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  • how to fix scales on stata

    Hi, I am working on a project and I have 4 variables that go from 0-100, and I am trying to combine them into a single variable that is also on a scale from 0-100. However, when I tried doing it myself by just using the generate command (gen minofeel=(var1+var2+var3+var4) it runs on a scale from 0-400. I tried dividing it by 4 but that also doesn't help because it divides every number on the scale by 4 which is not what I'm trying to do (i.e. made 0=.25. Does anyone know how to help me do this? Thank you!!

  • #2
    Originally posted by julia wolf View Post
    I tried dividing it by 4 but that also doesn't help because it divides every number on the scale by 4 which is not what I'm trying to do (i.e. made 0=.25.
    Dividing the sum by four is what you want to do in order to rescale a sumscore of 0-400 to 0-100. (And it won't make zero into a quarter.)

