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  • #16
    Dear Clyde Schechter

    I am sorry that you are struggling to know my queries. Please see below:

    1. I want to do two quantile regressions as below:

    a). Xi t = alphai + BiMt-1 + eit,

    where Xit is the returns of the individual panel i in the data, Mt-1 (as X variable) is a vector of 4 lagged variables (L_T-bills, L_Mktr, L_ev, L_Inf).
    This regression is the one which i have done using the code one_id and runby.

    b). Xtsystem = alpha + B1tXit + B2tMt-1 + eit .

    where Xtsystem is the returns of collectively all the panels in the data, Xit(as X variable) is the same return of individual panel in the data as the equation a.

    in a nut shell in regression b, the Y variable is the return(Xi) of the entire system or set of Panel firms, however, in regresson a, the Xit is the return of just one panel firm.

    2. After running status verbose with runby, it gives the error for some panels as:

    VCE computation failed; try a different bandwidth or bsqreg

    3. the code for constant term returns the error as, "constant_term already defined"

    This is the full code that I am running:

    program define one_id
    qreg Xi L_MTbills L_MktR L_EV L_TEDSp L_CPI_Inf, q(0.05)
    foreach v of varlist L_MktR L_EV L_TEDSp L_CPI_Inf {
    gen coeff_`v' = _b[`v']
    gen se_`v' = _se[`v']
    gen constant_term = _b[_cons]
    gen se_constant = _se[_cons]
    runby one_id, by(FI) status


    • #17
      So it seems to me that for 1b, you need to first calculate this variable Xtsystem: I don't know what you mean by returns collectively of all the panels. Maybe that's an average or a sum or something? I'll leave that part to you. Once you have it, it sounds like you need a slightly modified version of program one_id, something like this:

      program define one_id
          qreg Xtsystem Xit L_MTbills L_MktR L_EV L_TEDSp L_CPI_Inf, q(0.05)
          foreach v of varlist Xit Xi L_MktR L_EV L_TEDSp L_CPI_Inf {
              gen coeff_`v' = _b[`v']
              gen se_`v' = _se[`v']
          gen constant_term = _b[_cons]
          gen se_constant = _se[_cons]
      2. Well, I have never encountered that situation. The error message does seem to point to the solution: replace -qreg- by -bsqreg-. I have never used it, but the documentation indicates that it performs quantile regression with bootstrapped errors. See -help bsqreg- for details of the syntax and uage.

      3. So, I'm sorry I was not clear in #15 about where to put the -gen constant_term...- and -gen se_constant...- commands. The problem you are having comes from having put them inside the -foreach- loop. So the program is asking Stata to execute these commands repeatedly for a single ID, once for each of the variables L_MktR L_EV L_TEDSp and L_CPI_Inf. And, of course when it tries to do it the second time, it finds the these variables already exist (which is not allowed with -gen-). The solution is to place them after the loop rather than inside it. The program in response to 1. in this post exemplifies this.


      • #18
        Dear Clyde Schechter

        I have sorted out the No 1 and used the code you mentioned in #17. It worked perfect.My only confusion here is that you haven't specified the first line of the code as in the #9 "capture program drop one_id" here again. Is there a reason to this or it is just skipped while copying the code again.

        Can you please explain to me what exactly is the difference between the codes in #9 and #17?

        2. regarding no 2, I did manage to reduce errors and have more estimations for a maximum no of panels in the data using bsqreg and reps(150).

        3. The code for constant term worked perfect.

        Qudoos to you again

        4. Now If I want to use these estimates of constants and coeffs (from both the regressions that I have run), in a plug in equation such as:

        VaRit(q) = ^alphaiq + ^betasiqMt-1, where Mt-1=L_MktR L_EV L_TEDSp and L_CPI_Inf, i.e. betas of all the independant variables. (the alphas and betas are the ones we have already generated previously using runby one_id).

        Is there a way I can tell stata to do this?

        Best Regards


        • #19
          Can you please explain to me what exactly is the difference between the codes in #9 and #17?
          I suggest you open Stata and open two copes of the do-editor. Paste the code from #9 into one and that from #17 into the other and just look at them side by side. The differences will be quite apparent.

          Now If I want to use these estimates of constants and coeffs (from both the regressions that I have run), in a plug in equation such as:

          VaRit(q) = ^alphaiq + ^betasiqMt-1, where Mt-1=L_MktR L_EV L_TEDSp and L_CPI_Inf, i.e. betas of all the independant variables. (the alphas and betas are the ones we have already generated previously using runby one_id).
          I don't understand your notation. I don't know what the ^ characters signify. What does VaRit(q) mean, and where does it come from? All I can understand is that you want to use the coefficients and constant terms from the previous regression to do something, but I don't know what that something might be.


          • #20
            Dear Clyde Schechter

            Thanks again for you reply.Please see below:

            I don't understand your notation. I don't know what the ^ characters signify. What does VaRit(q) mean, and where does it come from? All I can understand is that you want to use the coefficients and constant terms from the previous regression to do something, but I don't know what that something might be.
            ^ means the estimated constants and coefficients, that we have done previously through qreg .VaRit(q) is simple an equation, just name it anything lets say V. so I need to generate an equation V where I can plug in the constants and the coefficients of the regressions that we had obtained using runby. Is there a way this equation be generated as another variable in stata by using the regression results, in the same file. please see the more precise equation below, all the x variables have the same labels as communicated before in the aboves.

            gen V=constant_term+ (coeff_L_MTbills* L_MTbills)+ ( coeff_L_MktR * L_MktR)+( coeff_L_EV * L_EV )+( coeff_L_TEDSp * L_TEDSp )+(coeff_L_CPI_Inf* L_CPI_Inf)

            Here you see the coeff (say coeff_L_MTbills) are multiplied by their variable values(L_MTbills), so it is kind of plugin equation using regression results. But the issue is that when I use collapse command after runby one_id qreg, I am only left with regression estimates and all other data of the variables (X variables listed above, L_MTbillsn L_MktR etc. ) is lost so I cannot run this new equation in the modified file. Moreover, the collapse command collapses the data by Panel IDs(|FI_n) as per my requirement, thus all time periods are no more there, so I am confused how to generate this equation in a new collapsed data, with X variables plugin from the previous data.

            I hope I tried to clarify this time. Please ask If something is still missing in my explanation.


            • #21
              Well, you cannot do this in the -collapse-d data, because, as you have noticed, the data for most of the variables is gone. So you have to do this before you -collapse- the data. The collapsed data set was intended to create a tabular layout of the coefficients, as you requested. It is useful for human eyes to read. It is not really useful for further calculations in Stata. (Though you could -merge- it back to the original data.)

              That said, it appears to me that what you are trying to do is really what -predict- does. So rather than writing out a long -gen- statement, which carries the risk of making mistakes, I would recommend going back to the start and building -predict- into the program that -runby- called so that you get this variable V right then and there. It's a simple modification of what you already have:

              program define one_id
                  qreg Xtsystem Xit L_MTbills L_MktR L_EV L_TEDSp L_CPI_Inf, q(0.05)
                  foreach v of varlist Xit Xi L_MktR L_EV L_TEDSp L_CPI_Inf {
                      gen coeff_`v' = _b[`v']
                      gen se_`v' = _se[`v']
                  gen constant_term = _b[_cons]
                  gen se_constant = _se[_cons]
                  predict V
              runby one_id, by(fi_n) status
              The resulting data set will have the same coefficients you previously calculated, but will also include the variable V already calculated for you, and there is no risk you will get V wrong. It will also be faster, by the way.


              • #22
                Dear Clyde Schechter

                Thanks again. Please see below:
                gen constant_term = _b[_cons] gen se_constant = _se[_cons] predict V exit end
                Now regarding the code above, how will stata know what V is if I just introduce it as as code as you mentioned above. I haven.t mentioned anywhere what this V is before?

                2. In the same above code we only generated constant_term, coeffs and se for the quantile regressions. How would I be able to generate the T stat, p values and R2 of the regressions in order to know the significance of the regressions?

                Kindest Reagrds


                • #23
                  1. Read -help predict-. You will see that it creates the variable V. In fact, if variable V already exists when you run -predict-, you will get an error message. When you run -predict V- following -qreg- with no options specified, as here, it calculates the linear predictor from the regression and stores that in the new variable V it creates.

                  2. There is no R2 statistic for qreg. As for including the others you ask for:
                  capture program drop one_id
                  program define one_id
                      qreg Xtsystem Xit L_MTbills L_MktR L_EV L_TEDSp L_CPI_Inf, q(0.05)
                      foreach v of varlist Xit L_MktR L_EV L_TEDSp L_CPI_Inf {
                          gen coeff_`v' = _b[`v']
                          gen se_`v' = _se[`v']
                          gen t_`v' = coeff_`v'/se_`v'
                          gen p_`v' = 2*t(e(df_r), -abs( t_`v'))
                      gen constant_term = _b[_cons]
                      gen se_constant = _se[_cons]
                      predict V


                  • #24
                    Thanks Clyde Schechter

                    I got this code. I have few confusions again, which I am not able to clarify.

                    1. T
                    here is no R2 statistic for qreg.
                    Are p and t stat for qreg meaningful and should we be concerned about their significance because in my case they are v v insignificant.

                    2. Perdict V: Does V really calculates the linear regression (qreg) equation , which in my case is:

                    gen V=constant_term+ (coeff_L_MTbills* L_MTbills)+ ( coeff_L_MktR * L_MktR)+( coeff_L_EV * L_EV )+( coeff_L_TEDSp * L_TEDSp )+(coeff_L_CPI_Inf* L_CPI_Inf)

                    3. I had previously asked this as well but not able to resolve. Can you see my query in # 19

                    Can you please explain to me what exactly is the difference between the codes in #9 and #17?
                    where in #9, there is additional syntax at the start of the code i.e. capture program drop one_id, However, this first line is not in the code in #17. You suggested in #19 that I have run both in stata and see the difference, I have followed your advice but haven't seen any difference there the. Both the codes are generating const. coeff etc per panel ID, which is same for each time period.

                    I want to know for my own knowledge and learning please.

                    Best Regards


                    • #25
                      Are p and t stat for qreg meaningful and should we be concerned about their significance because in my case they are v v insignificant.
                      The pvalue and t statistic are as meaningful for -qreg- as they are for any other statistical test. As for significance, the American Statistical Association has recommended that the concept of statistical significance be abandoned and has devoted a full issue of its journal, The American Statistician to the topic. See for the lead summary article, and for the full issue (43 articles). And that recommendation applies across the board to all statistical tests; -qreg- would not be an exception.

                      Perdict V: Does V really calculates the linear regression (qreg) equation , which in my case is:

                      gen V=constant_term+ (coeff_L_MTbills* L_MTbills)+ ( coeff_L_MktR * L_MktR)+( coeff_L_EV * L_EV )+( coeff_L_TEDSp * L_TEDSp )+(coeff_L_CPI_Inf* L_CPI_Inf)
                      Yes. Have you read the PDF manual section on -predict-? Why do you have doubts about this?

                      Can you please explain to me what exactly is the difference between the codes in #9 and #17?
                      There are several differences. First, and most important, they run different -qreg- commands: the variables are different. Next, despite what you say in #24, the code in #9 does not save the constant term and its standard error, whereas that in #17 does. As for the omission of the -capture program drop...- command in #17, that was because I was showing you the changes in the program that you needed for your newly stated requests in #16. The -capture program drop....- command is not part of the program itself, and it did not require any changes: it should remain as it was.


                      • #26
                        Dear Clyde Schechter

                        There is a light twist in my qreg variables, which is giving me troubles while running them in a loop.. mentioned below is the code that I am using, where XtsysCFI is the dependant variable and all others are independant vars. Please note that XtsysCFI and XIFI belong to different panels. or in a way it is a cross panel sort of regression. that i want to see the effect of XIFI(one set of panel type) on XtsysCFI(other set of panel type). next to the codes is my data example.

                        program define one_id
                        qreg XtsysCFI XIFI L_Tbills L_MktR L_EV L_TEDSp L_Inf, q(0.99)
                        foreach v of varlist XIFI L_Tbills L_MktR L_EV L_TEDSp L_Inf {
                        gen coeff_`v' = _b[`v']
                        gen se_`v' = _se[`v']
                        gen t_`v' = coeff_`v'/se_`v'
                        gen p_`v' = 2*t(e(df_r), -abs( t_`v'))
                        gen constant_term = _b[_cons]
                        gen se_constant = _se[_cons]
                        predict V
                        runby one_id, by(FI) status

                        * Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
                        input long FI float(Time_Period XtsysCFI XIFI L_Prices L_Tbills L_MktR L_EV L_Inf L_TEDSp)
                        1 480            .         .        .       .       .     .      .        .
                        1 481    .14411725         . .0672038 -16.535       .     .      .  -2.3525
                        1 482    .15156017         . .0835295 -11.625     8.9     . -11.95 -1.34125
                        1 483    .21712346         . .0798496   -.134   3.516     .  18.21    -1.15
                        1 484     .3422176         . .0781215  -4.167  -5.058     .   8.68   -.6275
                        1 485   .002527645         . .0903209    .982 -21.281     .  -1.03   -.3375
                        1 486   .015975993         . .0657473    .278  -1.041     .  32.81  -.45062
                        1 487   -.04165486         .  .074969    .139   2.221     .  -2.35  -.50812
                        1 488     .8570709         . .0736191   2.075  -2.384     . -11.04      -.7
                        1 489  .0031250215         . .0654767  10.298   3.017     .     14 -1.32875
                        1 490     .2175392         . .0733345  35.135   -5.01     .   -9.7    -4.24
                        1 491    .25854942         . .0745745   -.727 -15.387     .  18.64   -4.205
                        1 492   -.01926262         .   .07685    .366  16.674     .  -6.65 -4.56125
                        1 493    .02069786         . .0745791       0  -3.098     .  -7.52 -5.53875
                        1 494     .3173947         . .0580505       0  -2.664     .   -1.5  -5.9075
                        1 495     .2068724         . .0498555   5.383  -7.193     .  -9.13 -6.67125
                        1 496      .426964         . .0479043   -.087   3.169     .   -5.5 -7.20375
                        1 497    -.0753018         . .0466443     .52    .769     .  -9.11    -7.61
                        1 498    .10299566         . .0375243  11.034   -.815     . -29.81 -9.04375
                        1 499   -.21613307         . .0303341 -10.093 -10.609     .  -1.59    -7.91
                        1 500     .2027448         . .0321417  -9.585   2.375     .  33.47  -7.0075
                        1 501    -.3093559         .  .031865    .287 -10.462     . -25.98    -7.91
                        1 502   -.16420217         . .0308261      -2  21.554     .   2.45    -8.09
                        1 503   -.08708863         . .0338145 -19.728  -3.465     . -22.71 -6.22812
                        1 504    -.2005374         . .0336571  -3.995  -6.471  9.25  -8.76    -6.05
                        1 505 -.0002454049         . .0279009 -19.924  24.111 10.75  12.99    -4.47
                        1 506   -.10337656         .   .03609     .63   8.615 10.89   21.5    -4.49
                        1 507  -.003704032         . .0309914    .782   5.624   9.9  37.04    -4.41
                        1 508    .01020024         . .0282982    .155   1.637  9.89    -.3    -4.53
                        1 509    .12938884         .  .033633    -.31 -13.247 10.34 -12.05    -4.53
                        2 510            .  .3849556        .       .       .     .      .        .
                        1 510   .032016464         .   .04408  -2.333   6.221 10.39     25    -4.42
                        1 511   -.06109645         . .0330991   1.911    .983 10.38  15.89    -4.58
                        2 511            . -.0415979 .3431187    2.82   -1.17     . 257.58    -.996
                        1 512    .09693163         . .0316686       0   9.949 10.48 -10.64    -4.59
                        2 512            . -.2283536 .3281123    2.78   -1.41     . -24.58    -.974
                        2 513            .         0 .3296109    2.82   -8.78     . -73.03    -1.03
                        1 513    .14152934         . .0351229   -.469   2.212   9.8   1.32    -4.58
                        1 514   -.05514001         . .0334291   -.471  12.106  9.52   -9.4    -4.65
                        2 514            .         0   .32543    2.58    3.64     .     25    -.894
                        2 515            .         0   .32543       0    8.26     .   -430    1.425
                        1 515   -.04051322         . .0434067 -24.921    .321  9.46 -12.68    -3.34
                        1 516     .3020173         .   .04959  -9.244  16.703   9.9  12.54    -2.94
                        2 516            . -.4291332   .32543    2.04    5.97     .   6.06     -.66
                        1 517    .15097298         .  .058837 -11.111  -5.962  9.84   3.23    -2.49
                        2 517            . -.3982469 .3976787    2.28    5.04     .    4.3     -.93
                        2 518            . -.3725341 .4287735       0    3.45     .  87.64     1.34
                        1 518 -.0082018105         . .0553855 -16.927  -5.905 10.02   3.69    -1.85
                        2 519            . -.3876064 .4756424     2.3   10.55     .  81.82   -1.021
                        1 519    -.0747935         . .0612581 -34.483  12.394 10.23 -37.26     -.81
                        2 520            . -.0865148 .5084478    2.39   18.44     .    300    -1.08
                        1 520   -.20991796         . .0718027 -21.531   6.649 10.21      0     -.33
                        1 521   -.06638288         . .0797373   9.756   6.555  9.74  25.33     -.52
                        2 521            . -.1282595 .5422959    2.38    7.81     .    450     -1.1
                        2 522            .   .357486 .5570995    2.25   -3.98     . 304.55   -1.134
                        1 522   -.16017137         .   .12406  -7.778   9.341  9.79 -32.75     -.54
                        2 523            . -.5621945 .5407044     2.2    3.07     .   5.62   -1.086
                        1 523    -.1714864         . .1145765 -27.108  14.499  9.41 -26.94      -.1
                        1 524    -.0406557         . .1088409       0  12.598  8.86  24.82     -.07
                        2 524            .  .0264065 .5507024       0    6.29     .  45.74     1.14
                        1 525 -.0044194986         . .1100355       0 -10.237  9.29  23.86     -.05
                        2 525            . -.0222192 .5858518    2.37   10.04     .   -7.3    -1.21
                        1 526   .037139542         . .1140039       0  -6.311  9.28  61.01     -.04
                        2 526            . -.0933437 .6098683    2.37     .64     . -30.71   -1.201
                        2 527            . -.4315497 .6122505       0    3.02     .   -100    1.172
                        1 527    -.1508766         .  .091113   37.19   7.323  8.26  20.23     -.49
                        1 528   -.19442508         . .0838474  -1.205   9.452  8.29   28.2     -.49
                        2 528            . -.2398862 .6069409    2.46    5.77     .      .   -1.308
                        2 529            .  -.126793 .7043023    2.18    7.03     . -66.67    -1.05
                        1 529    -.0772997         . .1004205       0   7.944  8.32  -4.81     -.51
                        2 530            . -.0273112  .790715       0    1.55     .  34.48     1.12
                        1 530   -.14642256         .  .105205   2.439    -.02  8.35 -16.31     -.56
                        2 531            . -.4355585 .7682244     1.7   -5.35     .      0     -.59
                        1 531   .008173214         . .1129339   3.571   5.355  7.38   23.9     -.63
                        1 532    .16021617         . .1099791   5.747   6.147  7.38  12.17     -.66
                        2 532            .  .1995203 .7063832     .91    2.05 6.052 174.36      .27
                        1 533   -.13840793         . .1099219  13.043   1.233  7.37  17.53     -.77
                        2 533            .  .0047507 .6672567       0    4.49 5.918  -27.1    1.315
                        1 534   -.21261966         . .1230468       0  -4.058  7.54  20.03     -.47
                        2 534            .  -.368475 .6758518      .6    3.23 5.818    -50     1.01
                        1 535  -.066786736         . .1174582  22.596    .203  7.58  10.41     -.85
                        2 535            . -.3785119 .7043523     2.4    4.01 5.696 -25.64      -.7
                        2 536            . -.4216251  .704395       0    3.89 4.906 165.52      1.8
                        1 536   -.12084915         .   .11671   2.745   1.057  7.41   -.96     -.82
                        2 537            . -.1181883 .7933378    2.66    2.68 4.904 112.99     -.64
                        1 537   .017371073         . .1027805  14.504  -2.433  7.49   -2.6     -.98
                        1 538   -.19863896         . .0998014   6.333   2.172  6.92  -3.33    -1.02
                        2 538            . -.1018165 .8354295    2.66    1.04 4.859  23.78     -.49
                        1 539   -.10281584         . .1004495  16.928   4.323  6.62   6.44    -1.32
                        2 539            . -.2933779 .8149614       0    3.83 4.904  48.77     2.41
                        1 540    -.2062522         . .0903648   1.877  11.051  6.45 -20.41    -1.24
                        2 540            . -.1129385 .8334031     .87     .67 4.902 -13.91    1.694
                        2 541            .  .0463896 .8346148    1.99    1.51 4.959  19.23      .76
                        1 541   -.17810403         . .0934748  31.579   8.164  6.25  15.47    -2.25
                        1 542  -.000890707         .  .099512      -6  20.228  7.12  16.92    -1.78
                        2 542            .  .1280549 .8160575       0    3.54 4.772    2.9     2.92
                        2 543            . -.1688652  .939693       0   15.47 3.459  18.18     3.12
                        3 543            .  .3437548        .       .       .     .      .        .
                        1 543  -.021723453         . .0927309  14.894  -6.112  7.47   3.02    -2.28
                        1 544     .1960406         . .0965819  24.074  -8.956  7.88   8.29    -3.49
                        format %tm Time_Period
                        label values FI FI
                        label def FI 1 "786 PA Equity", modify
                        label def FI 2 "AAYAN KK Equity", modify
                        label def FI 3 "AAYANRE KK Equity", modify

                        Could you please assist me how to loop the panels for qreg while the variables belong to different panel ids?

                        Thanking in anticipatio


                        • #27
                          Please note that XtsysCFI and XIFI belong to different panels. or in a way it is a cross panel sort of regression.

                          There are a couple of ways in which I do not know what this means. First, I don't know which variable identifies panels here. Is it XIFI?
                          Next, if the idea is that you want XIFI "belong to different panels" you have to explain how, for a given observation, one decides which other panel, and which observation in the panel is to provide the value of XIFI. Or maybe you mean something else altogether that I have not imagined?


                          • #28
                            Dear Clyde Schechter

                            The "FI" variable (first column in the above example data) defines the panels.

                            The entire panel IDs belong to two groups. one group is CFI and other one is IFI. thus the Y variable (XTCFI) belongs to CFI group and the first X variable (XIFI) belongs to the IFI group. the panel group is defined in the variable as FIType in the example data below:

                            * Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
                            input long FI float Time_Period long FIType float(XtsysCFI XIFI L_Tbills L_MktR L_EV)
                            1 492 1    -.01926262         .    .366  16.674     .
                            1 493 1     .02069786         .       0  -3.098     .
                            1 494 1      .3173947         .       0  -2.664     .
                            1 495 1      .2068724         .   5.383  -7.193     .
                            1 496 1       .426964         .   -.087   3.169     .
                            1 497 1     -.0753018         .     .52    .769     .
                            1 498 1     .10299566         .  11.034   -.815     .
                            1 499 1    -.21613307         . -10.093 -10.609     .
                            1 500 1      .2027448         .  -9.585   2.375     .
                            1 501 1     -.3093559         .    .287 -10.462     .
                            1 502 1    -.16420217         .      -2  21.554     .
                            1 503 1    -.08708863         . -19.728  -3.465     .
                            1 504 1     -.2005374         .  -3.995  -6.471  9.25
                            1 505 1  -.0002454049         . -19.924  24.111 10.75
                            1 506 1    -.10337656         .     .63   8.615 10.89
                            1 507 1   -.003704032         .    .782   5.624   9.9
                            1 508 1     .01020024         .    .155   1.637  9.89
                            1 509 1     .12938884         .    -.31 -13.247 10.34
                            1 510 1    .032016464         .  -2.333   6.221 10.39
                            1 511 1    -.06109645         .   1.911    .983 10.38
                            1 512 1     .09693163         .       0   9.949 10.48
                            1 513 1     .14152934         .   -.469   2.212   9.8
                            1 514 1    -.05514001         .   -.471  12.106  9.52
                            1 515 1    -.04051322         . -24.921    .321  9.46
                            1 516 1      .3020173         .  -9.244  16.703   9.9
                            1 517 1     .15097298         . -11.111  -5.962  9.84
                            1 518 1  -.0082018105         . -16.927  -5.905 10.02
                            1 519 1     -.0747935         . -34.483  12.394 10.23
                            1 520 1    -.20991796         . -21.531   6.649 10.21
                            1 521 1    -.06638288         .   9.756   6.555  9.74
                            1 522 1    -.16017137         .  -7.778   9.341  9.79
                            1 523 1     -.1714864         . -27.108  14.499  9.41
                            1 524 1     -.0406557         .       0  12.598  8.86
                            1 525 1  -.0044194986         .       0 -10.237  9.29
                            1 526 1    .037139542         .       0  -6.311  9.28
                            1 527 1     -.1508766         .   37.19   7.323  8.26
                            1 528 1    -.19442508         .  -1.205   9.452  8.29
                            1 529 1     -.0772997         .       0   7.944  8.32
                            1 530 1    -.14642256         .   2.439    -.02  8.35
                            1 531 1    .008173214         .   3.571   5.355  7.38
                            1 532 1     .16021617         .   5.747   6.147  7.38
                            1 533 1    -.13840793         .  13.043   1.233  7.37
                            1 534 1    -.21261966         .       0  -4.058  7.54
                            1 535 1   -.066786736         .  22.596    .203  7.58
                            1 536 1    -.12084915         .   2.745   1.057  7.41
                            1 537 1    .017371073         .  14.504  -2.433  7.49
                            1 538 1    -.19863896         .   6.333   2.172  6.92
                            1 539 1    -.10281584         .  16.928   4.323  6.62
                            1 540 1     -.2062522         .   1.877  11.051  6.45
                            1 541 1    -.17810403         .  31.579   8.164  6.25
                            1 542 1   -.000890707         .      -6  20.228  7.12
                            1 543 1   -.021723453         .  14.894  -6.112  7.47
                            1 544 1      .1960406         .  24.074  -8.956  7.88
                            1 545 1      -.302738         .   8.209  -3.538   7.6
                            1 546 1    .017283753         .   7.586   8.286  7.38
                            1 547 1   -.029036585         .   7.051  -3.708  6.97
                            1 548 1    -.10155338         .  -2.994   8.257  6.77
                            1 549 1    -.09789778         .   1.852   5.354  6.72
                            1 550 1    -.20046674         .   4.242    .264   6.6
                            1 551 1    -.10873582         .  -1.744   9.028  6.65
                            1 552 1    -.06784787         .  -4.142   5.706  6.64
                            1 553 1     .07822392         .   4.938   9.637  6.77
                            1 554 1     .25925848         .  -1.765   8.493  6.84
                            1 555 1     .26563057         .    .599     .26  6.85
                            1 556 1     .22604954         .   5.357  -1.259  6.74
                            1 557 1        .22629         .  -3.955 -14.607  7.74
                            1 558 1    -.06499877         .  -1.176   1.907  7.74
                            1 559 1     -.0191442         .  10.119   4.963  7.66
                            1 560 1     -.1913348         .  -5.405  -4.223  7.82
                            1 561 1      .4390534         .  -1.143   4.365  7.82
                            1 562 1      .7323686         .    .578   7.469  7.67
                            1 563 1     .04912562         .    .345  -6.456  7.81
                            1 564 1    -.08496361         .   -.344  -5.606  6.83
                            1 565 1    -.11603808         .    .575  11.572  7.01
                            1 566 1     .03859387         .   1.714   -.822  6.62
                            1 567 1     .18842077         .  -1.124    .816  6.51
                            1 568 1    -.03145869         .    6.25   9.296  6.56
                            1 569 1 -.00048008465         .  -5.348   4.671  6.44
                            1 570 1   -.009171464         .   -.565   6.072  6.36
                            1 571 1     .04977768         .   1.136   -.239  6.36
                            1 572 1     -.1593869         .   3.371 -11.767  7.03
                            1 573 1     -.1317763         .   4.348   8.919  7.02
                            1 574 1     .09456258         .  -2.604   6.996  7.06
                            1 575 1    -.13143156         .   -.535   -2.28  6.89
                            1 576 1     .27631935         .   1.613     .56   6.7
                            1 577 1    -.04853274         .   4.233   -.429   6.7
                            1 578 1     .04242715         .   -2.03   6.339  6.78
                            1 579 1     -.2414144         .   1.036   1.275  5.79
                            1 580 1      .3280688         .       0   -.023   5.8
                            1 581 1   -.005261485         .       0 -22.046  7.68
                            1 582 1     .27953625         .  48.718   1.298   7.6
                            1 583 1     .25521556         .  -3.448  -14.94  8.27
                            1 584 1      .5257705         .       0  -13.92   8.6
                            1 585 1     .50345856         .  -9.643   -.311  8.51
                            1 586 1      .3047907         .   1.581    .035  8.44
                            1 587 1   -.024829073         .   8.171    .046  8.01
                            1 588 1       .370637         .   7.914  -44.88 12.33
                            1 589 1     .32893625         .       0   -8.68 12.35
                            1 590 1      .0237427         .       0   6.306 12.22
                            1 591 1    -.04667613         . -16.667  18.047 12.96
                            1 592 1    -.14235823         .       0   4.863 12.92
                            1 593 1     .10220702         .      12   1.029 12.94
                            1 594 1    -.05082585         .       0  -1.585 12.79
                            1 595 1    -.03905628         . -14.286   7.512 12.73
                            1 596 1     -.0429858         .       0  11.659 12.93
                            1 597 1     .04541716         .       0   7.482  13.1
                            1 598 1   -.036354043         .       5  -2.058 13.09
                            1 599 1     .11582362         .    .397    .512  13.1
                            1 600 1      .0451305         .  -3.557   1.944    13
                            1 601 1    .006853551         .     .41   2.392 13.01
                            1 602 1     .06167401         .       0    .452 13.02
                            1 603 1    -.01205863         .       0   5.251  12.3
                            1 604 1      .2990093         .       0   2.424 12.31
                            1 605 1    .018752836         .  -2.449 -11.165 12.13
                            1 606 1    -.07882705         .   1.255   4.153 11.79
                            1 607 1     .07534347         .       0    7.88  11.9
                            1 608 1    -.07009211         .   2.893  -6.947 12.01
                            1 609 1    -.04311404         .       0    2.02 12.01
                            1 610 1    .019903064         .    .803   5.679  6.52
                            1 611 1    -.08686084         .       0   5.831  6.03
                            1 612 1    .013236644         .   1.594   6.776  6.05
                            1 613 1     .24252015         .   1.176   2.764  5.08
                            1 614 1    .025769245         .       0  -9.057  5.63
                            1 615 1    -.00562853         .   3.876   4.506  5.65
                            1 616 1     .05170345         .  -2.239   2.078  5.59
                            1 617 1     .04447597         .       0    .543  5.48
                            1 618 1     .05928728         .    2.29   3.029  5.05
                            1 619 1     .16346546         .    .597  -2.476  4.95
                            1 620 1     .26796833         .  -3.932  -9.636  5.43
                            1 621 1     .05507045         .    .386   6.058  5.54
                            1 622 1     .13385203         . -11.154    .905  5.53
                            1 623 1     .03884175         .    .433  -2.872  5.59
                            1 624 1    -.16974546         .   2.155  -1.619  5.61
                            1 625 1    -.08050417         .  -2.954   4.541  5.59
                            1 626 1     .05282152         .   1.304   8.109   5.8
                            1 627 1    .034900986         .   1.288   6.638  5.24
                            1 628 1     .12619488         .       0   1.648  5.21
                            1 629 1    -.02491822         .    .169  -1.467  5.06
                            1 630 1     -.0906562         .    .592    .107  4.73
                            1 631 1    -.06562402         .   -.336   5.467   4.8
                            1 632 1     .03080363         . -12.658   5.438  4.79
                            1 633 1    .017812572         .   -.966    .345  4.71
                            1 634 1     .08240463         .   -8.78   2.968  4.57
                            1 635 1    -.04499945         .    .214   4.087   4.6
                            1 636 1    .010805435         .  -1.814    1.98  3.97
                            1 637 1    -.04445791         .   -1.63   1.976  3.93
                            1 638 1    -.01667817         .   2.762   5.258     4
                            1 639 1   -.025018843         .   1.075    -.72  4.03
                            1 640 1    -.14309578         .    .851   5.074  4.08
                            1 641 1      .0955398         .   -.316  13.945   4.7
                            1 642 1    -.10667522         .  -4.762  -3.817   4.1
                            1 643 1      .1531687         .  -1.111  10.421  4.36
                            1 644 1    -.06005359         .   1.124  -5.067  4.68
                            1 645 1    -.04444608         .   3.889  -1.492   4.6
                            1 646 1    -.02583201         .       0   4.229   4.5
                            1 647 1    -.02390284         .   5.668   6.487  4.55
                            1 648 1     -.0979967         .    .709    3.87  4.42
                            1 649 1  -.0045502293         .    .704   5.855  4.39
                            1 650 1    -.02287783         .   -.699  -3.809  4.62
                            1 651 1     -.0465284         .    .503   5.202  4.55
                            1 652 1    -.08017208         .      .3   6.255  4.54
                            1 653 1     .06738785         .   -.598   2.812  4.52
                            1 654 1    -.13695084         .   -.201   -.287  4.55
                            1 655 1    -.08557693         .       0   2.206  4.52
                            1 656 1    .012312337         .    .201  -5.933  4.91
                            1 657 1      .0327106         .   -.201   3.976  4.91
                            1 658 1     .07788336         .       0   2.164  4.91
                            1 659 1     .13892487         .  -5.226   2.668   4.9
                            1 660 1     .04343144         .   1.803   2.948  4.87
                            1 661 1   -.022727316         . -11.458    6.95   4.9
                            1 662 1     .20543075         .  -1.765  -2.385     5
                            1 663 1    -.11018568         .  -4.192 -10.652  5.09
                            1 664 1      .0907568         .   -8.75  10.942  5.33
                            1 665 1    .067221366         .  -8.219  -2.016  5.06
                            1 666 1     .08517853         .   2.985    3.98  4.86
                            1 667 1      .3007097         .   -.725   3.829  4.81
                            1 668 1     .06212045         .    1.46  -2.881  4.91
                            1 669 1   -.012048024         .  -6.475  -7.283  5.17
                            1 670 1     .07928374         .  -3.077   5.935  5.23
                            1 671 1    -.09735648         .   3.968  -6.035  5.36
                            1 672 1     .22959094         .       0   1.725  5.26
                            1 673 1    -.04297521         .   -4.58  -4.735  5.32
                            1 674 1    -.09339065         .       0    .226  5.17
                            1 675 1     -.0489791         .       0   5.487  5.26
                            1 676 1     .18381914         .     -.8   4.658  5.33
                            1 677 1    -.05474387         .  -3.226   3.793  5.36
                            1 678 1   -.036429018         .    -2.5   4.665   5.2
                            1 679 1     .04701068         .   2.564   4.456  5.22
                            1 680 1    .033728037         .  -1.667    .767  5.22
                            1 681 1    -.04923475         .       0   1.823  5.21
                            1 682 1    -.05308494         .       0  -1.611  5.22
                            1 683 1    -.03861047         .       0   6.616  5.21
                            1 684 1      -.118423         .   1.525  11.479  5.61
                            1 685 1   -.025327446         .  -1.169   1.969  4.89
                            1 686 1    .029169133         .    .338   -.459  4.51
                            1 687 1     .05522495         .    .842   -.783  4.47
                            1 688 1    -.06612534         .   -.167    2.35  4.44
                            1 689 1    -.03955892         .    .167   2.584  4.42
                            1 690 1    -.09159114         .       0  -8.293  4.81
                            1 691 1   -.014512813         .    .167  -1.199  4.46
                            1 692 1     .07886749         .   -.167 -11.026  5.09
                            1 693 1      .0721057         .    .167   2.876  4.87
                            1 694 1   -.021340497         .   -.167   -6.81  5.16
                            1 695 1    .016819952         .       0    .988  5.01
                            2 510 2             .  .3849556       .       .     .
                            2 511 2             . -.0415979    2.82   -1.17     .
                            2 512 2             . -.2283536    2.78   -1.41     .
                            2 513 2             .         0    2.82   -8.78     .
                            2 514 2             .         0    2.58    3.64     .
                            2 515 2             .         0       0    8.26     .
                            2 516 2             . -.4291332    2.04    5.97     .
                            2 517 2             . -.3982469    2.28    5.04     .
                            2 518 2             . -.3725341       0    3.45     .
                            2 519 2             . -.3876064     2.3   10.55     .
                            2 520 2             . -.0865148    2.39   18.44     .
                            2 521 2             . -.1282595    2.38    7.81     .
                            2 522 2             .   .357486    2.25   -3.98     .
                            2 523 2             . -.5621945     2.2    3.07     .
                            2 524 2             .  .0264065       0    6.29     .
                            2 525 2             . -.0222192    2.37   10.04     .
                            2 526 2             . -.0933437    2.37     .64     .
                            2 527 2             . -.4315497       0    3.02     .
                            2 528 2             . -.2398862    2.46    5.77     .
                            2 529 2             .  -.126793    2.18    7.03     .
                            2 530 2             . -.0273112       0    1.55     .
                            2 531 2             . -.4355585     1.7   -5.35     .
                            2 532 2             .  .1995203     .91    2.05 6.052
                            2 533 2             .  .0047507       0    4.49 5.918
                            2 534 2             .  -.368475      .6    3.23 5.818
                            2 535 2             . -.3785119     2.4    4.01 5.696
                            2 536 2             . -.4216251       0    3.89 4.906
                            2 537 2             . -.1181883    2.66    2.68 4.904
                            2 538 2             . -.1018165    2.66    1.04 4.859
                            2 539 2             . -.2933779       0    3.83 4.904
                            2 540 2             . -.1129385     .87     .67 4.902
                            2 541 2             .  .0463896    1.99    1.51 4.959
                            2 542 2             .  .1280549       0    3.54 4.772
                            2 543 2             . -.1688652       0   15.47 3.459
                            2 544 2             . -.0153703       0    9.48 4.256
                            2 545 2             .  .8932032       0   -4.15 4.111
                            2 546 2             . -.3985502       0    5.98 4.462
                            2 547 2             . -.1366594       0    1.82 4.453
                            2 548 2             .  .2270818       0    7.19 4.231
                            2 549 2             . -.2115806       0    5.95 4.267
                            2 550 2             . -.1394766       0   11.41 4.294
                            2 551 2             .  .4038346       0    3.42 4.582
                            2 552 2             . -.0655015       0   -3.64 4.531
                            2 553 2             .  .1578274       0    3.52 4.782
                            2 554 2             .  1.312916       0   -2.67 4.349
                            2 555 2             . -.2639437       0  -15.39 4.559
                            2 556 2             .  .1889285       0    3.36 6.112
                            2 557 2             .  .4619647       0   -3.12 6.113
                            2 558 2             .  .1396345       0     .82 6.237
                            2 559 2             . -.2918299       0   -5.92 6.239
                            2 560 2             . -.5047724       0    2.55 6.485
                            2 561 2             . -.2548428       0    5.07 6.482
                            2 562 2             .  .9082128       0    2.84 6.504
                            2 563 2             . -.1185949       0   -7.03 6.497
                            2 564 2             .  .1193077       0    3.15  6.79
                            2 565 2             .  -.218485       0    -3.6 6.786
                            2 566 2             . -.2085079       0     .42 6.148
                            2 567 2             .  -.188503       0     4.7 5.846
                            2 568 2             .  .0565317       0    4.67 5.812
                            2 569 2             .  .2674799       0    7.02 5.765
                            2 570 2             .  .0453992       0    5.44  5.91
                            2 571 2             . -.1826162       0    3.39 5.835
                            2 572 2             . -.1392581       0    1.08 5.758
                            2 573 2             . -.0331505       0    1.27 5.262
                            2 574 2             . -.0490114       0    -.64 5.224
                            2 575 2             .  .3010279       0   -5.76 5.153
                            2 576 2             . -.0025044       0    4.12 5.273
                            2 577 2             . -.9211591       0    7.22 5.303
                            2 578 2             . -.1282824       0    3.71 4.171
                            2 579 2             .  .2137166       0    1.97  4.18
                            2 580 2             . -.1848066       0    2.78 4.055
                            2 581 2             . -.0931148       0    2.18 4.057
                            2 582 2             .  .2314728       0     2.9 3.678
                            2 583 2             .   .070303       0   -3.15 3.681
                            2 584 2             .  1.645149       0   -3.61 3.784
                            2 585 2             .  1.866017       0   -11.8 3.943
                            2 586 2             .  .1390225       0  -27.12  4.52
                            2 587 2             .  .8939663       0    -9.8 7.524
                            2 588 2             .  2.264101       0  -13.14 7.772
                            2 589 2             . -.1644989       0  -14.02 8.227
                            2 590 2             . -.6392269       0   -4.84 8.568
                            2 591 2             . -.5510129       0    4.56 8.461
                            2 592 2             .  .8195751    1.19   11.36 8.348
                            2 593 2             . -1.255561     .72    7.56 8.701
                            2 594 2             .  .8121436       0    -.86 8.871
                            2 595 2             .  .8556899       0   -5.09 8.849
                            2 596 2             . -.2879077       0    3.01 8.839
                            2 597 2             . -.3323392       0   -1.23 8.907
                            2 598 2             .  .8062661     .96    -6.2 8.872
                            2 599 2             . -.1105069      .8    -5.8 8.808
                            2 600 2             .   .526239       0    1.03 8.562
                            2 601 2             . -.2205843     .85     .29  8.48
                            2 602 2             .  .2080667     .78    4.91 8.439
                            2 603 2             .         0       0    2.08 8.523
                            2 604 2             .         0     .67   -3.16  8.52
                            2 605 2             .         0      .6   -8.57 8.413
                            2 606 2             .         0       0   -2.36 8.484
                            2 607 2             .         0     .59    1.69 8.488
                            2 608 2             .         0     .53     .51 8.354
                            2 609 2             .         0       0    4.34 6.402
                            2 610 2             .         0     .55    1.12 6.261
                            2 611 2             .         0     .51   -2.48 5.664
                            2 612 2             .         0       0     .93 4.818
                            2 613 2             .         0     .67   -1.39 4.692
                            2 614 2             .         0       0   -5.67 4.609
                            2 615 2             .         0       0    -2.9 4.015
                            2 616 2             .         0      .7    3.53 3.587
                            2 617 2             .         0     .84   -2.22 3.725
                            2 618 2             .         0       0   -2.65 3.623
                            2 619 2             .         0       1   -2.96 3.536
                            2 620 2             .         0     .93   -4.05 3.558
                            2 621 2             .         0       0     .72 3.441
                            2 622 2             .         0     .92    1.47 3.294
                            2 623 2             .         0       0   -1.84 3.307
                            2 624 2             .         0       0     .04 3.306
                            2 625 2             .         0     .72     .94 3.054
                            2 626 2             .         0       0     4.3 3.007
                            2 627 2             .         0       0     .62 3.184
                            2 628 2             .         0     .76    3.25 2.677
                            2 629 2             .         0       .   -2.78 2.746
                            2 630 2             .         0       .   -6.76  2.77
                            2 631 2             .         0       .    -1.2 3.082
                            2 632 2             .         0       .    2.46 2.874
                            2 633 2             .         0       .    2.03 2.932
                            2 634 2             . -.2128767       .   -3.67  2.97
                            2 635 2             .  .1056508       .    3.02 3.015
                            2 636 2             .  -.871604       .    -.16 3.123
                            2 637 2             . -1.167296       .    5.11 2.915
                            2 638 2             . -.1857738       .    3.44 3.083
                            2 639 2             .  .0009452       .    3.91 3.078
                            2 640 2             .  .5384041       .   10.03 3.148
                            2 641 2             . -.8612345       .   11.07 3.705
                            2 642 2             .  -.340443       .   -6.57 4.199
                            2 643 2             .  1.098476       .    3.75 4.387
                            2 644 2             . -.3621584       .   -5.57 4.414
                            2 645 2             . -.2967391       .    1.75 4.663
                            2 646 2             .    .28255       .    2.28 4.616
                            2 647 2             . -.5051787       .   -2.05 4.611
                            2 648 2             . -.6413006       .   -3.08 4.669
                            2 649 2             .  .3680589       .     2.7 4.707
                            2 650 2             .   .222065       .    -.82 4.721
                            2 651 2             . -.1422929       .   -1.57  4.71
                            2 652 2             .   .665256       .    -2.2 4.673
                            2 653 2             .  .2019159       .   -1.59  4.41
                            2 654 2             . -.5171545       .   -4.48 4.421
                            2 655 2             . -.3021553       .    2.26 4.565
                            2 656 2             .  .1809738       .    4.12 4.568
                            2 657 2             . -.0587406       .    2.54 4.507
                            2 658 2             .  .5237318       .   -3.47 4.498
                            2 659 2             .  .9347235       .   -8.63 4.598
                            2 660 2             . -.4813321       .   -3.27 4.931
                            2 661 2             .  .4573065       .     .56 4.939
                            2 662 2             .  .2915776       .     .44 4.865
                            2 663 2             .  .2310111       .   -4.95 4.313
                            2 664 2             .  .5293313       .    1.49 3.543
                            2 665 2             . -.2022086       .   -1.33 3.382
                            2 666 2             .  .1272465       .   -1.43 3.218
                            2 667 2             .  .4035759       .     .81 3.063
                            2 668 2             .  .0256182       .   -7.18 3.031
                            2 669 2             .   .123669       .   -1.64 3.211
                            2 670 2             . -.1760158       .     .86 3.208
                            2 671 2             .  .1648541       .     .47  3.22
                            2 672 2             .  .5501885       .   -3.28 3.124
                            2 673 2             .  .0525684       .   -9.34 3.149
                            2 674 2             .   .424263       .     1.8 3.573
                            2 675 2             .         0       .     .41 3.651
                            2 676 2             .   .145693       .    3.07 3.677
                            2 677 2             .  .3180872       .     .16 3.738
                            2 678 2             . -.0820591       .    -.66 3.672
                            2 679 2             .  .1656221       .     1.6 3.475
                            2 680 2             .  .1908182       .    -.58 3.429
                            2 681 2             . -.0780423       .    -.39 3.406
                            2 682 2             .  .4250325       .     .05 3.001
                            2 683 2             . -.5630609       .     2.8 2.966
                            2 684 2             .  -2.17287       .    3.43 3.054
                            2 685 2             .   .400308       .   17.28 3.174
                            2 686 2             .  .5370783       .    -.72 4.836
                            2 687 2             .  .0374268       .    3.57 4.835
                            2 688 2             .  .1273538       .   -2.69  4.87
                            2 689 2             .  .2005821       .    -.85 4.901
                            2 690 2             . -.1364778       .    -.33 4.907
                            2 691 2             .  .4160868       .     1.3 4.614
                            2 692 2             .  .1098437       .     .59 4.586
                            2 693 2             .  .1800376       .   -3.13 4.587
                            2 694 2             .  .6507044       .   -2.51 4.663
                            2 695 2             .  .5757844       .   -4.99 4.635
                            3 543 2             .  .3437548       .       .     .
                            3 544 2             . -1.185636       0    9.48 4.256
                            3 545 2             . -.8789875       0   -4.15 4.111
                            3 546 2             .  .1004459       0    5.98 4.462
                            3 547 2             . -.5469892       0    1.82 4.453
                            3 548 2             .  .0791712       0    7.19 4.231
                            3 549 2             . -.1126571       0    5.95 4.267
                            3 550 2             . -1.180516       0   11.41 4.294
                            3 551 2             .  1.161745       0    3.42 4.582
                            3 552 2             . -.0907588       0   -3.64 4.531
                            3 553 2             .  .6532831       0    3.52 4.782
                            3 554 2             .  1.257562       0   -2.67 4.349
                            3 555 2             . -.7925029       0  -15.39 4.559
                            3 556 2             . -.2675363       0    3.36 6.112
                            3 557 2             .  .3638007       0   -3.12 6.113
                            3 558 2             . -.0539167       0     .82 6.237
                            3 559 2             . -.1521016       0   -5.92 6.239
                            3 560 2             .  .2774114       0    2.55 6.485
                            3 561 2             .  .0758235       0    5.07 6.482
                            3 562 2             .  .3814886       0    2.84 6.504
                            3 563 2             .  .2740647       0   -7.03 6.497
                            3 564 2             . -.2833141       0    3.15  6.79
                            3 565 2             .  .0026101       0    -3.6 6.786
                            3 566 2             . -.0519483       0     .42 6.148
                            3 567 2             . -.6755123       0     4.7 5.846
                            3 568 2             .  .0837734       0    4.67 5.812
                            3 569 2             . -.0064666       0    7.02 5.765
                            3 570 2             . -.1858802       0    5.44  5.91
                            3 571 2             . -.1758852       0    3.39 5.835
                            3 572 2             . -.8088198       0    1.08 5.758
                            3 573 2             .  .6221718       0    1.27 5.262
                            3 574 2             .  .1382256       0    -.64 5.224
                            3 575 2             .  .4083653       0   -5.76 5.153
                            3 576 2             .   .289317       0    4.12 5.273
                            3 577 2             .  .3434397       0    7.22 5.303
                            3 578 2             . -.5292907       0    3.71 4.171
                            3 579 2             . -.5876776       0    1.97  4.18
                            3 580 2             . -.1985339       0    2.78 4.055
                            3 581 2             .  .0176638       0    2.18 4.057
                            3 582 2             .  .0223886       0     2.9 3.678
                            3 583 2             .  .5992145       0   -3.15 3.681
                            3 584 2             .   .744969       0   -3.61 3.784
                            3 585 2             .  .7274523       0   -11.8 3.943
                            3 586 2             .  1.236224       0  -27.12  4.52
                            3 587 2             .  .7886171       0    -9.8 7.524
                            3 588 2             . -.9232695       0  -13.14 7.772
                            3 589 2             .  1.070752       0  -14.02 8.227
                            3 590 2             . -1.374943       0   -4.84 8.568
                            3 591 2             .  .1716483       0    4.56 8.461
                            3 592 2             .  .4574369    1.19   11.36 8.348
                            3 593 2             . -.4575789     .72    7.56 8.701
                            3 594 2             .  .4372939       0    -.86 8.871
                            3 595 2             . -.3370765       0   -5.09 8.849
                            3 596 2             . -.3803791       0    3.01 8.839
                            3 597 2             .  .3133674       0   -1.23 8.907
                            3 598 2             .   .285459     .96    -6.2 8.872
                            3 599 2             . -.1331061      .8    -5.8 8.808
                            3 600 2             .  .3445906       0    1.03 8.562
                            3 601 2             . -.2322114     .85     .29  8.48
                            3 602 2             .  .4739707     .78    4.91 8.439
                            3 603 2             .  .1836221       0    2.08 8.523
                            3 604 2             . -.6047371     .67   -3.16  8.52
                            3 605 2             .   .419891      .6   -8.57 8.413
                            3 606 2             .  .8904142       0   -2.36 8.484
                            3 607 2             . -.4582897     .59    1.69 8.488
                            3 608 2             .   -.41283     .53     .51 8.354
                            3 609 2             .  .5681211       0    4.34 6.402
                            3 610 2             . -.2136825     .55    1.12 6.261
                            3 611 2             .  .0923025     .51   -2.48 5.664
                            3 612 2             . -.1854887       0     .93 4.818
                            3 613 2             . -.0009967     .67   -1.39 4.692
                            3 614 2             .  .1591143       0   -5.67 4.609
                            3 615 2             . -.3727741       0    -2.9 4.015
                            3 616 2             . -.2876516      .7    3.53 3.587
                            3 617 2             . -.1602926     .84   -2.22 3.725
                            3 618 2             . -.0019579       0   -2.65 3.623
                            3 619 2             . -.1002938       1   -2.96 3.536
                            3 620 2             .  .1621021     .93   -4.05 3.558
                            3 621 2             .  .5649989       0     .72 3.441
                            3 622 2             . -.0634183     .92    1.47 3.294
                            3 623 2             .  .3631867       0   -1.84 3.307
                            3 624 2             .  .1959917       0     .04 3.306
                            3 625 2             . -.0098698     .72     .94 3.054
                            3 626 2             . -.3075016       0     4.3 3.007
                            3 627 2             . -.3263748       0     .62 3.184
                            3 628 2             . -.6221046     .76    3.25 2.677
                            3 629 2             .  .4606266       .   -2.78 2.746
                            3 630 2             .  .5734973       .   -6.76  2.77
                            3 631 2             . -1.057222       .    -1.2 3.082
                            3 632 2             .   .222316       .    2.46 2.874
                            3 633 2             .  .2986594       .    2.03 2.932
                            3 634 2             .  .3865537       .   -3.67  2.97
                            3 635 2             .  .4513208       .    3.02 3.015
                            3 636 2             . -.0991111       .    -.16 3.123
                            3 637 2             . -.9597667       .    5.11 2.915
                            3 638 2             . -.9588968       .    3.44 3.083
                            3 639 2             .  .2027743       .    3.91 3.078
                            3 640 2             . -.5688892       .   10.03 3.148
                            3 641 2             . -.1334218       .   11.07 3.705
                            3 642 2             . -.2785487       .   -6.57 4.199
                            3 643 2             .  .1153019       .    3.75 4.387
                            3 644 2             .  .1971118       .   -5.57 4.414
                            3 645 2             . -.0187325       .    1.75 4.663
                            3 646 2             .  .5364029       .    2.28 4.616
                            3 647 2             .    -.2465       .   -2.05 4.611
                            3 648 2             . -.0446176       .   -3.08 4.669
                            3 649 2             . -.0067964       .     2.7 4.707
                            3 650 2             .   .185505       .    -.82 4.721
                            3 651 2             . -.4188707       .   -1.57  4.71
                            3 652 2             .  .0859739       .    -2.2 4.673
                            3 653 2             . -.0545179       .   -1.59  4.41
                            3 654 2             .  .0681667       .   -4.48 4.421
                            3 655 2             . -.5750424       .    2.26 4.565
                            3 656 2             .  .1664209       .    4.12 4.568
                            3 657 2             . -.1574569       .    2.54 4.507
                            3 658 2             . -.1044893       .   -3.47 4.498
                            3 659 2             . -.0963112       .   -8.63 4.598
                            3 660 2             .  -.463923       .   -3.27 4.931
                            3 661 2             .   .255785       .     .56 4.939
                            3 662 2             .  .3855636       .     .44 4.865
                            3 663 2             . -.0044738       .   -4.95 4.313
                            3 664 2             .     .1646       .    1.49 3.543
                            3 665 2             .   .319872       .   -1.33 3.382
                            3 666 2             . -.2346699       .   -1.43 3.218
                            3 667 2             .  .5780956       .     .81 3.063
                            3 668 2             . -.5482062       .   -7.18 3.031
                            3 669 2             . -.0011632       .   -1.64 3.211
                            3 670 2             .  .2452535       .     .86 3.208
                            3 671 2             . -.6027836       .     .47  3.22
                            3 672 2             .  1.022285       .   -3.28 3.124
                            3 673 2             . -.0974566       .   -9.34 3.149
                            3 674 2             .  .1109594       .     1.8 3.573
                            3 675 2             . -.2797868       .     .41 3.651
                            3 676 2             .   .273475       .    3.07 3.677
                            3 677 2             .  .0921463       .     .16 3.738
                            3 678 2             . -.3754207       .    -.66 3.672
                            3 679 2             .  .1532795       .     1.6 3.475
                            3 680 2             . -.1940884       .    -.58 3.429
                            3 681 2             .  .6550617       .    -.39 3.406
                            3 682 2             . -.4066172       .     .05 3.001
                            3 683 2             .  .0900015       .     2.8 2.966
                            3 684 2             .  -.837404       .    3.43 3.054
                            3 685 2             .  .1665816       .   17.28 3.174
                            3 686 2             . -.2453089       .    -.72 4.836
                            3 687 2             . -.0220974       .    3.57 4.835
                            3 688 2             .  .3614247       .   -2.69  4.87
                            3 689 2             .  .0906652       .    -.85 4.901
                            3 690 2             . -.0939546       .    -.33 4.907
                            3 691 2             . -.0298488       .     1.3 4.614
                            3 692 2             .  .1161397       .     .59 4.586
                            3 693 2             . -.0063505       .   -3.13 4.587
                            3 694 2             .   .391709       .   -2.51 4.663
                            3 695 2             .  .4545977       .   -4.99 4.635
                            format %tm Time_Period
                            Please feel free to ask further.

                            Best Regards


                            • #29
                              I still can't understand what you want to do with this data You have two FITypes. Variable XtsysCFI only takes on non-missing values when the FIType is 1, and XIFI only takes on non-missing values when FIType is 2. And each FI is consistently of the same FIType.

                              So these two groups of FIs don't share common data. There is no way to put them into the same analysis. In particular, the command -
                              qreg XtsysCFI XIFI L_Tbills L_MktR L_EV L_TEDSp L_Inf, q(0.99)- makes no sense because XtsysCFI or XIFI will always be missing, so there will never be any observations in the estimation sample and you will get no results at all.


                              • #30
                                Thank Clyde Schechter

                                I did resolve this out. The placement of XTsysCFI/IFI was not proper so I re-specified it and it worked perfect.

                                Thanks for you concern anyways.


