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  • IV(2SLS) regression with fixed effects and two-way clustering


    I tired IV(2SLS) regression with STATA, but I do not know whether what I do is right or not.

    Please let me know better solutions.

    Fixed effects: year fixed effect and id-code fixed effect
    Clustering: standard errors clustered at the region and year levels.

    egen id1= group(id)
    egen code1 = group(code)
    egen region1 = group(region)
    egen double_fixed = group(id1 code1)
    egen double_cluster = group(region1 year)


    ivreghdfe Y X1 X2 X3 (endogenous variable=instrument variable), absorb(i.year id1 code1) cluster(region1 year)


    ivreghdfe Y X1 X2 X3 (endogenous variable=instrument variable), absorb(i.year double_fixed) cluster(double_cluster)


    xtset double_fixed
    xtreg endogeneous_variable = Instrument_variable X1 X2 X3 i.year, fe
    predict endo_var_hat, xb
    xtreg Y endo_var_hat X1 X2 X3 i.year, fe


    xtreg endogeneous_variable = Instrument_variable X1 X2 X3 i.year, fe vce(cluster double_cluster): error - panels are not nested within clusters

    Which one is correct? any better solution?
    Last edited by SeongMyeong Kang; 05 Nov 2019, 21:58.

  • #2
    typo: vreghdfe -> ivreghdfe (revised)
    Last edited by SeongMyeong Kang; 05 Nov 2019, 21:59.


    • #3
      I have the same problem and do not know which way is correct. Can somebody please explain this?


      • #4
        ivreghdfe is from (FAQ Advice #12).

        For two-way clusters, you need two variables, so

        ivreghdfe Y X1 X2 X3 (endogenous variable=instrument variable), absorb(i.year id1 code1) cluster(region1 year)
        is correct. All the rest are one-way clusters at different levels. Two-way clustering appears to be applied in an ad-hoc manner since statistical software packages made it accessible. However, there needs to be a theoretical basis for this, so it's important not to employ it simply because it's available. In the case of panel data, clustering using the panel identifier is usually sufficient.

