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  • Help with Program that Draws Observations from Distribution and Nested Loop

    Dear all,

    I am using Stata 16, on mac. I was wondering how would I write a program that selects a particular number of observations from a specified distribution such as uniform, poisson, beta? Also how would I write a nested loop if I wanted to draw a sample mean from the 3 distributions I mentioned previously with sample sizes of 3, 50 ,500 ,and 10000 and replicate 500 times and plot a histogram of the resulting distributions of the sample means?

    Thank you in advance for your help,

    Jason Browen

  • #2
    Here is one way of doing that. To make the graph you need the twby package, which you can install by typing in Stata ssc install twby

    clear all
    set seed 123456789
    set scheme s1color
    program define sim, rclass
        syntax, n(numlist >0 integer sort)
        drop _all
        local k : word count `n'
        set obs `: word `k' of `n''
        tempvar x1 x2 x3
        gen `x1' = runiform()
        gen `x2' = rpoisson(.5)
        gen `x3' = rbeta(.5,.5)
        forvalues which= 1/3 {
            foreach obs of local n {
                sum `x`which'' in 1/`obs', meanonly
                return scalar m`which'_`obs' = r(mean)
    simulate ///
        munif20=r(m1_20) munif50=r(m1_50) munif500=r(m1_500)  ///
        mpois20=r(m2_20) mpois50=r(m2_50) mpois500=r(m2_500)  ///
        mbeta20=r(m3_20) mbeta50=r(m3_50) mbeta500=r(m3_500)  ///
        , reps(10000) : sim, n(20 50 500)
    gen id = _n
    reshape long munif mpois mbeta, i(id) j(size)
    reshape long m, i(id size) j(dist) string
    label var dist "distribution"
    label var size "number of observations"
    *ssc install twby
    twby size dist, compact: twoway hist m
    Click image for larger version

Name:	Graph.png
Views:	1
Size:	69.5 KB
ID:	1524753

    Last edited by Maarten Buis; 15 Nov 2019, 02:49.
    Maarten L. Buis
    University of Konstanz
    Department of history and sociology
    box 40
    78457 Konstanz

