Hi Statalist,
I have the following problem. I am running the nested loop below in which basically I have 3 nested loops: the principal for dummy_1 dummy_2 dummy_3 dummy_4; the second for aggregation: product, firm and atc2 and the third one for the max of the variable ritiri. The code looks like below:
So the problem is that the third loop works only for the last database (specifically DB_atc2_dummy_4_aggregation) but not for the other ones. This seems to me like a classical loop problem but I cannot see what is going wrong? I would like the variables av_t`j' to be created for all the databases (from the first which according to the loop is DB_product_dummy_1 to the last, DB_atc2_dummy_4_aggregation) and not just for the last one.
Can you please help me figuring out what is going wrong?
Thank you,
I have the following problem. I am running the nested loop below in which basically I have 3 nested loops: the principal for dummy_1 dummy_2 dummy_3 dummy_4; the second for aggregation: product, firm and atc2 and the third one for the max of the variable ritiri. The code looks like below:
local recall "dummy_1 dummy_2 dummy_3 dummy_4" // dummy_1 = withdrawns, dummy_2 = recalls, dummy_3 = recalled_class_one, dummy_4 = recalled_class_two foreach rec of local recall {. // PRINCIPAL LOOP local aggr "product firm atc2" tokenize `aggr' local regressioni "reg_`1'_`rec' reg_`2'_`rec' reg_`3'_`rec'" foreach agg of local aggr {. // SECOND LOOP use "/Users/federiconutarelli/Desktop/PhD/Lavoro_Riccaboni/DATi_USA/Pharma_project_2019 /abnormal_values/DB_`agg'_`rec'_aggregation_nomiss.dta", clear estimates restore reg_`agg'_`rec' // serve per attivare le regressioni predict av_t, res replace av_t = round(av_t, .111) predict stdres, stdr predict stdyhat, stdp predict stdyj, stdf *gen id_unico = _n gen var_avt = stdyj - stdyhat replace var_avt = stdyhat save "/Users/federiconutarelli/Desktop/PhD/Lavoro_Riccaboni/DATi_USA/Pharma_project_2019 /abnormal_values/demeaned_DBs/demeaned_`agg'_`rec'.dta", replace merge 1:1 _n using "/Users/federiconutarelli/Desktop/PhD/Lavoro_Riccaboni/DATi_USA/Pharma_project_2019 /abnormal_values/DB_`agg'_`rec'_aggregation_nomiss.dta", keepusing(*) save "/Users/federiconutarelli/Desktop/PhD/Lavoro_Riccaboni/DATi_USA/Pharma_project_2019 /abnormal_values/demeaned_DBs/demeaned_`agg'_`rec'.dta", replace su ritiri, meanonly quietly forval j = 1/`r(max)'{ // THIRD LOOP --> THIS DOES NOT WORK ON ALL DATABASES gen av_t`j' = av_t } local avt local varavt local rescal su ritiri, meanonly quietly forval k = 1/`r(max)' { local avt `avt' av_t`k' local varavt `varavt' var_avt`k' local rescal `rescal' rescaled`k' } stack `avt' `varavt' `rescal', into(mean_avt var_avt rescaled) clear collapse (mean) mean_avt var_avt, by(rescaled) gen lower = mean_avt - 1.96*(sqrt(var_avt)/11) gen higher = mean_avt + 1.96*(sqrt(var_avt)/11) drop if rescaled ==. *Grafico: twoway (connected lower higher mean_avt rescaled,lpattern(solid)), yline(0,lcolor(black)) xline(0,lwidth(thin) lpattern(shortdash)) note("Recall Year = 0") ytitle(abnormal value) xtitle(Year) xlabel(-8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11) name(pre_post_gr_sales_`agg'_`rec', replace) } }
Can you please help me figuring out what is going wrong?
Thank you,