Good morning,
I am trying to create a do file that outputs descriptive statistics and comparisons in a way that can be easily adapted for other projects. Everything works perfectly except that the headings do not show up the first time I run the do file. However, they do show up when I run it a second time. I imagine it has something to do with this line but I am at a loss for why the rest of the statistics export on the first run but not the headings.
Here is the section of code in question:
I am using Stata 15.1.
Thank you for any help you can provide!
I am trying to create a do file that outputs descriptive statistics and comparisons in a way that can be easily adapted for other projects. Everything works perfectly except that the headings do not show up the first time I run the do file. However, they do show up when I run it a second time. I imagine it has something to do with this line but I am at a loss for why the rest of the statistics export on the first run but not the headings.
putexcel set "$title", sheet("`lab`sheets''", replace) modify
forval sheets = 1/`sheets' { putexcel set "$title", sheet("`lab`sheets''", replace) modify putexcel A1=("`a1'") B1=("`b1'") C1=("`c1'") D1=("`d1'") E1=("`e1'") /// F1=("`f1'") G1=("`g1'") H1=("`h1'") I1=("`i1'") /// ,vcenter hcenter txtwrap foreach var in `sheet`sheets'' { //loops through each indicator forvalues x = 0/1 { // loops through baseline then midline sum `var' if `compare' ==`x' , detail //sums each variable at baseline/midline scalar `var'_mean`x' = r(mean) //saves mean scalar `var'_sd`x' = r(sd) //saves SD local `var'_label: var label `var' //saves var label scalar `var'_obs`x'= r(N) //saves number of obs } scalar `var'_ndiff = string((`var'_mean1 - `var'_mean0)/(sqrt(((`var'_sd1)^2 + (`var'_sd0)^2)/2)), "%10.3fc") //Calculates the normalized difference } foreach var in `sheet`sheets'' { //loops through each indicator reg `var' `compare' , cluster(`schoolid') test `compare' scalar `var'_p2 = r(p) //saves p value for each gender scalar `var'_p=string(r(p),"%10.5fc") //store the p-value of the ttest of the coefficient on the consent variable local `var'_diff = round(_b[`compare'], .001) //stores the differnce in means and rounds it to 3 decimal points if `var'_p2 <= 0.1 & `var'_p2 > 0.05 local `var'_diff = "``var'_diff'*" // makes the *** show up if `var'_p2 <= 0.05 & `var'_p2 > 0.01 local `var'_diff = "``var'_diff'**" if `var'_p2 <= 0.01 local `var'_diff = "``var'_diff'***" local `var'_sig = (r(p)) < 0.05 // dummy = 1 if significant at 5% level } *Putexcel codes to update the Excel file mentioned above local row = 2 foreach var in `sheet`sheets'' { putexcel A`row' = ("`var'") /// B`row' = ("``var'_label'") /// , fpat(solid, "221 235 247") vcenter //Formating for labels putexcel C`row' = (`var'_mean1) /// D`row' = (`var'_mean2) /// E`row' = ("``var'_diff'") /// F`row' = (`var'_ndiff) /// G`row' = (`var'_p) /// H`row' = (`var'_obs1) /// I`row' = (`var'_obs2) /// , vcenter hcenter local row = `row'+1 //Next row } }
Thank you for any help you can provide!