I have a standard error saved in a local variable `se'. For instance, the s.e. is .89. I want it to be (0.89) saved in another local variable. Then I can export it using outreg2. But probably because "(" is a special character, I haven't figured out a way to do so.
I tried to generate "(0" and save it in a local variable, but I failed.
I tried:
local bb=char(40) +"0"
disp `bb'
local bb="(" +"0"
disp `bb'
They gave me the same error:
"too few ')' or ']'"
I wondered how to fix this. Thanks!
I tried to generate "(0" and save it in a local variable, but I failed.
I tried:
local bb=char(40) +"0"
disp `bb'
local bb="(" +"0"
disp `bb'
They gave me the same error:
"too few ')' or ']'"
I wondered how to fix this. Thanks!