Dear Statalist,
I am interested in using Stata to examine hospital variation in risk-adjusted readmission rates, accounting for difference in the patients seen by each hospital, as is done by Medicare.
This approach, as described by Medicare uses hierarchical logistic regression model to simultaneously models data at the patient and hospital levels to account for the variance in patient outcomes within and between and longer description below
Medicare has published methods using SAS and the PROC GLIMMIX command, for which I believe the closest Stata alternative would be melogit. However, I am not sure how to structure this, as if I include the hospital variable as a clustering term, I do not know how to generate predicted probabilities for that hospital term using post-estimation command such as predict and margins.
As a simplified example - I hope to run the following model on a sample of 500,000 patients from 150 hospitals including the following variables
readmitted = the binary outcome variable
age = continuous covariate
gender = binary covariate
hospital_id = hospital identifier
I believe to obtain the "predicted number of readmissions" for each hospital I would run the following model:
Though I'm unsure if this is correct to include the hospital term as both a fixed and random effect. If I include only the random effect, I cannot generate predicted probabilities
Secondly, to obtain the "expected number of readmissions" as described above, I am not sure how to include "a common effect using all hospitals in our sample, in place of the hospital-specific effect"
Appreciate your thoughts.
Tim Anderson
I am interested in using Stata to examine hospital variation in risk-adjusted readmission rates, accounting for difference in the patients seen by each hospital, as is done by Medicare.
This approach, as described by Medicare uses hierarchical logistic regression model to simultaneously models data at the patient and hospital levels to account for the variance in patient outcomes within and between and longer description below
The hospital-level 30-day all-cause risk-standardized readmission rate (RSRR) is estimated using a hierarchical logistic regression model. In brief, the approach simultaneously models data at the patient and hospital levels to account for the variance in patient outcomes within and between hospitals. At the patient level, it models the log-odds of hospital readmission within 30 days of discharge using age, selected clinical covariates, and a hospital-specific effect. At the hospital level, the approach models the hospital-specific effects as arising from a normal distribution. The hospital effect represents the underlying risk of a readmission at the hospital, after accounting for patient risk. The hospital-specific effects are given a distribution to account for the clustering (non-independence) of patients within the same hospital. If there were no differences among hospitals, then after adjusting for patient risk, the hospital effects should be identical across all hospitals.
The RSRR is calculated as the ratio of the number of “predicted” readmissions to the number of “expected” readmissions at a given hospital, multiplied by the national observed readmission rate. For each hospital, the numerator of the ratio is the number of readmissions within 30 days predicted based on the hospital’s performance with its observed case mix, and the denominator is the number of readmissions expected based on the nation’s performance with that hospital’s case mix. This approach is analogous to a ratio of “observed” to “expected” used in other types of statistical analyses.
The “predicted” number of readmissions (the numerator) is calculated by using the coefficients estimated by regressing the clinical risk factors (covariates) and the hospital-specific effect on the risk of readmission. The estimated hospital-specific effect is added to the sum of the estimated regression coefficients multiplied by the patient characteristics. The results are log transformed and summed over all patients attributed to a hospital to calculate a predicted value. The “expected” number of readmissions (the denominator) is obtained in the same manner, except that a common effect using all hospitals in our sample is added in place of the hospital-specific effect. The results are log transformed and summed over all patients attributed to a hospital to calculate an expected value.
The RSRR is calculated as the ratio of the number of “predicted” readmissions to the number of “expected” readmissions at a given hospital, multiplied by the national observed readmission rate. For each hospital, the numerator of the ratio is the number of readmissions within 30 days predicted based on the hospital’s performance with its observed case mix, and the denominator is the number of readmissions expected based on the nation’s performance with that hospital’s case mix. This approach is analogous to a ratio of “observed” to “expected” used in other types of statistical analyses.
The “predicted” number of readmissions (the numerator) is calculated by using the coefficients estimated by regressing the clinical risk factors (covariates) and the hospital-specific effect on the risk of readmission. The estimated hospital-specific effect is added to the sum of the estimated regression coefficients multiplied by the patient characteristics. The results are log transformed and summed over all patients attributed to a hospital to calculate a predicted value. The “expected” number of readmissions (the denominator) is obtained in the same manner, except that a common effect using all hospitals in our sample is added in place of the hospital-specific effect. The results are log transformed and summed over all patients attributed to a hospital to calculate an expected value.
As a simplified example - I hope to run the following model on a sample of 500,000 patients from 150 hospitals including the following variables
readmitted = the binary outcome variable
age = continuous covariate
gender = binary covariate
hospital_id = hospital identifier
I believe to obtain the "predicted number of readmissions" for each hospital I would run the following model:
melogit readmitted age i.gender i.hospital_id || hospital_id: margins hospital_id
Secondly, to obtain the "expected number of readmissions" as described above, I am not sure how to include "a common effect using all hospitals in our sample, in place of the hospital-specific effect"
Appreciate your thoughts.
Tim Anderson