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  • Help in panel data analysis

    Hello, I really request for your help in doing panel data analysis. My data is: DV (ROA) IV( interest, exchange, inflation, GDP) when i try xtreg ROA Interestrate GDP ExchangeRate , re told all my independent variables are ommited due to collinearity and insufficient observation please help
    GDP Year Interest rate Exchange Rate Inflation Rate ROA identity
    4.9 13-Jan 18.13 87.611 3.67 1.78% 1
    5.9 13-Feb 17.84 86.236 4.45 0.06% 2
    5.7 13-Mar 17.73 85.639 4.11 4.55% 3
    5.4 13-Apr 17.87 83.821 4.14 4.12% 4
    5.9 13-May 17.45 85.124 4.05 4.79% 5
    13-Jun 16.97 86.008 4.91 6.18% 6
    13-Jul 17.02 87.28 6.03 3.21% 7
    13-Aug 16.96 87.597 6.67 -1.50% 8
    13-Sep 16.86 86.646 8.29 4.55% 9
    13-Oct 17 85.147 7.76 0.16% 10
    13-Nov 16.89 86.993 7.36 1.13% 11
    13-Dec 16.99 86.31 7.15 3.95% 12
    14-Jan 17.03 86.236 7.21 -2.60% 13
    14-Feb 17.06 86.326 6.86 6.64% 14
    14-Mar 16.91 86.441 6.27 2.14% 15
    14-Apr 16.7 86.871 6.41 0.83% 16
    14-May 16.97 87.797 7.3 1.73% 17
    14-Jun 16.36 87.627 7.39 2.27% 18
    14-Jul 16.91 87.804 7.67 2.76% 19
    14-Aug 16.26 88.394 8.36 3.79% 20
    14-Sep 16.04 89.279 6.6 5.23% 21
    14-Oct 16 89.352 6.43 -1.36% 22
    14-Nov 15.94 90.179 6.09 5.40% 23
    14-Dec 15.99 90.598 6.02 0.14% 24
    15-Jan 15.93 91.674 5.53 3.93% 25
    15-Feb 15.47 91.423 5.61 0.65% 26
    15-Mar 15.46 92.335 6.31 1.10% 27
    15-Apr 15.4 94.6 7.08 1.25% 28
    15-May 15.26 97.781 6.87 3.63% 29
    15-Jun 16.06 98.639 7.03 3.54% 30
    15-Jul 15.75 102.521 6.62 4.94% 31
    15-Aug 15.68 103.87 5.84 1.72% 32
    15-Sep 16.82 105.293 5.97 0.70% 33
    15-Oct 16.58 101.8 6.72 3.64% 34
    15-Nov 17.16 102.114 7.32 35
    15-Dec 18.3 102.311 8.01 36
    16-Jan 18 102.283 7.78 37
    16-Feb 17.91 101.697 6.84 38
    16-Mar 17.87 101.334 6.45 39
    16-Apr 18.04 101.141 5.27 40
    16-May 18.22 100.831 5 41
    16-Jun 18.18 101.102 5.8 42
    16-Jul 18.1 101.389 6.4 43
    16-Aug 17.66 101.359 6.26 44
    16-Sep 13.86 101.262 6.34 45
    16-Oct 13.73 101.459 6.47 46
    16-Nov 13.67 101.877 6.68 47
    16-Dec 13.66 102.486 6.35 48
    17-Jan 13.66 103.956 6.99 49
    17-Feb 13.69 103.342 9.04 50
    17-Mar 13.61 103 10.28 51
    17-Apr 13.61 103.222 11.48 52
    17-May 13.71 103.381 11.7 53
    17-Jun 13.66 103.712 9.21 54
    17-Jul 13.7 103.911 7.47 55
    17-Aug 13.65 103.143 8.04 56
    17-Sep 13.69 103.247 7.06 57
    17-Oct 13.71 103.694 5.72 58
    17-Nov 13.68 103.253 4.73 59
    17-Dec 13.64 103.232 4.5 60

  • #2
    set aside for a while that what you typed and what Stata gave you back should be posted within CODE delimiters, your problem are, in all likelihood, caused by:
    - the lack of a panel identifier. As per your data, you have one -identity- per observation, that indicates a cross-sectional (and not a panel) dataset;
    - your dataset is plagued with missing values. As you might be already aware of, Stata applies listwise deletion to observations with missing values in any variable.
    Last edited by sladmin; 04 Mar 2020, 16:29. Reason: anonymize original poster
    Kind regards,
    (StataNow 18.5)


    • #3
      xtreg ROA Interestrate ExchangeRate InflationRate GDP, fe cluster(identity)
      note: Interestrate omitted because of collinearity
      note: ExchangeRate omitted because of collinearity
      note: InflationRate omitted because of collinearity
      note: GDP omitted because of collinearity

      Fixed-effects (within) regression Number of obs = 5
      Group variable: identity Number of groups = 5

      R-sq: Obs per group:
      within = . min = 1
      between = . avg = 1.0
      overall = . max = 1

      F(0,4) = .
      corr(u_i, Xb) = . Prob > F = .

      (Std. Err. adjusted for 5 clusters in identity)
      | Robust
      ROA | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]
      Interestrate | 0 (omitted)
      ExchangeRate | 0 (omitted)
      InflationRate | 0 (omitted)
      GDP | 0 (omitted)
      _cons | .0306 . . . . .
      sigma_u | .02060248
      sigma_e | .
      rho | . (fraction of variance due to u_i)

      I really dont know what to do, been stuck for hours and thank you for your help sir.


      • #4
        The missing values are not neccessarily missing i.e. ROA is return on asset of 34 banks under study, then GDP is growth domestic product which is for 2013-2017 (5 observations) but other variables have 60 observations (yearly for 5 years). is is possible to fix the problem and perform panel data analysis
        Thank you sir.


        • #5
          you switched from -re- to -fe- specification, but changing specification does not fix the absence of multiple observations for the same -panelid-.
          Actually, you have 5 panels and 5 observations: this is a clear sign of a cross-sectional dataset. Hence, you should use -regress- and forget -xtreg-.
          This issue is far more relevant than missing data.
          As an aside, I take the liberty to recommend you to read/study any decent textbook on panel data econometrics.
          Stata users dealing with this stuff usually have on their bookshelves:
          Last edited by sladmin; 04 Mar 2020, 16:29. Reason: anonymize original poster
          Kind regards,
          (StataNow 18.5)


          • #6
            Hi Carlo,
            Thank you so much for your help. Let me go through and reach out if got stuck on the way.

