Dear all
I was wondering whether it is possible to determine the order of estimates AND lincom output of a regression? Actually, I know this is possible for regression coefficients using the order command. However, I do not know how to do this for the lincom output.
I am estimating the following regression:
reg Cln c.TW#i.Poor c.TS#i.Poor c.TK#i.Poor c.TR#i.Poor if xURBAN ==0 , cluster(DISTRICT)
eststo main_all
lincom c.TW#1.Poor-c.TW#0.Poor
estadd local TWdiff_p=round(r(p),0.0001)
lincom c.TS#1.Poor-c.TS#0.Poor
estadd local TSdiff_p=round(r(p),0.0001)
lincom c.TK#1.Poor-c.TK#0.Poor
estadd local TKdiff_p=round(r(p),0.0001)
lincom c.TR#1.Poor-c.TR#0.Poor
estadd local TRdiff_p=round(r(p),0.0001)
This regression reports the TW, TS, TK and TR coefficients separately for Poor and Nonpoor. In addition, I would like to report the p value of significant difference of the estimates for Poor(1) and Non-Poor(0) that I obtain using lincom after each interaction. Is there a way to do this automatically?
Thank you a lot.
I was wondering whether it is possible to determine the order of estimates AND lincom output of a regression? Actually, I know this is possible for regression coefficients using the order command. However, I do not know how to do this for the lincom output.
I am estimating the following regression:
reg Cln c.TW#i.Poor c.TS#i.Poor c.TK#i.Poor c.TR#i.Poor if xURBAN ==0 , cluster(DISTRICT)
eststo main_all
lincom c.TW#1.Poor-c.TW#0.Poor
estadd local TWdiff_p=round(r(p),0.0001)
lincom c.TS#1.Poor-c.TS#0.Poor
estadd local TSdiff_p=round(r(p),0.0001)
lincom c.TK#1.Poor-c.TK#0.Poor
estadd local TKdiff_p=round(r(p),0.0001)
lincom c.TR#1.Poor-c.TR#0.Poor
estadd local TRdiff_p=round(r(p),0.0001)
This regression reports the TW, TS, TK and TR coefficients separately for Poor and Nonpoor. In addition, I would like to report the p value of significant difference of the estimates for Poor(1) and Non-Poor(0) that I obtain using lincom after each interaction. Is there a way to do this automatically?
Thank you a lot.