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  • Principal factor (factor, pf): What if the proportion of variance accounted for by the factors is greater than 1.00 (greater than 100%)?

    I ran factor analysis(factor, pf) in Stata to develop factor scores for my latent variables. However, after orthogonal varimax rotation, the proportion of variance accounted for by the factors is greater than 1.00 (100%).

    Is this problematic? I think this is happening because I do not specify the option "normalize." Normalize places an equal weight on all rows of the matrix to be rotated--maybe I should have done this? However, I have some indicator variables that have high uniqueness and the normalize option would weight these items equally with other items that had lower uniqueness, which seems like the wrong move. Output is included below:

    factormat r, n(140) mineigen(1) sds(stdev) means(mean) factors(1)

    Factor analysis/correlation Number of obs = 140
    Method: principal factors Retained factors = 1
    Rotation: (unrotated) Number of params = 3

    Factor | Eigenvalue Difference Proportion Cumulative
    Factor1 | 1.67735 1.74060 1.1655 1.1655
    Factor2 | -0.06324 0.11172 -0.0439 1.1216
    Factor3 | -0.17497 . -0.1216 1.0000
    LR test: independent vs. saturated: chi2(3) = 157.62 Prob>chi2 = 0.0000

    Factor loadings (pattern matrix) and unique variances

    Variable | Factor1 | Uniqueness
    Q3 | 0.5942 | 0.6469
    Q5 | 0.8293 | 0.3123
    Q7 | 0.7979 | 0.3634

    . do "/var/folders/kx/2rhtmrz11ml9xqnpxzcw50h80000gn/T//SD01864.000000"

    . rotate

    Factor analysis/correlation Number of obs = 140
    Method: principal factors Retained factors = 1
    Rotation: orthogonal varimax (Kaiser off) Number of params = 3

    Factor | Variance Difference Proportion Cumulative
    Factor1 | 1.67735 . 1.1655 1.1655
    LR test: independent vs. saturated: chi2(3) = 157.62 Prob>chi2 = 0.0000

    Rotated factor loadings (pattern matrix) and unique variances

    Variable | Factor1 | Uniqueness
    Q3 | 0.5942 | 0.6469
    Q5 | 0.8293 | 0.3123
    Q7 | 0.7979 | 0.3634

    Factor rotation matrix

    | Factor1
    Factor1 | 1.0000

    . predict QUICKTREATX
    (regression scoring assumed)

    Scoring coefficients (method = regression; based on varimax rotated factors)

    Variable | Factor1
    Q3 | 0.17032
    Q5 | 0.46105
    Q7 | 0.37630

    . label variable QUICKTREATX "standardized Factor score of Q3, Q5, Q7 - getting treatment quickly"

    . summarize QUICKTREATX

    Variable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max
    QUICKTREATX | 140 .0230575 .8292956 -1.990456 1.034425

    . alpha Q3 Q5 Q7, std item detail

    Test scale = mean(standardized items)

    item-test item-rest interitem
    Item | Obs Sign correlation correlation correlation alpha
    Q3 | 232 + 0.7790 0.3485 0.6558 0.7921
    Q5 | 371 + 0.8965 0.6316 0.3096 0.4728
    Q7 | 637 + 0.9236 0.5573 0.4190 0.5905
    Test scale | 0.4964 0.7473

    Interitem correlations (obs=pairwise, see below)

    Q3 Q5 Q7
    Q3 1.0000
    Q5 0.4190 1.0000
    Q7 0.3096 0.6558 1.0000

    Pairwise number of observations

    Q3 Q5 Q7
    Q3 232
    Q5 160 371
    Q7 193 304 637

    end of do-file

    This also happens in the Stata example provided on see p. 15 (use link below).