This is my code and my output, the problem is I don't know how to put standard errors under the mean results (to save space)
eststo clear
sort race
eststo: quietly estpost summarize ///
yearsexp honors volunteer military,
by race: eststo: quietly estpost summarize ///
yearsexp honors volunteer military,
esttab, cells("mean(fmt(%12.3fc)) sd") label mtitles(Races)
This is my code and my output, the problem is I don't know how to put standard errors under the mean results (to save space)
eststo clear
sort race
eststo: quietly estpost summarize ///
yearsexp honors volunteer military,
by race: eststo: quietly estpost summarize ///
yearsexp honors volunteer military,
esttab, cells("mean(fmt(%12.3fc)) sd") label mtitles(Races)