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  • Help in 'moving common' command

    I have an unbalanced panel, say firms over years, each firm has a variable of interest. I would like to do the following: for each year t, consider t+1, compare these two years and get the common firms. Calculate the mean of variable of interest cross sectionally for these common firms at year t. Next, for year t+1, compare it with t+2, get another common set of firms, again, calculate the mean of the new common set of firms at year t+1. For example, as follows.
    For year 2008, compare it with 2009. I have common firms: C, D. then I calculate C,D's mean (z+m)/2 for year 2008.
    For year 2009, compare it with 2010. I have common firms: C, F. then I calculate C, F's mean (n+w)/2 for year 2009.
    For year 2010, compare it with 2011. I have common firms: F, G. then i calculate F, G's mean (r+v)/2 for year 2010.

    I understand this is a rather simple algorithm, but i didnt find a good way to do it in stata. Hope you could help. Many thanks.
    year firm id variable of interest
    2008 A x
    2008 B y
    2008 C z
    2008 D m
    2009 C n
    2009 D q
    2009 F w
    2010 C t
    2010 F r
    2010 G v
    2011 F u
    2011 G p
    2011 H j

  • #2

    Schematic examples can be helpful, but realistic examples are better still.

    * Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
    input int year str1 firmid float whatever
    2008 "A"  1
    2008 "B"  2
    2008 "C"  3
    2008 "D"  4
    2009 "C"  5
    2009 "D"  6
    2009 "F"  7
    2010 "C"  8
    2010 "F"  9
    2010 "G" 10
    2011 "F" 11
    2011 "G" 12
    2011 "H" 13
    encode firmid, gen(id)
    tsset id year
    gen tag = F.whatever < . & whatever < . 
    egen wanted = mean(cond(tag, whatever, .)) , by(year)
    sort year firmid 
    list, sepby(year)
         | year   firmid   whatever   id   tag   wanted |
      1. | 2008        A          1    A     0      3.5 |
      2. | 2008        B          2    B     0      3.5 |
      3. | 2008        C          3    C     1      3.5 |
      4. | 2008        D          4    D     1      3.5 |
      5. | 2009        C          5    C     1        6 |
      6. | 2009        D          6    D     0        6 |
      7. | 2009        F          7    F     1        6 |
      8. | 2010        C          8    C     0      9.5 |
      9. | 2010        F          9    F     1      9.5 |
     10. | 2010        G         10    G     1      9.5 |
     11. | 2011        F         11    F     0        . |
     12. | 2011        G         12    G     0        . |
     13. | 2011        H         13    H     0        . |


    • #3
      Hi Nick, it works greatly! Thank you so much! I previously was thinking of a loop within loop way, but yours is much simpler and efficient to implement! Thanks again


      • #4
        Originally posted by Nick Cox View Post

        Schematic examples can be helpful, but realistic examples are better still.

        * Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
        input int year str1 firmid float whatever
        2008 "A" 1
        2008 "B" 2
        2008 "C" 3
        2008 "D" 4
        2009 "C" 5
        2009 "D" 6
        2009 "F" 7
        2010 "C" 8
        2010 "F" 9
        2010 "G" 10
        2011 "F" 11
        2011 "G" 12
        2011 "H" 13
        encode firmid, gen(id)
        tsset id year
        gen tag = F.whatever < . & whatever < .
        egen wanted = mean(cond(tag, whatever, .)) , by(year)
        sort year firmid
        list, sepby(year)
        | year firmid whatever id tag wanted |
        1. | 2008 A 1 A 0 3.5 |
        2. | 2008 B 2 B 0 3.5 |
        3. | 2008 C 3 C 1 3.5 |
        4. | 2008 D 4 D 1 3.5 |
        5. | 2009 C 5 C 1 6 |
        6. | 2009 D 6 D 0 6 |
        7. | 2009 F 7 F 1 6 |
        8. | 2010 C 8 C 0 9.5 |
        9. | 2010 F 9 F 1 9.5 |
        10. | 2010 G 10 G 1 9.5 |
        11. | 2011 F 11 F 0 . |
        12. | 2011 G 12 G 0 . |
        13. | 2011 H 13 H 0 . |
        Hi Nick, it works greatly! Thank you so much! I previously was thinking of a loop within loop way, but yours is much simpler and efficient to implement! Thanks again

