Hi all,
Long-time viewer, first-time questioner! I'm using ivreg2 for estimating the TOT results of an experiment, to which I then want to apply the BKY FDR multiple hypothesis testing correction to the p-values. Doing this automatically with a normal command works easily, as the p-values are stored in r(table). However, I can't for the life of me find where ivreg2 stores regression results, if anywhere. The only matrix available in ereturn list seems to be e(first), which is only the first stage results.
The code I use for accessing the stored p-value for areg is below- is it possible to adapt this for ivreg2, or will I need to use the original ivreg?
qui areg `var' treatment $control1, absorb(pair_number) vce(cluster id)
local r2: display %4.3f `e(r2)'
mat P =r(table)
scalar p`w1'=P[4,1]
mat drop P
Thank you!
Long-time viewer, first-time questioner! I'm using ivreg2 for estimating the TOT results of an experiment, to which I then want to apply the BKY FDR multiple hypothesis testing correction to the p-values. Doing this automatically with a normal command works easily, as the p-values are stored in r(table). However, I can't for the life of me find where ivreg2 stores regression results, if anywhere. The only matrix available in ereturn list seems to be e(first), which is only the first stage results.
The code I use for accessing the stored p-value for areg is below- is it possible to adapt this for ivreg2, or will I need to use the original ivreg?
qui areg `var' treatment $control1, absorb(pair_number) vce(cluster id)
local r2: display %4.3f `e(r2)'
mat P =r(table)
scalar p`w1'=P[4,1]
mat drop P
Thank you!