I have some survey data and a dummy outcome variable. The data includes the region in which each individual lives. I'd like to use this for fixed effects with regions. Ideally, I'd like to use a probit fixed effects model with marginal coefficients evaluated at their means because this what make my results directly comparable to another paper's and allow a useful comparison.
However, I've read on this forum that fixed effects with probit is biased. I then planned on using a fixed effects logit as a robustness check but I've read that these results can't be presented as marginal coefficients evaluated at their means. I still intend on using a fixed effect probit if possible so that I can compare my results. As I don't think Stata allows for FE probit, I've used dummy region variables. Does this have the same effect as a fixed effect probit?
Is it correct that I cannot use a fixed effects logit with marginal coefficients, or is there a code that is suitable for this? Would using dummy variables for each region be a suitable way around using the fixed effects command, and therefore being able to evaluate as marginal coefficients at means?
Below, is the code I was planning on using. As there is no FE probit available, I've just included dummies for regions.
Probit code:
probit TRUST rage rage2 female married fulltime parttime highinc i.regions margin, dydx(rage rage2 female married fulltime parttime highinc i.regions) atmeans
clogit TRUST rage rage2 female married fulltime parttime highinc, group(regions) margin, dydx(rage rage2 female married fulltime parttime highinc) atmeans