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  • n and % for a series of binary variables

    Hi. I woud like to produce n and % for a series of binary variables in the same table.

    For example, instead of:
    . sysuse nlsw88, clear
    (NLSW, 1988 extract)
    . tab1 married collgrad union
    -> tabulation of married  
        married |      Freq.     Percent        Cum.
         single |        804       35.80       35.80
        married |      1,442       64.20      100.00
          Total |      2,246      100.00
    -> tabulation of collgrad  
    college graduate |      Freq.     Percent        Cum.
    not college grad |      1,714       76.31       76.31
        college grad |        532       23.69      100.00
               Total |      2,246      100.00
    -> tabulation of union  
          union |
         worker |      Freq.     Percent        Cum.
       nonunion |      1,417       75.45       75.45
          union |        461       24.55      100.00
          Total |      1,878      100.00
    I would like to produce something like:

    Variable     |      Freq.     Percent
         married |      1,442       64.20
    college grad |        532       23.69
           union |        461       24.55
    Variable         |      Freq.     Percent
             married |      1,442       64.20
    college graduate |        532       23.69
        union worker |        461       24.55
    i.e. the counts and percentage of the variable=1 for each variable, either labelled by the value label or the variable label (either would work in my case).

    With best wishes and thaks,


  • #2
    if each of the variables of interest is coded 0/1, just use -summarize-; the mean will be the percent;


    • #3
      Thanks, Rich. Unfortunately, that uses the variable names for the row labels and I wanted the variable label (or value label for variable=1). Also, I am producing the tables for someone else, and I think that they would appreciate the counts and percentages, rather than just the percentages/100.


      • #4
        Here's a start at getting the table you want. I'm out of time, but this is a start.
        sysuse nlsw88, clear
        rename (married collgrad union) (v_=)
        keep v_*
        foreach var of varlist v_* {
            local lbl : label (`var') 1
            generate str20 l`var' = `"`lbl'"'
        generate id = _n
        reshape long v_ lv_, i(id) j(var) string
        rename v_ value
        rename lv_ label
        generate missing = value==.
        generate count   = value==1
        generate pct     = 100*(value==1) if !missing(value)
        collapse (sum) missing count (mean) pct, by(label)
        gsort -count
        format %9.2f pct
        list, noobs
        . list, noobs
          |        label   missing   count     pct |
          |      married         0    1442   64.20 |
          | college grad         0     532   23.69 |
          |        union       368     461   24.55 |
        Last edited by William Lisowski; 25 Nov 2019, 07:42.


        • #5
          Rich Goldstein is right. Here is some further code. I wouldn't be surprised at an existing command, or at its non-existence either! Naturally there is much scope for tuning details of presentation, etc.

          sysuse nlsw88 
          local j = 0 
          foreach v in married collgrad union { 
              local ++j 
              local this`j' `"`: label (`v') 1'"' 
              if `"`this`j''"' == "" local this`j' "`v'" 
              local tostack `tostack' `v'
          stack `tostack', into(data) clear 
          collapse (sum) Freq = data (mean) mean = data, by(_stack) 
          gen Percent = string(100 * mean, "%3.2f") + "%" 
          forval J = 1/`j' { 
              label def _stack `J' `"`this`J''"', modify 
          label val _stack _stack 
          label var _stack "attribute" 
          label var Freq "Freq." 
          tabdisp _stack, c(Freq Percent) 

             attribute |      Freq.     Percent
               married |       1442      64.20%
          college grad |        532      23.69%
                 union |        461      24.55%


          • #6
            Hereabouts it is proverbial that beggars can't be choosers!


            • #7
              Thanks, Nick and William!
              Edited to add: this beggar is really very grateful.


              • #8
                Thanks; the hint was for your colleague if needed!


                • #9
                  Another solution would be use -file- :

                  .  sysuse nlsw88, clear
                  (NLSW, 1988 extract)
                  .  file open myfile using test.txt, write replace 
                  .  file write myfile "Attribute" _column(20) "Freq." _column(30) "Percent" _n
                  .  foreach v of varlist married union collgra {
                    2.         qui sum `v'
                    3.         local per = r(mean)*100
                    4.         file write myfile  "`v'" _column(15) %10.0gc (r(sum)) ///
                  >                 _column(30) %4.1f (`per') _n
                    5. }
                  . file close myfile
                  . type test.txt
                  Attribute          Freq.     Percent
                  married            1,442     64.2
                  union                461     24.5
                  collgrad             532     23.7


                  • #10
                    Thanks, Scott. I am spoilt for choice!


                    • #11
                      Hi, This is my first time posting here, so I appreciate your kindness>
                      I have a dataset with observations at individual-level, and I want to create a new variable (% of a therapy) at a center-level.
                      I have the therapy variable as (0-1) and the variable that identifies the center-level I want to aggregate in as a string variable.
                      Please help, I have tried bysort, egen, count with no satisfactory results.


                      • #12
                        Carlos Diaz

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