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  • Inverse hyperbolic sinc transformation


    I have been suggested to use hyperbolic sine transformation instead of log(0+1)

    I have tried 'asinh' for that.
    My question is, how do I interpret the coefficient?, for instance, if the coefficient if 0.324, can I interpret it the same way as a log?

  • #2
    Dear Farzana Misha,

    Can you please tell us more about your data and why you want to transform it?

    Best wishes,



    • #3
      My outcome var is the log of income and it does include a number of 0 s and I was suggested to try the hyperbolic sine transformation instead of log(0+1). I never tried it before and was wondering how to do it and eventually find out whether I should really do it.


      • #4
        EDIT: Crossed with #3 which confirms my guess.

        I guess that log(0 + 1) means here log(x + 1). If so, the rationale may be that you want to use logarithms on an outcome or response variable but are frustrated by some zeros in the data.

        What I guess that Joao Santos Silva is driving towards is that it is better to use some approach which (in generalized linear model jargon) is based on the use of a logarithmic link, where the assumption in essence is that mean outcome, conditional on the predictors, is positive, which is consistent with some of the values being zero.

        Otherwise in my view asinh deserves some consideration if you have an outcome or predictor that is variously negative, zero and positive with some extreme values in one or other tail (and it's not just a matter of small occasional zeros or a few freakish small negatives). Firm profit and loss can be a good example.

        But asinh can't be interpreted as if it were a logarithm because it isn't, although for large arguments there is some qualitative similarity.

        Knowing how the function is defined and how it behaves are essential. I have a fleeting memory of it being mentioned briefly late in my secondary school education and only rarely bumping into it since, except in this context.

        This graph may help, so long as the behaviour of log x as x approaches 0 from above is understood.

        twoway function asinh(x), ra(-40 40) || function log(x), ra(0.01 40) legend(pos(11) ring(0) col(1) order(1 "asinh" 2 "log")) ytitle(transformed) xtitle(argument) yla(, ang(h)) yli(0, lstyle(grid)) xli(0, lstyle(grid))

        Attached Files
        Last edited by Nick Cox; 16 May 2020, 05:23.


        • #5
          Thanks a lot, Nick! Honestly, it helped a lot to understand the overall concept and why and when it can be utilized!


          • #6
            Thanks for the thanks, but watch out.

            The use of transformations evokes a range of reactions among experienced statisticians and data analysts, from those who will use them very willingly to those who (almost) never use them, on various grounds. I am nearer one end than the other, but people here might disagree with some or all of #4.

            The great merit of link functions rather than transformations of a response is getting predictions that relate to the scale of the response, which is what both researchers and practical people (should) care about.

            However, much comes from experience and I daresay that many people regard log income as quite as natural a scale as income.


            • #7
              Dear Farzana Misha,

              Thank you for the additional information. Nick's explanation above is very clear and, like he predicted, my suggested solution is that you do not transform the data at all and simply estimate a model with an exponential conditional mean. You can do this simply by using Poisson regression and in that case the interpretation is exactly like in a model where you take logs of the dependent variable, with the advantage that you do not have to drop the zeros. Using log(x + 1) or the hyperbolic sine transformation will produce parameters that are very difficult to interpret in a meaningful way.

              Best wishes,



              • #8
                Thanks a lot, guys! its been very helpful (especially in terms of moral support!)


                • #9
                  Regarding interpretation of the asinh() transformation, you might be interested in the article by Bellamare & Wichman in Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 2020 (open access):
                  I am definitely not disagreeing with the advice provided by Joao and Nick -- it's very good -- but the article may help enrich your learning experience, so to speak. (It would be more relevant to your case if the outcome variable included some negative values.)

