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  • Decomposition real oil prices to three shocks kilian 2009(SVAR)

    Dear all
    I have three variables : average of global crude oil, real activity index , real oil price.I want to decompose the real oil prices into three shocks as kilian did in paper 2009.Kilian use cholesky factorization in his restrictions. SO my quetsions: First, Could review my codes if it is in the right way? Second , the most important question : I want to help me to calculate impulse response function for the three shocks (eta) on the three variables using Bootstrap 2000:

    matrix A1 = (1,0,0 \ .,1,0 \ .,.,1)
    . matrix B1 = (.,0,0 \ 0,.,0 \ 0,0,.)
    . svar TProduction Global_Index RealOilPrice , lags(1/24) aeq(A1) beq(B1)
    predict e1,res eq(TProduction )
    predict e2,res eq(Global_Index )
    predict e3,res eq( RealOilPrice)

    mkmat e1 e2 e3, matrix(e)
    mat list e
    matrix sigma = e(Sigma)
    mat list sigma
    matrix B = inv(cholesky(sigma)')
    mat list B
    matrix eta = e * B
    mat list eta

    Matrix eta represents the reduced error term
    If my coding right : how I can calculate the impulse response function of my three variables with the three shocks using bootstrap 2000?

  • #2

    I am addressing the same issue, did you have codes on Killian decomposition? Where did you find data on TProduction?



    • #3
      same issue. have you found out the code to get IRFs by using 2000 bootstrap


      • #4

        Has there been any update to this? Trying to decompose oil price shocks for my dissertation at the moment.

