I'm testing the effects of salary dispersion across NFL teams using pooled model, fixed and random effects with clustered standard errors. So I tried the Hausman test, but I received the message "hausman cannot be used with vce(robust), vce(cluster cvar), or p-weighted data". So I would like to know how can I test between fixed effects versus pooled; fixed effects versus random effects; and random effects versus pooled. When not using clustered standard errors, I used the F test that appears on fixed effects regression, hausman and Breusch-Pagan lagrangean multiplier,
respectively. But with clustered errors the only test of those ones that worked well was the Breusch-Pagan lagrangean multiplier. Which tests can I do with clustered errors?
Thank you!
I'm testing the effects of salary dispersion across NFL teams using pooled model, fixed and random effects with clustered standard errors. So I tried the Hausman test, but I received the message "hausman cannot be used with vce(robust), vce(cluster cvar), or p-weighted data". So I would like to know how can I test between fixed effects versus pooled; fixed effects versus random effects; and random effects versus pooled. When not using clustered standard errors, I used the F test that appears on fixed effects regression, hausman and Breusch-Pagan lagrangean multiplier,
respectively. But with clustered errors the only test of those ones that worked well was the Breusch-Pagan lagrangean multiplier. Which tests can I do with clustered errors?
Thank you!