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  • Has anyone tried 'malmq2' to run a Malmquist DEA?

    I am a new STATA user and tried to run the captioned but return with an error msg. malmq2 is a recently updated ado. I have read many posts regarding the previous version and seems many problems occur with the previous version too.

    Can anyone give me suggestion?

    [M-2] error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Return code 3499
    ____ not found
    The specified variable or function could not be found.
    For a function, it was not already loaded, it is not in
    the libraries, and there is no .mo file with its name.

  • #2
    The output of search malmq2 gives the email address for the author, who perhaps can address your problem.


    • #3
      Hi, I had exactly the same problem. The 'malmq2.ado' file is in the subdirectory that hold ado files, but I got the same message as you did. If you are able to find out how to fix it, I am interested to know.


      • #4
        There is a newer version of malmq2 which fixes the problem. Find it at:


        • #5
          Michael Cunningham -

          Thank you for reporting this back to Statalist. I have added this new information to a Statalist topic that contains a running compendium of issues around the dea and malmq commands at

