Dear Stata community,
I would like to use -coefplot- to visualize average marginal effects (dydx) that stem from 4 models and are arranged into 2 groups.
An example of the margins computation (sorry for the complicated variable names):
Syntax for -coefplot-
The graph is organized around "Autocracy" and "Democracy" which was not my intention. I would like to organized the results into "Group 1" and "Group 2".
Stata does not report any error. I use the latest version of -coefplot-, Stata 16, Win 10. When I visualize coefficients that stem from 1 fracreg model, everything is fine. However, recalling average marginal effects from multiple models remains to be a riddle for me.
I would appreciate your help.
Have a good one!
I would like to use -coefplot- to visualize average marginal effects (dydx) that stem from 4 models and are arranged into 2 groups.
An example of the margins computation (sorry for the complicated variable names):
eststo modelRULEmp: margins, dydx(c.z_v2x_rule) over(i.v2x_regime_01) at((mean) z_e_migdppcln regionMY) coeflegend post
Syntax for -coefplot-
coefplot modelRULEmp modelJUCONmp modelWBrulemp modelHORmp, baselevels groups(z_v2x_rule:0bn.v2x_regime_01 z_v2x_rule:1.v2x_regime_01 z_v2x_jucon:0bn.v2x_regime_01 z_v2x_jucon:1.v2x_regime_01 = "{bf:Group 1}" c.z_e_wbgi_rle:0bn.v2x_regime_01 c.z_e_wbgi_rle:1.v2x_regime_01 c.z_v2x_horacc:0bn.v2x_regime_01 c.z_v2x_horacc:1.v2x_regime_01 = "{bf:Group 2}") mlabel format(%9.2f) mlabposition(12) mlabgap(*2) xline(0) xtitle("Average marginal effects (AME)")
The graph is organized around "Autocracy" and "Democracy" which was not my intention. I would like to organized the results into "Group 1" and "Group 2".
Stata does not report any error. I use the latest version of -coefplot-, Stata 16, Win 10. When I visualize coefficients that stem from 1 fracreg model, everything is fine. However, recalling average marginal effects from multiple models remains to be a riddle for me.
I would appreciate your help.
Have a good one!