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  • 'rdbwselect' invertability error

    I am using Stata14 to run RDD. When computing the optimal bandwidth using 'rdbwselect' I get the following error:

    Invertibility problem in the computation of preliminary bandwidth below the thresholdInvertibility problem in the computation of bias bandw
    > idth (b) below the thresholdInvertibility problem in the computation of bias bandwidth (b) above the thresholdInvertibility problem in th
    > e computation of loc. poly. bandwidth (h) below the thresholdInvertibility problem in the computation of loc. poly. bandwidth (h) above t
    > he threshold
    Can anyone provide me with a solution or provide some insight as to why this might be occurring? The 'rdbwselect' command works fine when using example datasets so I do not believe it's associated with the version of stata I am using. The command I am using is:

    rdbwselect ln_price rank if zone_1==1, c(90) p(1) kernel(triangular) bwselect(mserd) scaleregul(1)

  • #2
    Hi Vanessa,

    Did you solve this issue?


    • #3
      Yes, the problem was my running variable. It must be continuous otherwise the rdrobust package will not work correctly.


      • #4
        I seem to get the same error;

        Invertibility problem in the computation of preliminary bandwidth below the thresholdInvertibility problem in the computation of bias bandwidth (b) below the thresholdInvertibilit
        > y problem in the computation of bias bandwidth (b) above the thresholdInvertibility problem in the computation of loc. poly. bandwidth (h) below the thresholdInvertibility probl
        > em in the computation of loc. poly. bandwidth (h) above the threshold
        when using the command; rdbwselect MaxofHY070N relativeincome2 fuzzy kernelfn bwselect(msetwo) vce masspoints(check) scaleregul(1)

        However, my running variable is continuous, so I do not understand what the problem may be.

        Does anyone have an idea as to why I get this error? The 'rdbwselect' command works fine with other running variables (which are also continuous), so I don't understand if that is ultimately the only reason for the error.


        • #5
          I also seem to get the same error. anyone give me the solution?

