I would like to calculate 95% CI of relative concentration index. However, I could not find a stata command for this. Could anyone kindly share this stata command?
To briefly explain my dataset, it is a complex survey design. After I opened up my dataset, I have used the following stata command.
svyset [pweight=wt_itvex], strata(kstrata) psu(psu)
conindex overw_obese_bi_valid [aweight=wt_itvex], rankvar(mincome_per_capita) bounded limits (0 1) truezero wagstaff cluster (psu) compare(town_t)
** variable information
(overw_obese_bi_valid: binary variable for overweight/obese adults)
(mincome_per_capita: continuous variable for monthly income per capitia variable)
(town_t: categorical variable for urban and rural areas)
After I run this command, I could get index value and standard error, but not 95% CI (You can also see the results in the attached file).
Many thanks in advance.
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I would like to calculate 95% CI of relative concentration index. However, I could not find a stata command for this. Could anyone kindly share this stata command?
To briefly explain my dataset, it is a complex survey design. After I opened up my dataset, I have used the following stata command.
svyset [pweight=wt_itvex], strata(kstrata) psu(psu)
conindex overw_obese_bi_valid [aweight=wt_itvex], rankvar(mincome_per_capita) bounded limits (0 1) truezero wagstaff cluster (psu) compare(town_t)
** variable information
(overw_obese_bi_valid: binary variable for overweight/obese adults)
(mincome_per_capita: continuous variable for monthly income per capitia variable)
(town_t: categorical variable for urban and rural areas)
After I run this command, I could get index value and standard error, but not 95% CI (You can also see the results in the attached file).
Many thanks in advance.
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