Dear All,
I have a panel with the following structure: N=6 T=53 (monthly data). I am trying to estimate the impact of opinion polls over the frequency of tweets about inequality by 6 parties. Given that T>N, I discarded FE model in favour of Zellner's seemingly unrelated regressions (sureg). Hence, I reshaped my panel wide and now it looks like this:
However, after setting a macro and trying sureg:
I get the following error: last estimates not found r(301). Many thanks for your help! Giovanni
I have a panel with the following structure: N=6 T=53 (monthly data). I am trying to estimate the impact of opinion polls over the frequency of tweets about inequality by 6 parties. Given that T>N, I discarded FE model in favour of Zellner's seemingly unrelated regressions (sureg). Hence, I reshaped my panel wide and now it looks like this:
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex clear input float w_freq_ineq1 double share1 float w_freq_ineq2 double share2 float w_freq_ineq3 double share3 float w_freq_ineq4 double share4 float w_freq_ineq5 double share5 float w_freq_ineq6 double share6 0 . 6.289308 . 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 21.6 3.2 1.9 0 4.1 0 25.2 3.243243 25.4 0 .9 0 22.6 2.3255813 1.5 0 3.9 13.043478 26.7 10.81081 26 0 .7 0 26.2 2.631579 1.7 0 4.1 2.5 24.8 47.61905 25.2 0 .8 6.896552 27.7 2.2727273 2 0 4.1 3.076923 22.7 1.4492754 24.2 0 .9 0 27.5 8.163265 2.2 2.5 3.7 1.6949153 18.3 25 27.9 . . 0 26.9 3.5714285 2.7 .9174312 4 10.227273 18.3 2.857143 26.9 . . 0 . 0 . 0 . 9.375 . 33.333332 . . . 2.857143 26.2 0 2.4 0 4.1 7.042253 20.1 14.285714 28.1 0 .9 3.658537 24 3.7037036 2.6 1.0204082 4.3 52.63158 21.6 3.3613446 29.2 0 .9 5.128205 22 0 2.8 12 4 22.61905 22 6.25 28.7 20 .9 12.5 21.3 3.846154 2.5 1.234568 3.9 16.86747 21.8 6.779661 30.1 0 .8 5.084746 22 1.724138 2.4 8.333333 3.9 4.878049 21.4 4.5454545 31.5 0 .7 12.5 22.4 0 2.5 0 3.9 8.450705 22.7 0 30.4 0 .9 31.25 22.3 0 2.8 4.5454545 4.1 10.67961 21.8 2.631579 31.1 . . end
tsset time forvalues i = 1/6 { local vars "`vars' (w_freq_ineq`i' share`i')" } sureg `vars'