I'm trying to run an interrupted time series analysis and I ran the following code:
I want my intervention to start on April 23 2020
tsset Date, daily
Output: time variable: Date, 31mar2020 to 30may2020
delta: 1 day
Code for ITSA:
itsa dayaverageallltc, single trperiod(23apr2020) lag(1) posttrend figure
output: r(121) : trperiod() invalid -- invalid numlist
Can someone help me figure out the formatting for the date?
Thank you!
I want my intervention to start on April 23 2020
tsset Date, daily
Output: time variable: Date, 31mar2020 to 30may2020
delta: 1 day
Code for ITSA:
itsa dayaverageallltc, single trperiod(23apr2020) lag(1) posttrend figure
output: r(121) : trperiod() invalid -- invalid numlist
Can someone help me figure out the formatting for the date?
Thank you!