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  • ARDL Error Correction Model Interpretation

    I am trying to estimate the relationship between real currency per capita (dependent variable) and direct tax to gdp ratio, gdp per capita, interest rate and inflation (independent variables). I have gathered quarterly data for the period 2001Q2 - 2018Q4.

    After finding that my variables were stationary in the first difference and that there is presence of cointegration I estimated an ARDL error correction model as shown below. I have also shown the bounds test which shows a co integrating relationship I believe.

    ardl lnrealCURPC lngdppercapita interestrate infld directtaxratiod, lag(. . . . .) m
    > axlag(3 3 3 3 3) aic ec
    ARDL(2,0,0,0,3) regression
    Sample: 2002q3 - 2018q4                         Number of obs     =         66
                                                    R-squared         =     0.3891
                                                    Adj R-squared     =     0.2909
    Log likelihood =  108.59474                     Root MSE          =     0.0507
      D.lnrealCURPC |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]
    ADJ             |
        lnrealCURPC |
                L1. |  -.6820688   .1177544    -5.79   0.000    -.9179592   -.4461783
    LR              |
     lngdppercapita |   1.043669   .0353481    29.53   0.000      .972858     1.11448
       interestrate |   .0020574   .0098193     0.21   0.835     -.017613    .0217279
              infld |  -.6836962   .5265204    -1.30   0.199    -1.738443    .3710509
    directtaxratiod |  -33.38411    10.4536    -3.19   0.002    -54.32518   -12.44304
    SR              |
        lnrealCURPC |
                LD. |   .4115564   .1239233     3.32   0.002     .1633082    .6598047
    directtaxratiod |
                D1. |   8.462358   13.72885     0.62   0.540    -19.03983    35.96455
                LD. |   11.06642   17.31682     0.64   0.525    -23.62333    45.75618
               L2D. |   40.31898   17.03499     2.37   0.021     6.193793    74.44416
              _cons |  -.9017556   .2910219    -3.10   0.003    -1.484742   -.3187687
    estat ectest
    Pesaran, Shin, and Smith (2001) bounds test
    H0: no level relationship                                        F =     6.804
    Case 3                                                           t =    -5.792
    Finite sample (4 variables, 66 observations, 4 short-run coefficients)
    Kripfganz and Schneider (2018) critical values and approximate p-values
       | 10%              | 5%               | 1%               | p-value         
       |    I(0)     I(1) |    I(0)     I(1) |    I(0)     I(1) |    I(0)     I(1)
     F |   2.531    3.695 |   3.016    4.297 |   4.113    5.637 |   0.000    0.002
     t |  -2.539   -3.639 |  -2.865   -4.009 |  -3.512   -4.728 |   0.000    0.001
    do not reject H0 if
        both F and t are closer to zero than critical values for I(0) variables
          (if p-values > desired level for I(0) variables)
    reject H0 if
        both F and t are more extreme than critical values for I(1) variables
          (if p-values < desired level for I(1) variables)
    I am just wondering how I interpret the ARDL output and as I am looking for the relationship between real currency per capita (dependent variable) and the independent variables what would my equation be? I do not know whether I should differentiate between a short run specification and a long run specification and if I do that, why is there only one independent variable specified in the short run.


  • #2
    Please see my 2018 London Stata Conference presentation, in particular slide 16, on how to interpret the coefficients:


    • #3
      Originally posted by Sebastian Kripfganz View Post
      Please see my 2018 London Stata Conference presentation, in particular slide 16, on how to interpret the coefficients:
      Thanks. From reading through your presentation I understand how to interpret the coefficients better.

      One thing I am still having trouble with is applying the general form specified on slide 12 so that I can specify my model. In particular the "−α(yt−1 − θxt)" part. I understand that the equation shows the negative speed of adjustment coefficient multiplied by the lag of the dependent variable minus the long run coefficient. However, what do you do when there is more than one independent variable?


      • #4
        Originally posted by Harkieran Hayer View Post
        One thing I am still having trouble with is applying the general form specified on slide 12 so that I can specify my model. In particular the "−α(yt−1 − θxt)" part. I understand that the equation shows the negative speed of adjustment coefficient multiplied by the lag of the dependent variable minus the long run coefficient. However, what do you do when there is more than one independent variable?
        xt can be a vector cotaining more than one independent variable. You would then get −α(yt−1 − θ1x1t − θ2x2t − ...). The ardl command also allows you to specify variables that do not appear in the long-run relationship but only in the short-run part with option exog().


        • #5
          Originally posted by Sebastian Kripfganz View Post

          xt can be a vector cotaining more than one independent variable. You would then get −α(yt−1 − θ1x1t − θ2x2t − ...). The ardl command also allows you to specify variables that do not appear in the long-run relationship but only in the short-run part with option exog().
          So for the output shown in my original post would my equation be;

          ∆lnrealCURPC = -0.90 - 0.68(Yt-1 - 1.04*lngdppercapita - 0.0021*interestrate - (-0.68)*infld - (-33.38)directtaxratiod) + 0.41*∆lnrealCURPCt-1 + 8.46*∆direxttaxratiod + 11.1*∆directtaxratiodt-1 + 40.32*∆directtaxratiodt-2

          Thanks for your help and sorry if these seem like simple questions.


          • #6
            That is correct.


            • #7
              Hello Sebastisan,

              I want to ask you about the code of the ARDL-ECM model (estimation after the bound test) please


              • #8
                You just need to add either the ec or the ec1 option to the ardl command in order to get the EC representation.


                • #9
                  ok thank you but what is the difference between ec and ec1


                  • #10
                    To estimate the ARDL-ECM model this code is correct?

                    ardl dep indep indep2 indep3, lags( ) ec
                    ardl dep indep indep2 indep3,lags( ) restore(ecreg)


                    • #11
                      Please see slides 12 and following in my 2018 London Stata Conference presentation:


                      • #12
                        slide number 41 which there is estimation right?

