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  • create a weight on dependent var and run as regression

    Dear all,

    I have searched in the forum on how to create a weight for a variable but I could not precisely find anywhere. I hope you could give some idea for my analysis.

    I am doing a panel data analysis of the impact of regulatory support on solar PV capacity for few Asia-Pacific countries. My supervisors mentioned that I should appropriate to scale the observations to check if the results are driven by one or two small provinces or countries. For instance, there are few countries/provinces have large capacity installation throughout the period of study, meanwhile, some of them only have a smaller value. Can I create analytical weight for dependent var

    Thank you for your precious time and help.


  • #2

    Can anyone help me to solve the problem? I know how to tabulate the analytical weights but I am not sure how to create the weight var in the fixed effect model. [/CODE]
    tab pv_small [aw=pv_small], m
            net |
       addition |
       solar PV |
    residential |      Freq.     Percent        Cum.
           .001 |.0000838047        0.00        0.00
           .002 |.0000558698        0.00        0.00
          .0025 | .000034919        0.00        0.00
           .005 | .000069837        0.00        0.00
           .007 | .000097772        0.00        0.00
            .01 | .000698372        0.00        0.00
           .015 | .000209512        0.00        0.00
            .02 | .000279349        0.00        0.00
           .021 | .000293316        0.00        0.00
           .025 | .001745931        0.00        0.00
           .026 | .000363154        0.00        0.00
            .03 | .000838047        0.00        0.00
           .033 |.0004609258        0.00        0.00
           .034 | .000474893        0.00        0.00
          .0397 | .000554508        0.00        0.00
            .05 | .004190235        0.00        0.00
           .053 | .000740275        0.00        0.00
           .055 |  .00076821        0.00        0.00
           .061 | .000852014        0.00        0.00
           .062 |.0008659818        0.00        0.00
           .075 | .001047559        0.00        0.00
           .081 | .001131363        0.00        0.00
           .095 | .001326908        0.00        0.01
             .1 |  .05447305        0.02        0.02
            .11 | .001536419        0.00        0.02
           .113 | .001578322        0.00        0.02
           .116 | .001620224        0.00        0.02
           .125 | .001745931        0.00        0.02
           .126 | .001759899        0.00        0.02
           .143 | .001997345        0.00        0.02
           .178 | .002486206        0.00        0.02
            .19 | .002653815        0.00        0.03
             .2 | .013967449        0.00        0.03
           .236 | .003296318        0.00        0.03
           .238 | .006648506        0.00        0.03
            .24 | .003352188        0.00        0.03
           .242 | .003380123        0.00        0.03
            .25 | .045394208        0.01        0.05
           .255 | .003561699        0.00        0.05
            .28 | .007821771        0.00        0.05
            .29 |  .00405056        0.00        0.05
           .296 | .004134365        0.00        0.05
             .3 | .016760939        0.00        0.06
            .33 |.0092185164        0.00        0.06
           .345 |  .00481877        0.00        0.06
            .35 | .009777214        0.00        0.07
           .362 | .005056216        0.00        0.07
           .378 | .005279695        0.00        0.07
           .387 | .005405403        0.00        0.07
           .389 | .005433337        0.00        0.07
             .4 |.0055869795        0.00        0.07
           .424 | .005922198        0.00        0.08
           .439 |  .00613171        0.00        0.08
            .48 | .006704375        0.00        0.08
           .488 | .006816115        0.00        0.08
            .49 |   .0136881        0.00        0.09
           .495 | .006913887        0.00        0.09
             .5 | .083804691        0.02        0.11
            .54 | .007542423        0.00        0.11
            .55 | .015364194        0.00        0.12
            .56 | .015643542        0.00        0.12
             .6 | .025141408        0.01        0.13
            .63 | .008799493        0.00        0.13
            .65 | .009078841        0.00        0.14
            .75 |.0104755864        0.00        0.14
            .79 | .011034285        0.00        0.14
             .8 | .033521877        0.01        0.15
           .827 |  .01155108        0.00        0.16
            .85 | .011872332        0.00        0.16
           .876 | .012235485        0.00        0.16
           .907 |.0126684759        0.00        0.17
            .95 | .013269076        0.00        0.17
            .96 |.0268175006        0.01        0.18
              1 | .111739588        0.03        0.21
           1.09 | .015224519        0.00        0.22
            1.1 | .030728387        0.01        0.22
          1.133 | .015825119        0.00        0.23
           1.15 | .016062565        0.00        0.23
            1.2 | .016760939        0.00        0.24
           1.22 | .017040288        0.01        0.24
          1.269 | .017724693        0.01        0.25
            1.5 | .104755864        0.03        0.28
            1.7 | .023744663        0.01        0.29
              2 | .083804691        0.02        0.31
            2.1 |.0293316406        0.01        0.32
            2.4 | .033521878        0.01        0.33
          2.542 | .035505255        0.01        0.34
           2.84 | .039667553        0.01        0.35
           2.89 | .040365928        0.01        0.36
              3 | .083804691        0.02        0.39
            3.5 |  .04888607        0.01        0.40
              4 | .167609382        0.05        0.45
           4.08 | .056987189        0.02        0.47
           4.12 | .057545886        0.02        0.49
            4.5 | .062853518        0.02        0.50
            4.8 | .067043756        0.02        0.52
              5 | .209511728        0.06        0.59
           5.02 |.0701165914        0.02        0.61
           5.15 | .071932361        0.02        0.63
           5.25 | .073329105        0.02        0.65
            5.4 | .075424223        0.02        0.67
              6 | .167609382        0.05        0.72
           6.09 | .085061764        0.03        0.75
              7 |  .09777214        0.03        0.77
          8.517 | .118960762        0.03        0.81
              9 | .251414074        0.07        0.88
            9.8 | .136880998        0.04        0.92
             10 | .279348971        0.08        1.01
          10.89 | .152105519        0.04        1.05
          11.75 |  .16411752        0.05        1.10
             12 |.6704375299        0.20        1.30
          13.33 | .186186088        0.05        1.35
          13.46 | .188001858        0.06        1.41
          13.62 | .190236648        0.06        1.46
             14 | .391088559        0.12        1.58
             15 | .628535184        0.18        1.76
           15.5 | .216495452        0.06        1.83
             16 | .223479177        0.07        1.89
             17 |  .47489325        0.14        2.03
          17.06 | .238284665        0.07        2.10
          17.27 | .241217843        0.07        2.17
             18 | .502828147        0.15        2.32
          18.27 | .255185291        0.08        2.39
       18.79458 | .262512389        0.08        2.47
             19 | .265381522        0.08        2.55
             20 | .279348971        0.08        2.63
             21 | .293316419        0.09        2.72
           21.6 | .301696894        0.09        2.81
           21.7 | .303093644        0.09        2.90
             22 | .307283868        0.09        2.99
             26 | .363153662        0.11        3.09
             29 | .405056008        0.12        3.21
             30 | .419023456        0.12        3.34
           30.5 |  .42600718        0.13        3.46
             34 |  .47489325        0.14        3.60
             35 | .488860699        0.14        3.74
             38 |.5307630445        0.16        3.90
          41.01 | .572805041        0.17        4.07
             44 | .614567736        0.18        4.25
           50.2 | .701165927        0.21        4.46
         53.008 | .740386504        0.22        4.67
       54.48401 | .761002642        0.22        4.90
          55.77 | .778964611        0.23        5.13
          58.98 | .823800108        0.24        5.37
             67 | .935819052        0.28        5.64
          71.07 | .992666563        0.29        5.94
          72.24 | 1.00900845        0.30        6.23
             78 | 1.08946099        0.32        6.55
          81.31 | 1.13569321        0.33        6.89
             82 | 1.14533078        0.34        7.22
       86.83963 |1.212928065        0.36        7.58
          90.24 | 1.26042253        0.37        7.95
             92 | 1.28500527        0.38        8.33
          94.98 | 1.32662831        0.39        8.72
          95.94 |1.340037047        0.39        9.11
           97.5 | 1.36182623        0.40        9.51
            103 |  1.4386472        0.42        9.94
         104.22 |  1.4556875        0.43       10.37
         104.76 | 1.46322994        0.43       10.80
         108.69 | 1.51812202        0.45       11.24
         116.46 | 1.62664904        0.48       11.72
       128.8272 | 1.79938742        0.53       12.25
         135.33 | 1.89021484        0.56       12.81
          138.1 | 1.92890473        0.57       13.37
         142.09 | 1.98463471        0.58       13.96
         149.25 | 2.08464169        0.61       14.57
         151.15 | 2.11117976        0.62       15.19
            153 | 2.13701963        0.63       15.82
        165.625 | 2.31335909        0.68       16.50
         172.21 | 2.40533441        0.71       17.21
         172.91 | 2.41511158        0.71       17.92
            185 | 2.58397798        0.76       18.68
       189.0797 | 2.64096157        0.78       19.45
       192.4785 | 2.68843355        0.79       20.25
         192.58 | 2.68985127        0.79       21.04
       193.5384 | 2.70323816        0.80       21.83
         197.62 | 2.76024711        0.81       22.64
            200 | 2.79348971        0.82       23.47
         200.32 | 2.79795939        0.82       24.29
         206.64 | 2.88623356        0.85       25.14
        216.262 |3.020628264        0.89       26.03
         219.77 | 3.06962623        0.90       26.93
       233.4798 | 3.26111642        0.96       27.89
         235.86 | 3.29436242        0.97       28.86
       246.3454 | 3.44081624        1.01       29.87
         248.85 | 3.47579965        1.02       30.89
         276.45 | 3.86130132        1.14       32.03
         309.85 | 4.32781402        1.27       33.30
          322.9 | 4.51008905        1.33       34.63
        339.613 | 4.74352719        1.40       36.02
       342.8159 | 4.78826327        1.41       37.43
         357.34 | 4.99112801        1.47       38.90
          378.7 | 5.28947293        1.56       40.45
        418.945 | 5.85159283        1.72       42.17
         442.25 | 6.17710412        1.82       43.99
            479 | 6.69040785        1.97       45.96
            545 |7.612259454        2.24       48.20
       660.7269 | 9.22866938        2.71       50.91
            675 | 9.42802776        2.77       53.68
         678.58 | 9.47803147        2.79       56.47
            824 | 11.5091776        3.39       59.86
          851.5 | 11.8932824        3.50       63.36
         929.05 | 12.9764579        3.82       67.17
       952.1545 | 13.2991696        3.91       71.08
        955.618 |  13.347545        3.93       75.01
        1024.15 | 14.3047628        4.21       79.22
       1092.016 | 15.2526772        4.49       83.70
       1205.594 | 16.8390789        4.95       88.66
        1264.35 |17.65974322        5.19       93.85
       1497.172 | 20.9116779        6.15      100.00
          Total |        340      100.00
    Thanks again.

