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  • How to estimate data that are censored by different criteria

    Dear Statalists,

    I have an outcome variable y, which records a company's transaction value. The variable shows "$1, $2 " till $10", "$10+, $20+" till "$100+", hereafter I drop the dollar sign, then 200+, 300+ till 1,000+; then 2,000+, 3,000+ till 10,000+; then 20000+, 30000+ till 90000+; then 100000+, 110000+, till 190000+; then 200,000+, 210,000+, till 290,000+. The maximum censored value is 9,500,000+. To sum up, below 10, it is not censored; above 10, it is censored depending on the value of y.

    I want to estimate the effect of x variable on this censored outcome y. Usually, for censored data, we use the Tobit model. However, the standard Tobit model specifies one censoring criterion: e.g. either right-censored or left censored. I wondered what model I can use for this "multiple" censored data.

    Thank you very much!

  • #2
    The best I can come up with, and they're not very good, are:

    1. Treat y as an ordinal variable and model it with -ologit-.

    2. Create a new variable whose value is your best estimate of the mean value of the unobserved value of y corresponding to the censored range given, and then analyze this new variable using -tobit- (with the censoring at 9,500,000.)

    Maybe somebody else has a better idea?

    Added: Actually, I have a better idea. This is interval censored data. Use -intreg-.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Clyde Schechter View Post
      The best I can come up with, and they're not very good, are:

      1. Treat y as an ordinal variable and model it with -ologit-.

      2. Create a new variable whose value is your best estimate of the mean value of the unobserved value of y corresponding to the censored range given, and then analyze this new variable using -tobit- (with the censoring at 9,500,000.)

      Maybe somebody else has a better idea?

      Added: Actually, I have a better idea. This is interval censored data. Use -intreg-.
      Thanks very much Clyde! Intreg is exactly what I need. It is a huge help. One friend of mine also recommended MLE. But intreg may be easier.

