Greetings. I have used semipar function of Stata with graph option for 426,000 observations to estimate semi-parametric regression of dependent variable on several independent variables in linear form and one variable as a flexible functional form to be considered as non-parametric variable. I gave the command 48 hours ago, however, the command is still running. I do not know when I will get my output. Alternatively, i tried the same regression for a sub-sample of 1,000 observations but i have not got the output within 30 minutes, then i canceled the operation. For reference, I have shared my command and data sample below. Would you please help me out by identifying my mistake or suggesting efficient way to handle this problem? Thank you.
Greetings. I have used semipar function of Stata with graph option for 426,000 observations to estimate semi-parametric regression of dependent variable on several independent variables in linear form and one variable as a flexible functional form to be considered as non-parametric variable. I gave the command 48 hours ago, however, the command is still running. I do not know when I will get my output. Alternatively, i tried the same regression for a sub-sample of 1,000 observations but i have not got the output within 30 minutes, then i canceled the operation. For reference, I have shared my command and data sample below. Would you please help me out by identifying my mistake or suggesting efficient way to handle this problem? Thank you.
semipar mflow alpha mflowL logTNA logAGE EXPR REAR, nonpar(FSB) xtitle(FSB) ci
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex clear input float(mflow alpha mflowL logTNA logAGE) double EXPR byte REAR float FSB .06142427 -.00007701437 .09345506 5.805526 1.2039728 .007 1 -.0005415289 .02658373 .005997835 -.04395232 5.362667 1.2039728 .0079 1 .005259412 .00018048484 .000999924 .023868304 4.417635 1.446919 0 1 -.0016591768 -.035596263 .0016930813 .0026768625 3.795399 2.957511 .0069 1 -.0020691568 .08475412 -.000187979 .06142427 5.895565 1.2286655 .007 1 -.0011507465 .05474074 .008758709 .02658373 5.435581 1.2286655 .0079 1 .004928627 .01248491 .0015635238 -.035596263 3.825201 2.961831 .0069 1 -.0044297883 .06776663 .001072005 .00018048484 4.4886365 1.466337 0 1 -.0012998166 .01606508 .0014608257 .01248491 3.8657696 2.966132 .0069 1 -.002229583 .030364953 .007016675 .05474074 5.483921 1.252763 .0079 1 .0005581158 .08002505 .0009161719 .06776663 4.5736794 1.4853852 0 1 -.001498271 .1008181 -.0004140712 .08475412 6.009427 1.252763 .007 1 -.0009622335 .04361444 .01112596 .030364953 5.5418 1.2762934 .0079 1 .00017001225 .0813513 .0008834972 .08002505 4.6577625 1.5040774 0 1 -.0012104682 .010070225 .0020960646 .01606508 3.895548 2.9704144 .0069 1 -.0006541223 .10232854 -.0007423428 .1008181 6.124427 1.2762934 .007 1 .0005680091 .11509213 .0010447002 .0813513 4.772378 1.5224266 0 1 -.0014547526 .10861416 -.0009437219 .10232854 6.236493 1.299283 .007 1 .001206447 .035726815 .014936568 .04361444 5.598429 1.299283 .0079 1 -.0000724135 .002450603 .0022881522 .010070225 3.908898 2.974679 .0069 1 -.000651091 .02406323 .018815147 .035726815 5.631749 1.321756 .0079 1 -.000399879 .0002104824 .003690503 .002450603 3.918303 2.978925 .0069 1 -.0009268375 .09328988 -.00017967848 .10861416 6.335515 1.321756 .007 1 .00128309 -.022381427 .0010966233 .11509213 4.7570324 1.540445 0 1 -.0014206193 .0008084829 .002905097 .0002104824 3.954546 2.9831536 .0069 1 -.0009438918 -.005911467 .001314592 -.022381427 4.7613187 1.5581446 0 1 -.001390465 .0005135556 .01891317 .02406323 5.651362 1.3437347 .0079 1 -.0004524317 .0797721 -5.512099e-06 .09328988 6.438484 1.3437347 .007 1 .0013454867 -.1496443 .0009976532 -.005911467 4.6021657 1.5755364 0 1 -.0012228353 -.0030045186 .0031624115 .0008084829 3.9402995 2.987364 .0068 1 -.0003094229 .1498355 -.00026522044 .0797721 6.561479 1.365241 .009 1 .002032796 .05693629 .0210311 .0005135556 5.724588 1.365241 .0094 1 -.001676965 .12017477 -.0009618956 .1498355 6.680723 1.3862944 .009 1 .00027987495 .15430064 .0032259275 -.0030045186 4.0898175 2.991557 .0068 1 -.0013707738 -.1023339 .0011437794 -.1496443 4.497585 1.5926307 0 1 -.0010388659 .021618327 .017394518 .05693629 5.761507 1.3862944 .0094 1 -.0038289665 -.006155239 .002595417 .15430064 4.078334 2.995732 .0068 1 -.0019615197 .021909716 .0009664675 -.1023339 4.5196123 1.609438 0 1 -.001289533 .07571987 -.0010825517 .12017477 6.748365 1.4069136 .009 1 .000951598 .04003801 .013780753 .021618327 5.80599 1.4069136 .0094 1 -.0042301677 .007516535 .0022012626 -.006155239 4.092309 2.99989 .0068 1 -.0025436056 -.0030387016 .0006912753 .021909716 4.52396 1.6259673 0 1 -.0018465634 .19640027 .011309516 .04003801 5.989282 1.4271163 .0094 1 -.005588527 .06781927 -.0011145149 .07571987 6.820099 1.4271163 .009 1 .00024893033 -.006190598 .0008545409 -.0030387016 4.522875 1.6422276 0 1 -.0009915882 -.00006084931 .0013775495 -.005789 5.001931 3.1098046 .0124 1 -.009085847 .06344786 -.0011151778 .06781927 6.897247 1.446919 .009 1 .00015062357 .00027926321 .0015498564 .007516535 4.115127 3.004031 .0068 1 -.002954414 -.11934887 .0101219 .19640027 5.874001 1.446919 .0094 1 -.006163663 -.03606929 .0009498876 -.006190598 4.4897594 1.658228 0 1 -.001352241 -.014404282 .00004046849 .002966798 6.489283 .9162908 .004 1 -.0016162507 -.00804203 .001571646 -.00006084931 5.005958 3.1135154 .0124 1 -.0083020525 .02720734 .001945871 .004736708 3.7395725 .9162908 .0033 1 -.002140493 .0442791 -.0012927772 .06344786 6.954967 1.466337 .009 1 -.00007768975 .03870124 .011073073 -.11934887 5.921289 1.466337 .0094 1 -.006003893 -.0019808675 .001604684 .00027926321 4.1314316 3.008155 .0068 1 -.0020233255 .0027059496 .0019753443 -.0019808675 4.1669908 3.0122616 .0068 1 -.001682181 .0688294 .000771197 -.03606929 4.5591264 1.6739764 0 1 -.001737805 .03265522 .010504276 .03870124 5.974219 1.4853852 .0094 1 -.004340083 -.0001340596 .0011294313 -.00804203 5.028475 3.117212 .0124 1 -.00814419 .07761426 .00006282002 -.014404282 6.567595 .9490805 .004 1 -.00153382 .2501607 .0021982067 .02720734 3.980485 .9490805 .0033 1 -.0020693238 .06638545 -.001253826 .0442791 7.04108 1.4853852 .009 1 -.0004652972 .03656212 .010578724 .03265522 6.025277 1.5040774 .0094 1 -.004802327 .002739633 .0023882026 .0027059496 4.17841 3.0163515 .0068 1 .0007547074 -.006602606 .0014091296 -.0001340596 5.031744 3.1208954 .0124 1 -.007417512 -.25867513 .000032680757 .07761426 6.126347 .9808293 .004 1 -.0013472944 -.10021084 .0007533834 .0688294 4.4601445 1.6894805 0 1 -.002370697 .00838021 .002551545 .2501607 3.996456 .9808293 .0033 1 -.0014210194 .05404568 -.0008240653 .06638545 7.102348 1.5040774 .009 1 .0011466013 -.02436311 .00082957 -.10021084 4.441474 1.704748 0 1 -.002380928 .2471334 -.000015242078 -.25867513 6.349926 1.011601 .004 1 -.001354269 .004450624 .0022587993 .00838021 4.020106 1.011601 .0033 1 -.0014581778 .05190275 -.0008692344 .05404568 7.166162 1.5224266 .009 1 .0011411711 .04491969 .0107694 .03656212 6.081511 1.5224266 .0094 1 -.0046173367 -.01415376 .0021733474 .002739633 4.175617 3.020425 .0068 1 .0006252178 -.015732674 .0016351067 -.006602606 5.025852 3.124565 .0124 1 -.0074384 .7812297 .000015771011 .2471334 6.928217 1.0414538 .004 1 -.001261789 -.01049875 .001428472 -.015732674 4.997212 3.1282215 .0124 1 -.007963448 -.08099536 .0018958178 -.01415376 4.074805 3.024482 .0068 1 -.000020186097 .03917046 -.0007660271 .05190275 7.190769 1.540445 .009 1 .001305357 -.04821699 .010680643 .04491969 6.014485 1.540445 .0094 1 -.00557392 -.065162584 .001205248 -.0227588 2.580444 .9162908 .002 1 -.00052613067 -.04136892 .0005180608 -.03039349 2.482654 .9162908 .023 1 -.003348782 -.07791165 .0009104254 -.02436311 4.352855 1.719786 0 1 -.0022730334 .0334033 .002722006 .004450624 4.036009 1.0414538 .0033 1 -.0005900306 -.02422193 -.0004587063 -.04136892 2.4550486 .9490805 .023 1 -.004382292 .014255114 -.0005865431 .03917046 7.200355 1.5581446 .009 1 -.0002275679 .04469506 .005719021 -.04821699 6.078034 1.5581446 .0094 1 -.008123649 -.25867513 -.0000416555 .7812297 6.395076 1.0704415 .004 1 -.0013842816 -.0956372 .0011813188 -.065162584 2.4767065 .9490805 .002 1 -.0019714439 .003021754 .0015701263 -.08099536 4.0757394 3.028522 .0068 1 -.0010070017 -.0034670064 -.0002723711 -.07791165 4.3463993 1.734601 0 1 -.0034285414 -.0040416485 .00033518884 -.01049875 4.998563 3.131864 .0124 1 -.008548275 .02394063 .0013275605 .0334033 4.0552573 1.0704415 .0033 1 -.00137038 -.01041108 .0012512715 .003021754 4.0816307 3.032546 .0068 1 -.0018487276 -.015636599 .0006142295 -.0040416485 5.005958 3.135494 .0124 1 -.0084052365 .13667588 -.00012694816 -.25867513 6.525782 1.0986123 .004 1 -.0014079948 .05260683 -.0007623637 -.0034670064 4.405499 1.7492 0 1 -.003968108 -.005927357 -.000978984 -.02422193 2.458306 .9808293 .023 1 -.005293334 end