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I want to do a panel regression. (OLS, RE, FE test in stata)
How can I convert an unbalanced panel into a balanced panel?
And I want to know how to analyze it in an unbalanced panel.
there's no need to do anything special to analyse an unbalanced panel dataset, as Stata can handle both balanced and unbalanced panel datasets.
More substantively:
- trying to convert an unbalanced panel dataset into a balanced one means making-up data;
- please note that OLS, FE, and RE specifications are not equivalent: I would start my journey into the tricky but fascintaing panel data regression world with taking a comprehensive look at -xtreg- in Stata .pdf manual (I surmise form your post that your regressand is continuous), and increasing my knowledge reading a decent textbook on panel data econometrics (see reference under -xtreg-).
Stata listers/users dealing with the stuff usually have on their bookshelf the valuable: