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  • Export Rddensity outcomes

    Hi all,

    I am having a hard time exporting the outcomes of the command rddensity into MS Word (or excel). I cannot use that outreg2 or esttab because these are non-regression outcomes (thus I get this error: matrix e(b) not found; run/post a regression, or specify varlist for non-regression outputs)

    I have used the mat2txt command, but it requires a lot of manual work to make it look nice.

    I had something like this. Any comments/idea would be appreciated

    rddensity psu_score, c(600) 
    mat m = J(8,1,.)
    mat m[1,1]=e(pv_q)
    mat m[2,1]=e(se_q)
    mat m[3,1]=e(N_l)
    mat m[4,1]=e(N_r)
    mat m[5,1]=e(N_h_l)
    mat m[6,1]=e(N_h_r)
    mat m[7,1]=e(p)
    mat m[8,1]=e(q)
    mat rownames m = "p-value" "Standard Error" "No. obs - left" "No. obs - right" "Eff. obs left " "Eff. obs right" "p" "q"
    mat2txt, matrix(m) title(Manipulation test) saving($path/Do files/density.doc) replace
    Thank you

  • #2
    You could try to use -estout- from the package to which -esttab- belongs to. This command accepts a matrix. Otherwise, just use -putexcel- directly.


    • #3
      Hi Maria Locco,

      Did you find a way to export your results to Excel? I have a similar problem using rdrandinf. Thanks!

