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  • Reshape a dataset


    I have a data-set for 68 different companies which has information of their price from 2014 to 2019.
    I currently have:
    -a variable corresponding to the date
    -68 variables corresponding to each of the different companies.

    What I need is to reshape the data so that I have an observation of the price for each date and a variable identifying each company.

    I'm struggling to understand if I should use the command reshape from long to wide or from wide to long.

    Alternatively, if I transposed the dataset I would have:
    -a variable identifying each company with 68 observations
    -one variable per-month from 2014 to 2019.

    In this case I would need to generate a date variable and collapse all the existing date variables into a single variable that is sorted by date.

    Thank you for your help

  • #2
    I was checking the needed elements to use the reshape command. Referring to the transposed dataset, where I have a variable identifying each company and k variables for the observation of the price in each month, I think I found a possible way.

    I am importing this dataset from Excel and the original file looks like this:

    Company 1-1-15 1-2-15 1-3-15
    Company A 4 2 5
    Company B 4 4 3
    When I import this into stata it doesn't recognize the first column as a name (because it has numeric values) so it assigns a letter to the name of each column and labels it with the date.
    I would need to have the date in a format such as price_numeric_date to use the reshape from wide to long, where the stub is price and the numeric date is j (with the syntax shown in

    I thought of using a loop to rename the variables with the date using a loop but stata doesn't recognize the dates as values for the j.

    Here's the do-file

    import excel "/Users/nicolasmorales/Downloads/export para stata reshape-2.xlsx", sheet("V21") firstrow

    foreach v of varlist B C D E {
    local x : variable label `v'
    rename `v' price_`x'
    reshape long price, i(company) j(date)


    • #3
      I designed a solution (not optimal but works). I went back to the excel spreadsheet and changed the column names from dates to the needed format. There were 60 periods for the price, so I renamed the columns price1, price 2, ..., price60.
      Then I used the command:
      reshape long price, i(company) j(numeric_date)

      It worked! Now I only need to replace the values for the dates back from numeric to the dd-mm-yyyy format.

      I hope this thread helps someone else.

