Hi Everyone!
I am new to state and using this forum. I am trying to perform time series analysis for Bostwana covering a 25 year time period for one country. The original dataset has no gaps but after using the following command:
prais lgdp ltrade lpopg lfdi lpopd, corc
to control for autocorrelation, I lose 1 observation and create a gap in my time series. Should I be concerned about the one time period lost? is there another way to deal with issue of autocorrelation without losing an observation?
I am new to state and using this forum. I am trying to perform time series analysis for Bostwana covering a 25 year time period for one country. The original dataset has no gaps but after using the following command:
prais lgdp ltrade lpopg lfdi lpopd, corc
to control for autocorrelation, I lose 1 observation and create a gap in my time series. Should I be concerned about the one time period lost? is there another way to deal with issue of autocorrelation without losing an observation?