Dear all,
Thanks to Prof Baum, a new command is now available on ssc. This new command, named mmqreg, allows for the estimation of quantile regressions using the method proposed in :
Machado, J.A.F. and Santos Silva, J.M.C. (2019), Quantiles via Moments, Journal of Econometrics, 213(1), pp. 145-173.
In contrast with -xtqreg- (also from ssc), this new command allows :
1. Implement this methodology when no fixed effects are specified, so you can directly compare them with the output of -qreg-.
2. Automatically reports the Scale, location and quantile regression in a single regression output. This may be useful for testing simultaneous quantile regressions (using bootstrap).
3. It allows for the estimation of quantile regressions with multiple fixed effects, based on the demeaning strategy used in commands like -regxfe-, -reghdfe-, -ppmlhdfe-.
This command requires -hdfe- and -ftools-. So make sure they are installed before trying the examples in the helpfile or the do file that comes with the command.
Thank you
Thanks to Prof Baum, a new command is now available on ssc. This new command, named mmqreg, allows for the estimation of quantile regressions using the method proposed in :
Machado, J.A.F. and Santos Silva, J.M.C. (2019), Quantiles via Moments, Journal of Econometrics, 213(1), pp. 145-173.
In contrast with -xtqreg- (also from ssc), this new command allows :
1. Implement this methodology when no fixed effects are specified, so you can directly compare them with the output of -qreg-.
2. Automatically reports the Scale, location and quantile regression in a single regression output. This may be useful for testing simultaneous quantile regressions (using bootstrap).
3. It allows for the estimation of quantile regressions with multiple fixed effects, based on the demeaning strategy used in commands like -regxfe-, -reghdfe-, -ppmlhdfe-.
This command requires -hdfe- and -ftools-. So make sure they are installed before trying the examples in the helpfile or the do file that comes with the command.
Thank you