I struggle to build a graph that looks like this (I used my advanced MS Paint skills here):

I.e. a combined graph in which one graph is large and on the left-hand side, while 3 small graphs are on the right hand side.
The only graph that I can produce is this:

Here is the code
The example is obviously made up, I actually have maps created with spmaps and I want to combine them (Europe in the large graph; its overseas regions in the small graphs).
Any help is much appreciated!
I struggle to build a graph that looks like this (I used my advanced MS Paint skills here):
I.e. a combined graph in which one graph is large and on the left-hand side, while 3 small graphs are on the right hand side.
The only graph that I can produce is this:
Here is the code
clear set obs 100 g x1 = runiform() g y1 = runiform() g x2 = runiform() g y2 = runiform() g x3 = runiform() g y3 = runiform() g x4 = runiform() g y4 = runiform() twoway scatter x1 y1, saving(SMALL1, replace) fysize(25) fxsize(25) twoway scatter x2 y2, saving(SMALL2, replace) fysize(25) fxsize(25) twoway scatter x3 y3, saving(SMALL3, replace) fysize(25) fxsize(25) twoway scatter x4 y4, saving(BIG, replace) ysize(10) xsize(10) graph combine BIG.gph SMALL1.gph SMALL2.gph SMALL3.gph
Any help is much appreciated!