I would like to know if you can help me with the code to create a graph (lines) of the "mean_gdpgrowth" for each group of countries (Scandinavian, Continental, Anglo-Saxon and Mediterranean) over the years. I would like to plot all the lines in the same picture.
I send an example of the data:
Thank you in advance.
I would like to know if you can help me with the code to create a graph (lines) of the "mean_gdpgrowth" for each group of countries (Scandinavian, Continental, Anglo-Saxon and Mediterranean) over the years. I would like to plot all the lines in the same picture.
I send an example of the data:
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex clear input str52 country int year float(groups mean_gdpgrowth) "Ireland" 1995 3 6.603013 "Greece" 1995 4 2.58135 "Denmark" 1995 1 3.0275874 "Belgium" 1995 2 2.5263705 "Spain" 1995 4 2.58135 "United Kingdom" 1995 3 6.603013 "Italy" 1995 4 2.58135 "Austria" 1995 2 2.5263705 "Ireland" 1996 3 7.414229 "Luxembourg" 1997 2 4.161689 "Slovenia" 1997 2 4.161689 "Austria" 1997 2 4.161689 "Belgium" 1997 2 4.161689 "Italy" 1998 4 1.8106152 "Slovenia" 1999 2 4.201847 "United Kingdom" 1999 3 3.4282234 "Netherlands" 1999 1 5.034048 "Hungary" 1999 2 4.201847 "Finland" 2000 1 4.798251 "Ireland" 2000 3 9.44575 "Sweden" 2000 1 4.798251 "Luxembourg" 2000 2 5.110733 "Greece" 2000 4 4.3175735 "Italy" 2000 4 4.3175735 "Austria" 2000 2 5.110733 "Belgium" 2000 2 5.110733 "Spain" 2000 4 4.3175735 "Denmark" 2000 1 4.798251 "Portugal" 2003 4 1.996133 "Spain" 2003 4 1.996133 "France" 2003 2 1.107968 "Belgium" 2003 2 1.107968 "Greece" 2003 4 1.996133 "Luxembourg" 2003 2 1.107968 "Sweden" 2003 1 1.5461222 "Denmark" 2003 1 1.5461222 "Italy" 2003 4 1.996133 "Austria" 2003 2 1.107968 "Ireland" 2003 3 3.019969 "Finland" 2003 1 1.5461222 "Netherlands" 2004 1 3.2429085 "United Kingdom" 2004 3 4.5476522 "Italy" 2004 4 2.8490295 "Portugal" 2004 4 2.8490295 "Greece" 2004 4 2.8490295 "Belgium" 2004 2 3.8665605 "Ireland" 2004 3 4.5476522 "Finland" 2004 1 3.2429085 "Luxembourg" 2004 2 3.8665605 "Sweden" 2004 1 3.2429085 "Spain" 2004 4 2.8490295 "Austria" 2004 2 3.8665605 "Poland" 2004 2 3.8665605 "Denmark" 2004 1 3.2429085 "Slovenia" 2004 2 3.8665605 "France" 2004 2 3.8665605 "Hungary" 2004 2 3.8665605 "Poland" 2005 2 2.990961 "Greece" 2005 4 1.4627178 "Ireland" 2005 3 4.439909 "Hungary" 2005 2 2.990961 "Denmark" 2005 1 2.515758 "Spain" 2005 4 1.4627178 "France" 2005 2 2.990961 "Luxembourg" 2005 2 2.990961 "Italy" 2005 4 1.4627178 "Sweden" 2005 1 2.515758 "Finland" 2005 1 2.515758 "Netherlands" 2005 1 2.515758 "Austria" 2005 2 2.990961 "Slovenia" 2005 2 2.990961 "Portugal" 2005 4 1.4627178 "United Kingdom" 2005 3 4.439909 "Belgium" 2005 2 2.990961 "Ireland" 2006 3 3.9296126 "Italy" 2006 4 3.2927086 "Poland" 2006 2 4.2273226 "Netherlands" 2006 1 4.000984 "Spain" 2006 4 3.2927086 "Luxembourg" 2006 2 4.2273226 "France" 2006 2 4.2273226 "Greece" 2006 4 3.2927086 "Portugal" 2006 4 3.2927086 "Austria" 2006 2 4.2273226 "Hungary" 2006 2 4.2273226 "Belgium" 2006 2 4.2273226 "Denmark" 2006 1 4.000984 "Slovenia" 2006 2 4.2273226 "Finland" 2006 1 4.000984 "United Kingdom" 2006 3 3.9296126 "Sweden" 2006 1 4.000984 "Ireland" 2007 3 3.8774104 "Sweden" 2007 1 3.352993 "Finland" 2007 1 3.352993 "Denmark" 2007 1 3.352993 "France" 2007 2 4.634399 "Netherlands" 2007 1 3.352993 "Austria" 2007 2 4.634399 "Slovenia" 2007 2 4.634399 "Hungary" 2007 2 4.634399 end format %ty year label values groups gnames label def gnames 1 "Scandinavian", modify label def gnames 2 "Continental", modify label def gnames 3 "Anglo_Saxon", modify label def gnames 4 "Mediterranean", modify
Thank you in advance.