Everything I come across/ everyone I ask says NEVER do a m:m merge, but I'm not quite convinced for my particular case. I have student by course level data set--i.e., in a given year, a student has multiple courses. The data set is unique at the student ID plus 5 course-level variables (note: no teacher ID is included). The data set I want to merge to is the teacher-level course file, which includes the five course-levels variables that are also in the student-level file. Now, this would be a fairly clean m:1 merge, BUT there are often multiple teachers for a single course--e.g., course co-teachers--so I did many to many.
I am still having trouble understanding why m:m merges are problematic because when I ran the merge, everything appears reasonable . . . could some explain why these merges generally cause problems/ what I should look out for to check to make sure the merge went successfully?
I am still having trouble understanding why m:m merges are problematic because when I ran the merge, everything appears reasonable . . . could some explain why these merges generally cause problems/ what I should look out for to check to make sure the merge went successfully?