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  • How to save the "drift" parameter of a Dickey-Fuller unit-root test (dfuller)?

    I would like to save the "drift" parameter of a Dickey-Fuller unit-root test, in order to export it with the help of "putexcel". With "drift parameter" I mean the regression constant of the estimated model.

    As far as I see, it is not available under the "stored results" of "dfuller". It can however be displayed using the option "regress" in "dfuller". It is then displayed in a table and has the name "_cons". However "_cons" cannot be saved or exported.

    Is there any possibility to save the "drift" parameter or would I have to manipulate the source code of "dfuller"?

    Thanks for help!

  • #2
    I think this can start you in a useful direction. The key insight is that along with the results returned by dfuller that are listed by
    return list
    the estimates produced by the regression are still available as shown by
    ereturn list
    webuse air2, clear
    dfuller air, regress
    ereturn list
    matrix b = e(b)
    scalar drift = b["y1","_cons"]
    display drift
    . dfuller air, regress
    Dickey-Fuller test for unit root                   Number of obs   =       143
                                   ---------- Interpolated Dickey-Fuller ---------
                      Test         1% Critical       5% Critical      10% Critical
                   Statistic           Value             Value             Value
     Z(t)             -1.748            -3.496            -2.887            -2.577
    MacKinnon approximate p-value for Z(t) = 0.4065
           D.air |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]
             air |
             L1. |   -.041068    .023493    -1.75   0.083    -.0875122    .0053761
           _cons |    13.7055   7.133673     1.92   0.057    -.3972781    27.80829
    . ereturn list
                   e(rank) =  2
                   e(ll_0) =  -705.6387933373031
                     e(ll) =  -704.1057594990987
                   e(r2_a) =  .0142710546604324
                    e(rss) =  158355.9401162112
                    e(mss) =  3431.975967704871
                   e(rmse) =  33.51256143409272
                     e(r2) =  .0212128077966266
                      e(F) =  3.055828604163919
                   e(df_r) =  141
                   e(df_m) =  1
                      e(N) =  143
                e(cmdline) : "regress D.air L1.air"
                  e(title) : "Linear regression"
              e(marginsok) : "XB default"
                    e(vce) : "ols"
                 e(depvar) : "D.air"
                    e(cmd) : "regress"
             e(properties) : "b V"
                e(predict) : "regres_p"
                  e(model) : "ols"
              e(estat_cmd) : "regress_estat"
                      e(b) :  1 x 2
                      e(V) :  2 x 2
    . matrix b = e(b)
    . scalar drift = b["y1","_cons"]
    . display drift
    Last edited by William Lisowski; 19 Jan 2020, 10:19.


    • #3
      Thanks William! I receive the following error message using your code:
      . dfuller air, regress
      Dickey-Fuller test for unit root                   Number of obs   =       143
                                     ---------- Interpolated Dickey-Fuller ---------
                        Test         1% Critical       5% Critical      10% Critical
                     Statistic           Value             Value             Value
       Z(t)             -1.748            -3.496            -2.887            -2.577
      MacKinnon approximate p-value for Z(t) = 0.4065
             D.air |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]
               air |
               L1. |   -.041068    .023493    -1.75   0.083    -.0875122    .0053761
             _cons |    13.7055   7.133673     1.92   0.057    -.3972781    27.80829
      . ereturn list
      . matrix b = e(b)
      last estimates not found
      . scalar drift = b["y1","_cons"]
      b not found
      . display drift
      drift not found

      What problem do I have?


      • #4
        The problem you have is an oversight rather than insight on my part. It wasn't dfuller that left the regression results in memory - they were there from a previous regress I had run.

        However, having done
        viewsource dfuller.ado
        I find an undocumented "certify" option that leaves the regression results intact as I had misled myself into believing they were. So with one change
        webuse air2, clear
        dfuller air, regress certify
        matrix b = e(b)
        scalar drift = b["y1","_cons"]
        display drift
        the code should now work for you.
        Last edited by William Lisowski; 19 Jan 2020, 12:52.


        • #5
          The output is now:

          . dfuller air, regress certify
          Dickey-Fuller test for unit root                   Number of obs   =       143
                                         ---------- Interpolated Dickey-Fuller ---------
                            Test         1% Critical       5% Critical      10% Critical
                         Statistic           Value             Value             Value
           Z(t)             -1.748            -3.496            -2.887            -2.577
          MacKinnon approximate p-value for Z(t) = 0.4065
                 D.air |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]
                   air |
                   L1. |   -.041068    .023493    -1.75   0.083    -.0875122    .0053761
                 _cons |    13.7055   7.133673     1.92   0.057    -.3972781    27.80829
          . matrix b = e(b)
          . scalar drift = b["y1","_cons"]
          matrix operators that return matrices not allowed in this context
          . display drift
          drift not found
          Should I perhaps use a Mata export to get the matrix value of the drift parameter?


          • #6
            The matrices from ereturn and return are standard Stata matrices, not Mata matrices. See help matrix to understand them.

            I guess you're using a version earlier than Stata 16. Try the classic subscripting with column names (and dfuller only fits a single equation, a row number of 1 instead of a row name will do)
            webuse air2, clear
            dfuller air, regress certify
            matrix b = e(b)
            scalar drift = b[1,colnumb(b,"_cons")]
            display drift
            For what it's worth to anyone else reading this, Stata 16 not only expanded the applicability of column name and row name subscripts, but also allows subscripts to be applied to e() and r() matrices. So on Stata 16, the following works, to my surprise and joy.
            webuse air2, clear
            dfuller air, regress certify
            scalar drift = e(b)[1,"_cons"]
            display drift


            • #7
              Indeed, I'm using Stata 15 and should update. Your code for Stata 15 works perfectly!

              Thanks a lot!

