I am trying to run parallel analyses across multiple studies with slightly different designs; another team we are working with used SAS for their analyses, but our data and other project analyses are in STATA. Does anyone have advice about how best to translate the following code from SAS into STATA? Any advice is very welcomed.
proc genmod data=tomod descending;
class studyid visit (desc) group_assigned (desc) orientation (desc);
model complete=visit group_assigned orientation/dist=binomial link=log type3;
repeated subject=studyid;
format group_assigned groupf.;
Thanks much!
I am trying to run parallel analyses across multiple studies with slightly different designs; another team we are working with used SAS for their analyses, but our data and other project analyses are in STATA. Does anyone have advice about how best to translate the following code from SAS into STATA? Any advice is very welcomed.
proc genmod data=tomod descending;
class studyid visit (desc) group_assigned (desc) orientation (desc);
model complete=visit group_assigned orientation/dist=binomial link=log type3;
repeated subject=studyid;
format group_assigned groupf.;
Thanks much!