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  • How to plot point and interval estimates?


    I have been trying to create a plot like the below example, in which year 2006 is used as a benchmark. The authors regress the dependent variable on multiple interactions terms between a treatment dummy and year dummies, and plot their estimates.

    I tried to use command -coefplot- to create a similar plot and can get somewhat close:
    coefplot, levels(95) keep(dprior* dpost*) vertical ciopts(recast(rcap))  msymbol(d) addplot(line @b @at , lpattern(dash))
    However, so far I am unable to generate the following features:

    1. A filled circle at point (2006, 0). Since this is not really a point estimate (i.e., the observations for this year are dropped), how can I plot it and connect it with other circles?
    2. How to plot the two dashed lines as confidence intervals?

    Click image for larger version

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