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  • #16
    sorry, but I'm still not clear with what you're after.
    Last edited by sladmin; 06 Aug 2020, 06:07. Reason: anonymize original poster
    Kind regards,
    (StataNow 18.5)


    • #17
      Carlo Lazzaro I am sorry that I did not make myself clear. Well, to put it in another way: giving the model :
      TACit/Ai,t-1 = β0 (1/Ai,t-1) + β1 (ΔREVit/Ai,t-1) + β2 (PPEit/Ai,t-1)+ ԑit
      Where the β0 is the intercept (constant) scaled by the lag of the value of Total assests (Ai,t-1), how can I run the regression in STATA? Thank you so much.


      • #18
        if all the variables are scaled for -Ai,t-1-, the constant will be automatically calculated with that constraint..
        Put differently, constant is something out of your control.
        That said, I think you should do something along the following lines:
        <depvar>=<indepvars> <controlsifany>
        Last edited by sladmin; 06 Aug 2020, 06:07. Reason: anonymize original poster
        Kind regards,
        (StataNow 18.5)


        • #19
          Carlo Lazzaro Hi carlo, Thank you so much for your reply. This is what I have done and I want you please to tell me your opinion. Like I already point in my post, I need to generate errors the "epsilon" as a proxy for my variable "discretionnary accruals" using one of the models developped in the literature. So, I decide to stick with the Kothari model:

           TACit/Ai,t-1 = β0 (1/Ai,t-1) + β1 ((ΔSalesit-ΔARit)/Ai,t-1) + β2 (PPEit/Ai,t-1)+ β3 ROA (i, t-1)+ ԑit
          1- I run the -xtreg, fe- to check whether there are indeed individual effects in my data. H0 is rejected (0.0112< 10%)===> panel data
          xtreg  ACCTT varCA_CClts IMMOB Lag_ROA, fe
          Fixed-effects (within) regression               Number of obs     =        228
          Group variable: i                               Number of groups  =         38
          R-sq:                                           Obs per group:
               within  = 0.0418                                         min =          6
               between = 0.2677                                         avg =        6.0
               overall = 0.0531                                         max =          6
                                                          F(3,187)          =       2.72
          corr(u_i, Xb)  = -0.8667                        Prob > F          =     0.0457
                 ACCTT |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]
           varCA_CClts |  -.0782775   .0568273    -1.38   0.170    -.1903824    .0338274
                 IMMOB |   .1373683   .0729324     1.88   0.061    -.0065077    .2812444
               Lag_ROA |   .2490675   .1757287     1.42   0.158    -.0975979    .5957329
                 _cons |  -.1148862   .0420693    -2.73   0.007    -.1978776   -.0318948
               sigma_u |  .11087529
               sigma_e |  .09420287
                   rho |  .58076406   (fraction of variance due to u_i)
          F test that all u_i=0: F(37, 187) = 1.71                     Prob > F = 0.0112

          2- I test for time-fixed effects===>Prob>10%, so we failed to reject the null, therfore no time fixed effects are needed in our case.
          xtreg ACCTT varCA_CClts IMMOB i.année, fe
          testparm i.année
           ( 1)  2013.année = 0
           ( 2)  2014.année = 0
           ( 3)  2015.année = 0
           ( 4)  2016.année = 0
           ( 5)  2017.année = 0
                 F(  5,   183) =    1.25
                      Prob > F =    0.2898

          3-I run the Breush-pagan LM test for random effects versus OLS===> Prob<10%, so we reject the null and conclude that random effects is appropriate;
          xtreg  ACCTT varCA_CClts IMMOB Lag_ROA, re
          Breusch and Pagan Lagrangian multiplier test for random effects
                  ACCTT[i,t] = Xb + u[i] + e[i,t]
                  Estimated results:
                                   |       Var     sd = sqrt(Var)
                             ACCTT |   .0108795        .104305
                                 e |   .0088742       .0942029
                                 u |   .0009049       .0300817
                  Test:   Var(u) = 0
                                       chibar2(01) =     2.35
                                    Prob > chibar2 =   0.0628

          4-Hausman test===> Prob<10%, so we reject the null, we have to use fixed effects
          hausman fixe
                           ---- Coefficients ----
                       |      (b)          (B)            (b-B)     sqrt(diag(V_b-V_B))
                       |      fixe          .          Difference          S.E.
           varCA_CClts |   -.0782775    -.0894111        .0111337        .0217968
                 IMMOB |    .1373683    -.0653583        .2027266        .0707456
               Lag_ROA |    .2490675     .1397222        .1093453        .1441856
                                     b = consistent under Ho and Ha; obtained from xtreg
                      B = inconsistent under Ha, efficient under Ho; obtained from xtreg
              Test:  Ho:  difference in coefficients not systematic
                            chi2(3) = (b-B)'[(V_b-V_B)^(-1)](b-B)
                                    =        8.28
                          Prob>chi2 =      0.0405
          5- White test for heteroskedasticity (We reject H0=====> Existency of heteroskesticity): I use xttest3 after
          xtreg ACCTT varCA_CClts IMMOB Lag_ROA, fe

          Modified Wald test for groupwise heteroskedasticity
          in fixed effect regression model
          H0: sigma(i)^2 = sigma^2 for all i
          chi2 (38)  =   15736.78
          Prob>chi2 =      0.0000

          6- Wooldridge test for autocorrelation (We fail to reject H0==> No serial correlation)
          xtserial ACCTT varCA_CClts IMMOB Lag_ROA
          Wooldridge test for autocorrelation in panel data
          H0: no first-order autocorrelation
              F(  1,      37) =      0.151
                     Prob > F =      0.6995

          Becuase I have heteroskedasticity, I need to run
          xtreg ACCTT varCA_CClts IMMOB Lag_ROA, fe robust
          right? and How Can I have my resid values? like I said, I'm interested in the resid because it's a proxy for my variable "discretionnary accruals"? And is there other tests I need to run before having the values of my epsilon? Thank you so much.


          • #20
            congrats' on your really comprehensive pre and post estimate assessments.
            That said, epsilon can be obtained just typing:
            predict epsilon, e
            after -xtreg,fe rob-.
            Last edited by sladmin; 06 Aug 2020, 06:07. Reason: anonymize original poster
            Kind regards,
            (StataNow 18.5)


            • #21
              Carlo Lazzaro So, do you think that I don't need to run other tests such as Ramsey test for misspecification or multicollinearity? Thank you so much for your feedback. Your responses to my post and to others as well in this plateform have been really helpful.


              • #22
                - usually, if standard errors do not look terribly weird (whatever that means in one's research field), there's no reson to worry about multicollinearity. See also wise comments on this topic by the always helpful Clyde Schechter and read, if available at your university library, Chapter 23 of
                - RESET test (-estat ovtest-) is not available after -xtreg-. Hoverewer, there's a work around, that you can find in the following toy-example:
                . use ""
                (National Longitudinal Survey.  Young Women 14-26 years of age in 1968)
                . xtreg ln_wage age, fe rob
                Fixed-effects (within) regression               Number of obs     =     28,510
                Group variable: idcode                          Number of groups  =      4,710
                R-sq:                                           Obs per group:
                     within  = 0.1026                                         min =          1
                     between = 0.0877                                         avg =        6.1
                     overall = 0.0774                                         max =         15
                                                                F(1,4709)         =     884.05
                corr(u_i, Xb)  = 0.0314                         Prob > F          =     0.0000
                                             (Std. Err. adjusted for 4,710 clusters in idcode)
                             |               Robust
                     ln_wage |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]
                         age |   .0181349   .0006099    29.73   0.000     .0169392    .0193306
                       _cons |   1.148214   .0177153    64.81   0.000     1.113483    1.182944
                     sigma_u |  .40635023
                     sigma_e |  .30349389
                         rho |  .64192015   (fraction of variance due to u_i)
                . predict fitted, xb
                (24 missing values generated)
                . g sq_fitted=fitted^2
                (24 missing values generated)
                . xtreg ln_wage fitted sq_fitted , fe rob
                Fixed-effects (within) regression               Number of obs     =     28,510
                Group variable: idcode                          Number of groups  =      4,710
                R-sq:                                           Obs per group:
                     within  = 0.1087                                         min =          1
                     between = 0.1006                                         avg =        6.1
                     overall = 0.0865                                         max =         15
                                                                F(2,4709)         =     507.42
                corr(u_i, Xb)  = 0.0440                         Prob > F          =     0.0000
                                             (Std. Err. adjusted for 4,710 clusters in idcode)
                             |               Robust
                     ln_wage |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]
                      fitted |   7.143466    .738485     9.67   0.000      5.69569    8.591242
                   sq_fitted |  -1.816243   .2188485    -8.30   0.000    -2.245289   -1.387198
                       _cons |  -5.167788   .6209677    -8.32   0.000    -6.385175   -3.950401
                     sigma_u |   .4039153
                     sigma_e |  .30245467
                         rho |  .64073314   (fraction of variance due to u_i)
                . test sq_fitted=0
                 ( 1)  sq_fitted = 0
                       F(  1,  4709) =   68.87
                            Prob > F =    0.0000
                In the previous toy-example the regression model is clearly misspecified, as -test- reject the null of a 0 coefficient for squared fitted values.
                To have an idea about how the auxiliary regression works, take a look at -linktest- entry in Stata .pdf manual.
                Last edited by sladmin; 06 Aug 2020, 06:08. Reason: anonymize original poster
                Kind regards,
                (StataNow 18.5)


                • #23
                  Carlo Lazzaro thank you so much. As always, very concrete and helpful reply.


                  • #24
                    Hello, I want to run Kothari et al. (2005) model on Stata but I don't know how to measure the performance matched ROA can I ask how did you do that? Also you are assuming that this model doesn't have a constant but when I checked Kothari et al. (2005) article they have said they used a constant am a bit confused

