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  • translate option to change result color in .pdf-file

    The command translator query smcl2pdf shows a table of tunable parameters that can be set either by translator set smcl2pdf setopt setval or specified by using the option of translate ..., setopt(setval) :

    . translator query smcl2pdf
                    header | on
                headertext |
                      logo | on
                      user |
               projecttext |
                 cmdnumber | on
                  addfonts |
                  autofont | on
                  fontsize | 9                         lmargin | 1.00
                  pagesize | letter                    rmargin | 1.00
                 pagewidth | 8.50                      tmargin | 1.00
                pageheight | 11.00                     bmargin | 1.00
                    scheme | monochrome
        cust1_result_color |   0   0   0    cust2_result_color |   0   0   0
      cust1_standard_color |   0   0   0  cust2_standard_color |   0   0   0
         cust1_error_color |   0   0   0     cust2_error_color | 255   0   0
         cust1_input_color |   0   0   0     cust2_input_color |   0   0   0
          cust1_link_color |   0   0   0      cust2_link_color |   0   0 255
        cust1_hilite_color |   0   0   0    cust2_hilite_color |   0   0   0
         cust1_result_bold | on              cust2_result_bold | on
       cust1_standard_bold | off           cust2_standard_bold | off
          cust1_error_bold | on               cust2_error_bold | on
          cust1_input_bold | off              cust2_input_bold | off
           cust1_link_bold | off               cust2_link_bold | off
         cust1_hilite_bold | on              cust2_hilite_bold | on
      cust1_link_underline | on           cust2_link_underline | on
    cust1_hilite_underline | off        cust2_hilite_underline | off
    My problem: I want to modify the color of results to darkblue and tried to set the scheme to color by using translator smcl2pdf scheme color and to use the RGB color code 0 0 139 with translator smcl2pdf cust2_result_color 0 0 139 . However, the resulting .pdf file still is monochrome. Note that using the options of -translate- to specify the results color to darkblue results in an error message although translator smcl2pdf cust2_result_color 0 0 139 does not:

    . translator set smcl2pdf scheme color
    . translator set smcl2pdf cust2_result_color 0 0 139
    . translator set smcl2pdf cust1_result_color 0 0 139
    . translate "${outp}ISRD3_alpha.smcl" "${outp}ISRD_alpha2.pdf"
    (file /home/enzmann/Documents/Projekte/ISRD3/ISRD_alpha2.pdf written in PDF format)
    . translator query smcl2pdf
                    header | on
                headertext |
                      logo | off
                      user |
               projecttext |
                 cmdnumber | off
                  addfonts |
                  autofont | on
                  fontsize | 9                         lmargin | 1.00
                  pagesize | letter                    rmargin | 1.00
                 pagewidth | 8.50                      tmargin | 1.00
                pageheight | 11.00                     bmargin | 1.00
                    scheme | color
        cust1_result_color |   0   0 139    cust2_result_color |   0   0 139
      cust1_standard_color |   0   0   0  cust2_standard_color |   0   0   0
         cust1_error_color |   0   0   0     cust2_error_color | 255   0   0
         cust1_input_color |   0   0   0     cust2_input_color |   0   0   0
          cust1_link_color |   0   0   0      cust2_link_color |   0   0 255
        cust1_hilite_color |   0   0   0    cust2_hilite_color |   0   0   0
         cust1_result_bold | on              cust2_result_bold | on
       cust1_standard_bold | off           cust2_standard_bold | off
          cust1_error_bold | on               cust2_error_bold | on
          cust1_input_bold | off              cust2_input_bold | off
           cust1_link_bold | off               cust2_link_bold | off
         cust1_hilite_bold | on              cust2_hilite_bold | on
      cust1_link_underline | on           cust2_link_underline | on
    cust1_hilite_underline | off        cust2_hilite_underline | off
    . translate "${outp}ISRD3_alpha.smcl" "${outp}ISRD_alpha2.pdf", cust2_result_color(0 0 139)
    option cust2_result_color() not allowed
    My foremost question is: How can I change the color of results in the .pdf- of the .smcl-file? But more generally: How can I make use of the cust1... or cust2... options at all? Plus: Is there any documentation showing the possible settings of pagesize and scheme?

    My OS is Unix (Linux Ubuntu) -- could this be the reason of my problem?