This is my first time creating a dialog box, and I am struggling to create conditions based on chosen values from a COMBOBOX dropdownlist.
A simplification of what I want is in the code below.
The user selects your favorite fruit from the options apple, banana, other. Then, I want to enable/disable an EDIT field according to whether other was chosen in the drop down list, so the user may type his custom answer.
Any help would be much appreciated!
A simplification of what I want is in the code below.
The user selects your favorite fruit from the options apple, banana, other. Then, I want to enable/disable an EDIT field according to whether other was chosen in the drop down list, so the user may type his custom answer.
Any help would be much appreciated!
VERSION 15.0 POSITION . . 200 60 DIALOG main, label("Help") tabtitle("Main") BEGIN TEXT tx_fruit 10 10 120 ., label("Your favorite fruit is...") COMBOBOX cb_fruit @ +20 60 ., /// dropdownlist /// contents(fruit_list) /// onselchange(script main_cb_fruit_change) EDIT ed_fruit +60 @ 100 ., /// tooltip("For example: pear") END LIST fruit_list BEGIN apple banana other END SCRIPT main_cb_fruit_change BEGIN ***** HELP NEEDED: HOW TO CORRECT THE LINE BELOW? **** if main.cb_fruit == "other" { main.ed_fruit.enable } else { main.ed_fruit.disable } END OK ok1, label("OK") CANCEL can1, label("Cancel") RESET res1 PROGRAM command BEGIN put `"display "Thanks for the help""' END