg_dol_sum_min=mg*dol_sum_min
            gen qty_sc_mg = (portf_val/2)/mg_dol_sum_min
            gen qty_mg=qty_min*qty_sc_mg
            gen qty_mg_rd=floor(qty_mg) if qty_mg>15
            replace qty_mg_rd=round(qty_mg) if (qty_mg>3 & qty_mg_rd==.)
            replace qty_mg_rd=ceil(qty_mg) if (qty_mg_rd==.)
            replace qty_mg_rd=1 if qty_mg_rd==0
            gen dol_mg_rd = qty_mg_rd*P
            egen sum_dol_mg_rd=sum(dol_mg_rd), by(order)
            replace sum_dol_mg_rd=sum_dol_mg_rd*mg
            di `t'
            di "before preserve"
            di "after preserve"
            di `t'
            keep if order=="SELL"
            * If ACTUAL PORTFOLIO larger than the portfolio half:
            local sum_dol_actual_round = sum_dol_actual_rd[1]
            display `sum_dol_actual_round'
            while (`sum_dol_actual_round' > portf_val_half) {
                foreach n_stocks in 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 {
                    replace qty_actual_rd=qty_actual_rd-1 if (sum_dol_actual_rd>portf_val_half & qty_actual_rd>`n_stocks')
                    replace dol_actual_rd = qty_actual_rd*P
                    drop sum_dol_actual_rd
                    egen sum_dol_actual_rd=sum(dol_actual_rd), by(order)
                local sum_dol_actual_round = sum_dol_actual_rd[1]
                egen max_qty_actual_rd=max(qty_actual_rd)
                if (sum_dol_actual_rd>portf_val_half & max_qty_actual_rd<6) exit
                drop max_qty_actual_rd
            save SELL.dta, replace
            di `t'
            di "before restore"
            di `t'
            di "after restore"
            keep if order=="BUY"
            append using SELL.dta
            *** Save the data here in my actual code ***

    I have identified that the problem comes from that piece, but I do not know how it is related to "restore":
    * If ACTUAL PORTFOLIO larger than the portfolio half:
            local sum_dol_actual_round = sum_dol_actual_rd[1]
            display `sum_dol_actual_round'
            while (`sum_dol_actual_round' > portf_val_half) {
                foreach n_stocks in 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 {
                    replace qty_actual_rd=qty_actual_rd-1 if (sum_dol_actual_rd>portf_val_half & qty_actual_rd>`n_stocks')
                    replace dol_actual_rd = qty_actual_rd*P
                    drop sum_dol_actual_rd
                    egen sum_dol_actual_rd=sum(dol_actual_rd), by(order)
                local sum_dol_actual_round = sum_dol_actual_rd[1]
                egen max_qty_actual_rd=max(qty_actual_rd)
                if (sum_dol_actual_rd>portf_val_half & max_qty_actual_rd<6) exit
                drop max_qty_actual_rd

    I could not get to the bottom of it, I am hoping someone can help. Thanks!

  • #2
    Anyone has a clue? I am still stuck on this. Thanks


    • #3
      Cancelled post: Your code example have undefined global macros.
      Last edited by Bjarte Aagnes; 04 Aug 2020, 14:38.


      • #4
        ok, I have re-posted here without the undefined macros. The problem remains. Can someone help?

