Try to run the same logistic regression model for 2 different populations and to model each one separately. How should I start (step-by-step)? and how should I compare the results across the two models?
Thank you
Thank you
sysuse auto, clear logistic foreign mpg headroom if rep78 == 5 estimates store rep78_5 logistic foreign mpg headroom if rep78 == 4 estimates store rep78_4 suest rep78_5 rep78_4, coefl lincom _b[rep78_5_foreign:mpg] - _b[rep78_4_foreign:mpg]
sysuse auto, clear logistic foreign i.rep78##(c.mpg c.headroom) if inlist(rep78, 4, 5) margins rep78, dydx(mpg headroom) predict(xb)
sysuse auto, clear logistic foreign i.rep78##c.mpg c.headroom if inlist(rep78, 4, 5) margins rep78, dydx(mpg headroom) predict(xb)
forvalues i = 1/28 { lincom _b[Set_1_Choice:v`i'] - _b[Set_2_Choice:v`i'] }